When I'm A Bun

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 Gu Xingjin's heart was full of fire, and now facing six "sandbags", he naturally waved his fists and raised his legs unceremoniously, as if the autumn wind swept the leaves, knocking them all down.

Zhao Qiqi saw his vigorous and heroic figure on the side, her eyes were staring straight into the stars, and she felt that her heart was about to jump out.

When I remembered that he also led someone to rescue him back then, I felt that Tang Bao was an eyesore.

She glanced at Tang Bao calmly, and slowly moved back.

Zhao Meixiang saw that Gu Xingjin was able to fight so well, but it was beyond her expectations. Seeing his appearance again, her eyes were a little surprised, she frowned slightly, and she simply waved to let everyone in the office leave.

"Who are you?" She saw that the door of the office was closed, and then she looked at Gu Xingjin and said angrily, "I don't care who you are, I don't want to see you."

Her attitude was very strict, as if she was afraid of Gu Xingjin's plot She's like something precious.

Gu Xingjin also sneered, "Who do you think you are?"

"Just because I built this hospital," she looked at him proudly, and said bitterly, "Now please leave immediately, I don't welcome you."

Gu Xingjin I didn't want to have anything to do with them, but now that I see her like a capitalist eldest lady, I feel angry again, but good men don't fight with women, and if I quarrel with her, it seems a little boring.

Tang Bao smiled and shook his head at this time, "Tsk tsk, such a powerful capitalist, such a majestic eldest lady, I really admire it. She stole someone's husband, and she can still be so arrogant and domineering. What a powerful concubine."

Meow, the tiger doesn't Be arrogant, you all think that we are buns, this is too much, it really makes Tang Bao can't bear it anymore.

Furthermore, in front of this matter, she also felt that she could guess at all, so she was not afraid of them.

Women in the old society had a low status, were regarded as accessories, and had no autonomy in marriage. Whether it was love or marriage, or even divorce after marriage, they could not have their own decisions.

Arranged marriages are the most common form of marriage.

However, since the founding of China, it has begun to advocate equality between men and women, and even more freedom of wedding banquets.

Twenty years ago, there were still many landlords with three wives and four concubines.

But now the freedom of marriage has long been advocated. If you are not satisfied with the wife of the matchmaker ordered by your parents, you can divorce and marry another one.

However, such things as divorce are really rare, and I am afraid of being stabbed in the spine.

Similarly, regarding the relationship between men and women, it is forbidden on the surface, and there will naturally be some activities secretly.

However, a woman like Zhao Meixiang who is accustomed to giving orders, hates being called a concubine by others.

Tang Bao said "Miss capitalist" on the left, "My aunt" on the right, Zhao Meixiang trembled with anger, and pointed at her, "You are talking nonsense."

"You should know if I am talking nonsense." Tang Bao didn't want to pretend to be a quail either, so he raised his eyebrows, and looked at her with almond eyes mockingly, "Look at them, they look like they were printed out of a mold, if I were you, I'd just get a scratched-on face. In this way, you don't have to be afraid that people will recognize it, do you think it is?"

Zhao Meixiang looked at the two men with sullen faces in front of her, only to feel that her heart seemed to have fallen into an ice cave.

She thought she could keep this secret for the rest of her life, and it could be said that it was thousands of miles away from their original home. What kind of fate was this, so that their father and son could meet here.

Tang Bao also saw her unwilling eyes, and said tentatively, "You all wait, my mother-in-law will come over soon, and then I will see what else you can say."

Zhao Meixiang said without hesitation at all, "Impossible, Yu Fengya ran away with people with a big belly and money a few years ago. Does she still have a face to show up in front of us?" She suddenly reacted and said this. If you say that, it's simply not arrogant, which makes her face turn as white as paper in an instant, staring at Tang Bao hatefully, that look really wants to make her cramp and peel her skin.

Gu Xiu'an seemed to have been exhausted, and instantly collapsed on the stool, staring at them angrily, "What the hell is going on, why can't I remember anything Meixiang, what are you hiding from me?"

The words made Zhao Meixiang tremble, and she changed her face instantly, her tears fell as soon as she said it, and step by step came to his side and squatted down, looked up at him with red eyes, and whispered in pain, "Old Gu, you Believe me, even if I am sorry to anyone, I will not be sorry to you; when I saved you, you were so injured that you have forgotten who you are.

If I wanted to erase your traces, naturally I won't call you by the name on your jade pendant. Later, I went to your house to find out that the woman in your family gave you a green hat, and your father didn't show it at all for the sake of his grandson. Now, he will marry his daughter-in-law as his daughter; I won't tell you this, because I'm afraid of irritating you, because I'm afraid you will be unhappy."

Gu Xingjin didn't expect his wife to be so powerful, so he figured it out in a few words.

But what he didn't expect was that his father didn't want to go home, but forgot that he had a home, which made his heart so mixed, he didn't know what to say for a while, so Gu Xiu'an saw her sobbing and crying. With a pitiful and aggrieved look, she patted her shoulder with some comfort in one hand, rubbed her head in the other, and said with a gloomy and melancholy face, "Get up and sit down first, and tell me everything I want to know. What's going on?"

Although he knew that he had forgotten something, she gave him a reasonable explanation, and he didn't care.

But the moment he saw Gu Xingjin today, he suddenly had some messy memories popping up in his mind, but he didn't expect this to happen.

The Zhao family used to be a huge family, but they were all abroad. I don't know why. Most people like Western medicine, and they like to treat diseases and save people. Healing and saving people.

At the beginning of the establishment of Huaguo, the Zhao family made a lot of contributions, but most of the younger generation sacrificed on the battlefield. For Zhao Meixiang, two older brothers and one younger brother were all sacrificed, so she recruited a son-in-law, and later gave birth to a daughter, But she didn't expect her lover to be short-lived, which made her very depressed, and she didn't want to look for it again for a while.

Seeing that she was unhappy, her parents asked her to go to the hospital to work, thinking that if she went out, she might be able to meet a man who was pleasing to the eye, so she could remarry and give birth to a few grandchildren for their old couple.

Zhao Meixiang had no intention of remarrying at first, until Gu Xiu'an, who was covered in injuries, was sent to her by the villagers.

At that time, Gu Xiu'an was seriously injured. The doctors who performed the operation were not sure that he would survive. Unexpectedly, he survived tenaciously, but he forgot who he was, where he was home, and everything about him.

It was the first time for Zhao Meixiang to experience such an ups and downs operation. Naturally, she paid more attention to him. Hearing that he lost his memory, and seeing the three words "Gu Xiu'an" in the jade pei with a crack on his neck, he regarded it as a his name.

One to two to go, there is a feeling of affection between the two.

The parents of the Zhao family were worried that their daughter would not hire a son-in-law. Seeing that she was attracted to a man who didn't know who she was, they naturally did not feel relieved to check carefully, and they really found Gu Xiu'an's home.

At that time, the Gu family was in a turbulent time. If they helped, the Gu family would be able to get out of the situation at that time, but the Zhao family watched from the sidelines, and after thinking about it, they simply changed the place and opened the hospital.

Although it is now a public hospital or a military hospital, the Zhao family built a hospital, firstly to treat illnesses and save people, and secondly, because the family has money and there is a way to import medical equipment, it was approved.

This New Ontario province is their third hospital in these years. They didn't expect Gu Xingjin and Gu Xiu'an to meet.

Zhao Meixiang said her story of saving people, which was naturally edited. After she said it, she breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Gu Xiu'an and said angrily, "When we weren't married, I was hesitant to tell you. , but I couldn't bear you to be hurt like this, so I kept it all down."

Then he looked at him regretfully, "At that time, because my family had too much contact with foreign countries, I also encountered some things, and I really couldn't help. When I got to your house, I thought the Gu family would be fine at that time, so I didn't care much, until after we had a child, I went to inquire again to find out that there was something wrong with the Gu family, and I was afraid that you would be worried, so I couldn't tell you."

She closed. He closed his eyes and said sadly, "Now that I have told you all this, if you blame me, I have nothing to say."

At first, Gu Xiu'an felt a little bit of blame for her, but after hearing it, he felt that she was afraid of worrying about her, especially her own wife brought her a green hat, which made her even more unhappy.

He was silent for a while, then sighed, "This is the end of the matter, what's the use of blaming you, I can see my family now."

His eyes fell on Gu Xingjin, and he felt like his son in his heart. Even though he was good at himself, he was still a little happy, and said warmly, "In the future, you can tell me more about the past, maybe I can remember it all."

Gu Xingjin was very dissatisfied with his attitude, and felt that even if it was He lost his memory. Now that he heard her talk about the accident in the Gu family, he should first ask himself about the funeral of his grandfather and uncle, as well as the current situation of his brother and his only niece, but he didn't mention it.

In the past, Gu Xingjin had heard his grandma complaining about his dad in private, saying that he was sometimes too heartless and only cared about himself, unlike his second uncle, who was simple-minded and loyal.

At the beginning, I thought that my father was a great hero to protect the family and the country, and I was very dissatisfied with what my mother said, but now I saw it with my own eyes, but my heart was cold, and I said lightly, "Since you have forgotten it, you can't remember it. Good thing, we still have something to do, let's go first."

"You child, you should be angry with me if you want to be angry, because I separated your father and son," Zhao Meixiang looked at Gu Xiu'an's face, and quickly came out to be a good person, persuading her warmly. "How can you be angry with your father?"

Gu Xingjin saw through her thoughts and said impatiently, "Auntie, you don't have to pretend in front of us, we're far away, wouldn't it make you happier now? Family, it's just a good life for your family in the future."

Zhao Meixiang is very flexible, facing his unkind tone, she can still accompany a smile and say "I'm sorry, it was really a misunderstanding at the beginning. , mainly because our hospital had a conflict with the patient's family a few days ago, and almost hurt your father. When I heard that someone was making trouble here, I couldn't help worrying about him. I care."

Gu Xiu'an has been with her all these years, and feels that she cares about herself all the time, and she always takes care of herself and her children in everything. She is indeed a good woman. But he didn't want to let her be wronged. He frowned and glanced at Gu Xingjin, and then looked at Tang Bao, who was watching the fun in silence, and frowned, "Xingjin, who is this woman, why are you so unruly?"

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