Finale 3

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  Now the development of China is getting faster and faster, and transportation is really a sweet pastry. In just a few months, Gu Xingjin and Yu Cheng have already established branches in more than a dozen major cities in China. company.

Fortunately, the personnel part is easy to find now, especially now that China cannot be underestimated in any way, but it has made all countries who want to take advantage of it settle down.

There are fewer wars, and there will be more veterans. In addition, the government agencies and units in China are overcrowded, and college students are starting to come in batches. The competitiveness of this state-owned enterprise is getting bigger and bigger, but it is cheaper. Gu Xingjin found someone they could use. Gu Xingjin and Tang Bao whispered a few words

, and then they heard the brothers over there making a fuss, "Look, Dabao is laughing."

"Xiaobao is watching me ."

Gu Xingjin was also itchy in his heart, he stepped forward and said with a smile, "Let me hug."

"No." Yang Zheng refused the previous sentence, and then handed him the thin swaddle in his arms with a smile, telling nonsense with his eyes open. "Brother-in-law, it's been a long time, Xiaobao misses you." Gu Xingjin

looked at his big fat son and sighed with a smile, "This child grows so fast, this little face is rosy."

There was a pop, and after letting, Xiaobao closed his eyes and cried loudly, as if he had suffered some great grievance.

Tang Bao saw Yang Zheng and the others all running out, got up and said helplessly, "This kid has pulled it."

After speaking, he skillfully went to get a small washbasin, boil a kettle towel, etc., and then came over to clean up the mess for his son who could only cry. .

And when Gu Yujun heard that Xiao Bao was pulling, she was able to feces and urinate Da Bao, and she didn't dislike coaxing Da Bao at all, "Okay, you are a sister, be a good example."

Da Bao cried hard while crying. The shocking sound, as if feeling aggrieved.

The power of the two children's crying should not be underestimated, and the pitiful aggrieved and helpless appearance made Gu Xingjin feel distressed.

At this time, he deeply admired his wife, and he could turn a blind eye to it. He calmly cleaned up the little one, fed him some breast milk, and the little one was done.

Dabao closed his eyes and howled for a while. He didn't seem to hear his younger brother's cry.

Children laugh when they are happy, cry when they are unhappy, sleep when they are full, and continue to make trouble when they wake up.

Gu Xingjin slept soundly, and when he heard the cry of the child, he quickly opened his eyes and saw that Tang Bao was already yawning and urinating his daughter.

He also hurriedly picked up the other son who was still crying to urinate, and coaxed his son. It was already an hour later when the two little ones were full and fell asleep.

Only then did he put his arms around his frankincense wife and whisper, "Baby, we already have both children, so don't have children in the future. It's too hard for you to have children."

"Even if you want to be reborn, it will take three or four years. But at that time, maybe there will be a policy of not having a second child." Tang Bao yawned, buried himself in the man's warm arms, and said lazily with his eyes closed, "Anyway, there are all kinds of drugs in the pharmaceutical factory. My parents are in charge, and Ning Jin and the others help each other at home, and I am not very tired."

Gu Xingjin looked at his son and daughter who were sleeping soundly on the cot, and then looked at the fragrant daughter-in-law in his arms, he couldn't help thinking. After some things that are not suitable for children, let's count the days, when I want to say something in her ear, I see that she has closed her eyes and fell asleep

, so she fell asleep.

He turned off the light, and he could only hug his wife. Keep sleeping.

But for a while, I really couldn't fall asleep. I remembered that before I had no children, my wife and I had a lot of talk on the phone, and I couldn't bear to put the phone down when it was too hot.

But now I called her myself, and after two minutes of speaking, she hurriedly hung up.

She didn't have children before, and she reunited after a long absence. She pestered herself with enthusiasm, but now she was full of fire, but she had already been squeezed by two little ones to play with energy and went to find Duke Zhou.

The next morning, when Su Su and Tang Mingyuan got up, they saw that Gu Xingjin was already busy in the kitchen, and a strong fragrance wafted out of the pot.

"Dad, Mom, you're up." Gu Xingjin spooned two bowls and put them in front of them. "Dad, Mom, it's time for breakfast."

The meat of the black-bone chicken is black, as well as white thin noodles and green small green vegetables.

The smell was fragrant, Su Su couldn't resist the temptation of the food at all. "It smells so good."

Gu Xingjin looks like a home cook. "Yes, black chicken and ganoderma noodle soup."

Tang Mingyuan saw that his wife had already started eating, and looked at him vigilantly. "Okay, I'll name the child, don't try to snatch it from me." After the

old man said this, Gu Xingjin remembered that his children had not yet decided on the names, mainly because there were many students in the family. When he came up with an idea, Tang Mingyuan couldn't make up his mind even when he picked left and right.

Gu Xingjin nodded with a smile, "I won't rob, I just think Tang Bao will be too tired to bring two children. Now there are so many people in the family, it's because the New Year is coming, they are all at home in Yujun, why don't they find a stable babysitter next year? Laundry and cleaning, and then invite a chef to cook three meals a day."

Su Su shook her head, "Next year, I will take the children at home, and it is not convenient for outsiders to come in at home." Once the

five children go to school, the family will be their own.

It doesn't matter if Xiaobai comes out for a walk, the big deal is that people think they have a little fox at home.

But if the hyperactive tree was still east in the morning and went west in the afternoon, it would be a ghost.

This is still a trivial matter. If you see an inch-long white snake grow into a room-sized white python, it would be bad to scare people to death.

In fact, Gu Xingjin didn't want others to come to his house, but he was worried that his mother-in-law was so focused on TCM pharmaceuticals that she couldn't care about her home. Hearing her words, he smiled and flattered, "That would be better, with your guidance, those two children In the future, it may be a good seedling of Chinese medicine."

Su Su was coaxed by him and smiled, and she seemed to have seen her two children become the masters of traditional Chinese medicine. "Yes, when my baby was a child, I recited soup songs by her side, so she was interested in traditional Chinese medicine."

Tang Mingyuan ate noodles silently. , thinking that his son-in-law was very busy outside, and after eating, he asked, "How are you busy over there ?"

He looked at him and said, "I'm going to be busy next year, and I will rely on my parents to help us at home."

Tang Mingyuan nodded, "That's right. Besides, you are collecting all the medicinal materials at home now, and Tang Bao said that next year. In half a year, they will also come back to help Lishang, you can just do your best."

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