62. Someone Always Wants To Catch Me

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After Gu Ningjin took the key, she looked at her worriedly, no matter how she looked at it, she didn't feel relieved, "Then you have to bring straw mats and bedding or something. I'll take you to town in the afternoon"

Tang Bao refused with a smile, "No need, bring it. There are not many things, it's sunny now, and you will be obediently going to work in the afternoon to compete for centimeters."

"Then let my brother go with you." Gu Ningjin decided to help his elder brother, feeling that he had broken his heart for them." When we came back, we saw that there were still people watching, and it happened that my eldest brother was going to buy some things and come back in the afternoon, so you can go together and have company."

Tang Bao heard that those people were still there, and he wanted to refuse. I can't tell, this person seems to have a bit of ability, and he is not afraid of losing money when he encounters those people.

She pretended to be shy and smiled, "Okay, the sun is too big today, shall we go to town later?" She

actually didn't know when she would be able to move freely, but according to past experience, it should be almost the same.

"Okay, just wait for you to come to me." Gu Xingjin responded, and then he greeted his brother and left together.

After Tang Bao watched them leave, he continued to make dumplings, and after cooking, he put them in the jar and stored them in the space.

It was already past twelve o'clock when the work was over, and it was already June in the solar calendar. Even if it rained two days ago, it was still very hot when the sun came out today, especially when Tang Bao was busy in the kitchen for a long time, and he felt that his whole body was full. is sweat.

She went to take a bath and found that her body had not recovered, which made Tang Bao a little scared, and thought that it might be because of too much force yesterday.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Bao got up, looked down at his unsatisfactory feet, and couldn't help sighing, "Why isn't it better? I won't dare to mess around again next time."

Tang Bao was on June 3rd. It returned to normal in the afternoon, but Gu Xingjin did not ask him to send him off, but went to town alone.

She released Gu Xingjin's pigeon yesterday, but he didn't blame her, but he came over early in the morning to ask her if she wanted to go with them, but Tang Bao had not recovered at that time, so he could only make excuses that he still had to prepare some ointments.

She also found that the people who were guarding the road had disappeared, and she came to the Su family compound unimpeded all the way. After thinking about it, she still lived in the smaller room of Yang Yi and the others.

After all, the eldest brother of the Gu family often comes to town now, and he might have to rest occasionally. It would be too embarrassing to meet him.

Then she changed into Su Su's old clothes and went to the picket team, stuffed a pack of cigarettes for the middle-aged man at the door, and said flatteringly, "Uncle, help me, I want to go in and see my parents."

The man who guarded the door quickly put the cigarette into his pocket, but turned his face and refused ruthlessly, "No, I can take something in for you, but you can't.

" Operation, Tang Bao was so angry that he didn't dare to show it, and asked in surprise, "Uncle, why is this?"

This big sun, who didn't move outside.

Of course, some people would rather take a detour now than come here to walk around.

The gatekeeper looked around and saw that there was no one around, took out a cigarette, lit a match, and shared gossip with her, "It's not easy to see you, so I'll tell you that our captain's things have been taken away, and it's still there. If you are caught in the strict investigation, you will be in bad luck."

It turned out that someone really wanted to arrest him.

Tang Bao felt that he was the truth. If he really didn't die, he wouldn't die. He knew that he wouldn't go with the pistol, but now he really dug a hole and buried himself.

She opened the bag and showed him some medicinal herbs, two packets of biscuits, and two steamed buns, and said with red eyes, "Uncle, you look like my dad, and I am young and have nothing else. But my parents still have wounds on their bodies, so you can be accommodating and let me go in, I promise to come out soon."

She said a lot of good things without changing her face, but the gatekeeper moved with sympathy and took two packets of biscuits, then waved, "Okay, I'll give you fifteen minutes, hurry in.

" Hey, uncle, you are such a good person." Tang Bao originally wanted to put the Liu family's two safes in the picket's place, but when he went in, he found that the atmosphere inside was very tense, and there were guards who did not dare to take risks. I still wait and quietly put it into the police station.

Tang Mingyuan saw his daughter come in, looked her up and down nervously, and asked worriedly, "A Bao, did something happen to you yesterday?

" I was afraid that something would happen to my daughter, and I was frightened for a day. I was relieved to see her here today.

Su Su simply circled around her daughter, then he was relieved, opened the door a little, looked out vigilantly, saw the three people who were guarding smoking not far away, and then closed the door gently. He took his daughter's hand and asked in a low voice, "I've been investigating the outside since yesterday. If you leave what you brought us, you can leave quickly. If you're really worried, we'll go to Wu Aiguo and give him 30 yuan, please. He'll take care of it."

Anyway, parents are always worried about their daughter, deeply afraid that she will be wronged.

Tang Bao's heart warmed, and he replied obediently, "Okay, you eat dumplings first. I couldn't walk fast yesterday, so I simply made a lot of dumplings at home and steamed steamed buns, so I didn't come."

After that, his mind moved . , Two bowls of dumplings appeared out of thin air.

They took the chopsticks handed over by their daughter and ate hard. There was no food for three meals a day here, only porridge with sweet potatoes and wild vegetables, which really couldn't fill their stomachs.

Tang Bao gave them the boiled Chinese medicine again, leaving behind a packet of biscuits and four steamed buns, and then he left reluctantly.

After leaving the picket team, she wondered whether she should go to Tang's house or to the Public Security Bureau to

pass by the supply and marketing cooperative, but she still felt that she would go ahead and prepare some materials, so that even if Wu Aiguo didn't charge the money, this thing would always be delivered, and it was not allowed. People are busy.

Anyway, she got a lot of tickets and money from the Liu family, even if it was all spent, she would not feel distressed.

But she didn't dare to spend money lavishly, lest it be too eye-catching.

She rubbed some of the money vigorously before, and then buried it in the dirt, so that the new money became a mess. When she came to town today, she even put it in her shoes. Disgusting can't.

The supply and marketing cooperative is a state-owned store, and it can be regarded as a complete variety. During the meeting yesterday morning, they received a notice from the director, telling them to pay attention to the people who came to buy things during this time. If anyone uses the new Shiyuan and Wuyuan, they will Be extra careful, notify him as soon as possible, and don't let anyone run away.

After Liu Zhihua reported the case, the public security bureau also attached great importance to this incident, and urged everyone to be vigilant in the town's supply and marketing cooperatives and state-owned stores, as well as in large and small shops.

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