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Tang Bao watched Zhao's mother and daughter wandering around the unexpected medicinal herbs in the space, and heard that this was Gu Xiu'an's idea. 

Especially when she saw that ugly woman dared to think of her man, she wanted to go out and beat her up.

She desperately told herself to endure first, they made herself uncomfortable, and she made them hurt and scared.

After the Zhao family and their daughters left, Tang Bao left the space and came to the wooden shelf they were wandering around to see. There were various anti-inflammatory and pain relief medicine boxes, as well as bandages and so on. She reached out and touched the shelf. It Disappeared.

She also felt that her heart was very uncomfortable, and her temples were also throbbing non-stop, as if someone took a needle and kept poking her brain. .

Tang Bao instantly understood that his previous teleportation had made his mind too much. Now that she has collected so many things, it is no wonder that she is stretched and may be torn apart at any time.

She endured the discomfort, walked to the other side, and ran her hand across the shelf. This time, she only took away some of the medicines, but not along the shelf.

In the end, I felt that my chest was churning with blood, and I couldn't bear it any longer. I hurried into the space, for fear that I would faint.

After she left the door from the space, she found a hidden corner and exited the space, and then left with floating footsteps, but felt that she would faint at any time.

He Zhihan walked over in a hurry. When he was at the corner, he accidentally bumped into someone. Seeing her falling backward with an ugly face, he stepped forward to grab her hand and asked nervously, "Tang Bao, Why is your face so ugly? I'll take you to the hospital."

"Don't, don't go to the hospital," Tang Bao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was him, and looked at him pleadingly, "Zhihan, please take me away quickly."

Now that the relationship between the Zhao family and them is so tense, she feels that if she appears here, it will make people suspicious.

After speaking, her head was stunned, and the whole person couldn't hold on anymore and fainted.

On her pale face, her almond eyes were astonishingly bright, and in her light-colored pupils as clear as water, it was him who was reflected.

This moment, this sight, made his heart skip a beat.

This is a fragile woman, begging the woman she took with her.

Seeing her faint, he subconsciously held her in his arms and tried her breath with his hands. It was only when he felt normal that he was relieved.

But the delicate and smooth touch made him reluctant to move his hand away, as if he had secretly touched a peerless treasure that did not belong to him, but he wanted to take this treasure as his own.

He also knew that Gu Xingjin had something to do with the Zhao family hospital here, and he felt that he could take Tang Bao to another hospital. When he saw a few people passing by, he looked at him in surprise, stared at him angrily, and hugged her. He picked up Tang Bao, buried her face in his arms, and strode away.

The few people I saw on the side were obviously misunderstood, and whispered, "Oh, life is impermanent, it's gone at such a young age"

"Yeah, it's so pitiful"

He Zhihan is very glad that he has been running eastward these days. Running west, he was also supervised by various weight-bearing training, or it was estimated that he would not be able to leave Tang Bao so easily.

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