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 He Chi carefully observed the child's condition, and saw that his limbs were already covered with light red rashes, but he had a high fever. While he was given water to reduce inflammation, he was prepared to do various examinations for him.

In order to prevent the spread of the virus, they rushed people to prepare an isolation ward. The nurses and doctors here selected all those who had chickenpox.

After seeing the small patient, several doctors came up with their own solutions. In the end, He Chi finalized conservative treatment, which included hanging water to reduce inflammation and antibiotics.

Although Zhou Shenglei is three-dimensional and five-thick, his mind is very delicate. Otherwise, the Zhou family would not be able to stand upright. Now that his son has stabilized, he has not mentioned anything about the miracle doctor.

After all, the medical treatment plan of the military region hospital looked very cautious. He believed in this hospital more than the so-called folk genius doctor. If he missed it, it would be too late to cry.

Tang Bao and the others have been living happily these days. He Tang and He Zhihan donated some military tickets to them. She accompanied her parents and took Gu Ningjin and Shaojin along with them in the black market and supply and marketing cooperatives. When you find something you like, don't hesitate to buy it.

Gu Xingjin's case has been closed here. On the second day of March, he received a call from the above. Several companies of their First Army will soon be tasked to let him return to the team as soon as possible.

In the evening, Gu Xingjin put his arms around his wife and said reluctantly, "I'm going back tomorrow morning, and I don't know when I'll be back after I have a mission this time. Remember to write me a letter when you get home."

He was afraid that she would be worried, She couldn't bear to worry. She didn't tell her that she was going back to the battlefield. The conflict between China and Z has a long history, and it is estimated that this war will not be easy.

But the moment he put on his military uniform, he knew that it was his mission to protect his family and the country.

"Okay, you have to be careful outside." Tang Bao thought it was just an ordinary task, but he knew that even if he asked, he wouldn't say anything that shouldn't be said, and subconsciously told him, "Be extra careful outside, I'll give it to you. I have prepared some medicines and some Wubao powder, just swallow a little when you are tired, the effect is very good."

"Okay, thank you, wife, I'm really reluctant to leave you."

Gu Xingjin thought that when he and her were together, he didn't have much time to sleep peacefully. His long, warm hands were gently placed on her stomach. Whispered in her ear with some expectation, "A Bao, do you think you are already pregnant? Is it possible that we have a child? When I come back, I can't tell if your belly has grown, right?"

She was herself The most nostalgic concern, of course, if there is a child, it would be even better.

When Tang Bao touched his belly with his warm big hand, he trembled slightly, knowing in his heart that she had drank Bizi soup and it was impossible to get pregnant.

But at this moment, I don't know if it's because his embrace is too warm, or if it's because his tone is too gentle, which makes her heart soft to death, and feels that she really wants to have a child with him.

Her smooth little hand touched his chin with a bit of beard, and said ambiguously, "If I don't have a child, it must be the reason why you are not working hard enough. Maybe if you try harder at night, you will be able to do more in ten months. It's a son or a daughter."

It was rare for her to take the initiative, the meaning of what she said, and her smooth little hands, made Gu Xingjin feel that her bones were numb, she turned over and pressed her down and said hoarsely, "Then I will be fine tonight. Work hard, don't think I'll let you go."

However, the soundproofing of the current house can't be very good. The two were a little cautious at first. If there was too much movement, the bed board would protest. In the end, he simply carried her out of bed. , Only then did he dare to be reckless and

Tang Bao soon discovered that she had lit a fire, but set herself on fire.

It's not a good thing to find such a man with too much energy. I don't know how to control it. He is a completely insatiable guy. I feel that it has exceeded my tolerance. Thinking about it made him even more engaged.

But she was also afraid that she would make too much noise, so she bit her lip tightly and didn't dare to open her mouth.

"啈" Gu Xingjin gasped violently. After a while, he put her on the bed. Seeing her almond eyes staring at him, her little face was moistened and red, accompanied by the smiling face, she began to clean up the mess on the two of them.

Tang Bao was embarrassed to look at him, so she simply closed her eyes, and when he returned to the bed and put her in his arms, she whispered, "I'll wait for you at home"

"Okay, if you don't have children, When I get home, I will work hard every day like tonight, and I will definitely let you."

Before he could finish his words, his waist had been twisted, his skin was rough, he grinned and didn't care at all.

Now he also feels that it's not a bad thing that his wife is not pregnant. After all, this process is the most pleasant thing. If she has a child now, how can he eat meat happily?

Tang Bao glared at him, thinking of the big night now , He couldn't see himself clearly, so he just opened his mouth and bit him, heard his low humming, and somehow felt that his voice was extraordinarily sexy.

"Wife" his voice was very low, and with a wicked smile, he sounded in her ear, "So you are still so strong, then we"

Gu Xingjin opened his bright phoenix eyes and looked at his woman with nostalgia. The woman who slept soundly inside knew that Tang Bao didn't like to say goodbye, and he was not willing to wake her up, so she quietly got up and went downstairs to have breakfast, and said goodbye to her father-in-law who also got up early.

When Tang Mingyuan sent him out, he rarely gave him a gentle smile, "Be careful of yourself, you don't have to worry about the family, we are all waiting for you at home."

Gu Xingjin was a little flattered, "Hey, I'm leaving, Dad, take care of you all. He Tang's driver is already waiting outside the door and will take him to the station.

Tang Mingyuan sighed after watching him get into the car and leave. Although he still doesn't like the boy who kidnapped his daughter, he still sees the warm atmosphere between him and his daughter when they are together. I hope he can come back well, and I also hope that he will let him hold his grandson.

After she was exhausted, Tang Bao slept very sweetly. In the dream, she saw her belly bulge. In a blink of an eye, she arrived at the hospital. The doctor said that she was about to give birth.

Just as he was thinking about whether he was giving birth to a son or a daughter, a sharp cry suddenly cut through the quiet morning, and Tang Bao turned around with a jolt.

After she woke up, she didn't hear the sound of crying, only the faint sound of the bicycle bell outside. Tang Bao closed his eyes a little irritably, wondering whether he had a son or a daughter in the dream.

But at this time, there was a woman's hoarse cry from downstairs, so frightened that Tang Bao couldn't even think about whether he had given birth to a son or a daughter, and hurriedly sat up to get up.

She saw that the man beside her had left, but her clothes were neatly folded on his pillow.

For some reason, Tang Bao felt an astringent taste in her heart, and the faint sadness made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Tang Bao, are you up?" The knock on the door interrupted Tang Bao's soul wandering in the sky.

"Get up" Tang Bao quickly packed up and opened the door.

It was He Yuhang who knocked on the door, and her voice was a little anxious, "Someone named you below and wanted to see a doctor, saying that they heard that you are a genius doctor, but my dad said that the Zhou family is very troublesome, you just push it away"

can make He Tang say A very troublesome person must be very difficult to deal with, Tang Bao's heart was lifted all of a sudden, and he went downstairs with him.

Downstairs, there was a big man with a thick face, red eyes and a stern face, and He Tang was talking about something. There was a pretty woman sitting next to him. Even with a haggard face, it was hard to hide her snow-white skin. With those handsome facial features, red eyes are sobbing, and she looks more and more pitiful.

Zhou Shenglei heard the footsteps and looked up to see the girl walking down the stairs wearing an ordinary cyan cotton jacket with black trousers and cloth shoes underneath. Her skin was fair and her eyebrows were bright, but it made his heart instantly cool.

He wasn't looking for a little beauty, he was looking for a doctor, but this little girl has only studied medicine for a few years since she was in elementary school.

Like their Zhou family before the founding of China, they were also a big family. The family also hired a doctor who was said to be a disciple of the imperial doctor in the palace. They said that he was a disciple, and he was already forty or fifty years old. Now he is looking at Tang Bao. The appearance of the little girl, even if she is willing to see a doctor for her son, can she rest assured?

Tang Bao didn't take it seriously when he saw his disappointed eyes, and smiled lightly, "I'm Tang Bao, do you have anything to do with me?"

Zhou Shenglei's mouth moved, but nothing came out.

"Doctor Tang, please save my son." But Xiao Xue couldn't care less about it. His son had a severe fever last night, and the drip was hanging in the hospital. , but his son's illness is getting more and more serious, even He Chi said with a heavy face that they have done their best, but in the current situation they are helpless.

At this time, the Zhou family thought that the genius doctor Zhao Meixiang said was in the He tang family, and they couldn't care about anything else. The couple didn't want to let go of any hope now, so they came here.

Tang Bao looked at the beautiful woman with tears in her eyes, it was so touching, Tang Bao was almost fascinated by her and agreed, but fortunately, He Yuhang next to him touched her without any trace, and then he came back to his senses" The child can't be delayed. If you're sick, hurry to the hospital. I'm a three-legged cat

. Just as the potato was thrown to Tang Bao, Tang Bao also wanted them to go to Zhao's hospital. She felt that this large hospital wanted word of mouth now, and she would definitely not be careless about this patient.

When Xiao Xue got up, she felt that her hands and feet were weak, and she knelt in front of Tang Bao uncontrollably.

Zhou Shenglei hurriedly knelt down when he saw his wife, came to help her, frowned and said, "Xiaoxue, what are you doing on your knees, don't get up so quickly"

Xiao Xue felt that she had already knelt down, and did not explain that this was a beautiful misunderstanding. She knelt down because her hands and feet were weak, so she simply sighed, hugged Tang Bao's thigh, and looked at her beautiful eyes pleadingly. She "To tell you the truth, we went to two hospitals yesterday, and now they all say there is no way to do it, Dr. Tang, please save my son, okay?"

"You get up first, I'll go with you. Look." Tang Bao finally couldn't bear to refuse her request, helped her up, and asked "what's wrong with the child?" The two major hospitals were unable to do anything, and she didn't think she could cure the disease, but anyway, she is also a nameless person. Even if she is not good at the child's illness, she is not ashamed. Instead, she can write down this medical case and think about it carefully.

In fact, Zhou Shenglei had no hope in his heart, but he was particularly distressed for his wife, and said sullenly, "The high fever does not go away, and there is chickenpox"

Tang Bao remembered the chickenpox when she was a child, and wanted to go back on it, but Looking at the beauties staring at her with a hopeful face, she still bravely went out with them, "Then I'll go and see first. In fact, this chickenpox is dangerous, and it depends on the child's own resistance."

This ugly remark is still To put it first, she never felt that she was a genius doctor.

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