Su Tang Extra 6

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Boys and girls are not sticky when they are together.

In particular, men are spoiled, and women are happy to coax their boyfriends, so naturally they hug first, and then kiss again.

When the door of the ward was pushed open, Su Tang somehow felt guilty of being a thief, and quickly threw the boyfriend in his arms out.

"Oh, save me" Wei Weiting, who was not on guard, was waved by her, and he almost fell under the bed. If his head hit the ground, he would definitely have an extra bag.

Fortunately, Su Tang quickly reached out and pulled him.

Wei Weiting was secretly relieved when he saw that he was sitting well on the hospital bed. This was the trouble that his girlfriend was too good at.

It was thrown by her and saved by her, it was perfect.

"Who are you looking for?" Su Xin looked at the couple who entered the door a little embarrassed.

At this time, someone outside was anxiously shouting, "What's going on, the power will be cut off, hurry up and prepare to generate electricity."

When Chen Xiaonan saw the girl staring at her with wide eyes, tilting her head, and looking at herself with a bit of shyness and confusion, Mengmeng is so cute that she almost called her a good daughter-in-law.

But now the danger is at stake, she can only let her husband speak.

Wei Youde stepped forward and pulled off the quilt on his son's body, then pulled him out of bed, pulled up the sheet himself and tore the sheet in half, and quickly said, "This is the second floor, you go down first, I will break it later."

He and his wife As soon as he heard that his son was injured, he became impatient, and only brought A Biao out. When they got out of the car, A Biao went to stop, and now I don't know what happened to him.

However, he had seen several generals around Brother Leopard before, and he knew that the comers were not good, that was his own nemesis, and he didn't know where he got the news, so he was chasing so closely.

Although Wei Weiting is not very skilled, he is too experienced in this kind of thing.

As soon as his father said it, he knew he was being watched, and quickly looked at Su Tang and said, "Go down first, catch my mom, catch me, don't worry about my dad."

Wei Youde heard his son's words, even now He was tying the sheets, and he couldn't help but glance at his filial son.

This little bastard, at this critical juncture, still thinks about whether a man or a woman will give or receive a kiss, which is really bad.

Su Xin nodded blankly. She wanted to say that this is only the second floor. I can carry them down. Why do I need to use bed sheets

? Why hide and seek?

But when she first met the elders, she felt that she should be more obedient and restrained, so that they would leave a well-behaved and sensible impression on them, lest they think they would bully the little white rabbit in the future.

Not the little white rabbit, but their son.

When Wei Youde opened the window, he realized that he had thought of a retreat, and others had already thought of it, and there were already more than a dozen people standing below.

At the same time, Tang Xiaonan, who was making an emergency call on his mobile phone, also changed his face. "There is no signal, and the mobile phone can't make a call."

At this moment, the door of the ward was kicked open, and five men of different heights rushed in. The leader looked at them and smiled proudly, "Second Master Wei, I didn't expect to meet you here. Brother Leopard invites you to have tea."

Wei Youde took two steps forward and said calmly, "Okay, I also think so. Visit Leopard, let's go now."

"Haha, the second master is joking, it's not good for you to go alone, the family must be neat and tidy." "

Wei Youde's own martial arts is not weak, but now that he is old, he has slack off practicing kung fu every day, and his two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and the people who come are all masters. The three of them couldn't stop it.

He also knew that his son, if he was not injured, it would be fine to deal with one, but these three would be fine.

However, when he thought of his son saying that his girlfriend was good at kung fu, he felt that he could still fight for it.

At this time, Wei Youde heard his son's excited shout, "Tangtang, protect your future husband, and your future mother-in-law."

Hearing his son's unpromising words, Wei Youde was shot by the man opposite. He punched his abdomen, and he couldn't help groaning, seeing that another man's fist was about to land on his temple.

He couldn't avoid it, he could only close his eyes and wave to block it, but he blocked it with his elbow, and he heard the sound of bang bang, just like hitting a sandbag, why didn't people's fist fall down? A little confused, he opened his eyes, thinking that he might have hallucinations, and the five people were neatly folded into an Arhat.

They are still sleeping Arhats.

"Wow, Tangtang is so good" Wei Weiting supported the hospital bed with one hand, and stood there smiling brightly, "You are my heroine, my goddess."

Chen Xiaonan was also very excited, "Oh my God, Tangtang, you are really too much. It's amazing, I'll watch you wave your hands and punches, and you can knock people down by raising your legs. You're amazing."

She has already thought of a better life in the future. "You can teach me a few tricks in the future. When you have children in the future, you must Teach them well, you are really handsome, you are my Xiangshuai."

Su Tang smiled and frowned, "Auntie, you also like to watch the legend of Chu Liuxiang, and I'm watching too."

"Xiangshuai is really handsome . Isn't it?" Chen Xiaonan liked her the more he looked at her. He stepped forward to hold her hand, only to feel that the hand was as soft as jade. Looking at her slender fingers, she asked curiously, "Why don't you have calluses on your hands?"

"Our family has a special Hand ointment, you can try it next time, auntie." Su Tang was not used to her being so close, but she couldn't push people away, so she quietly glanced at her boyfriend.

WeiTing saw his mother playing with Su Tang's hand, thinking she was eating his girlfriend's tofu, so he hurried over and grabbed Su Tang's little hand from his mother's hand and held it in his own. Righteously said, "Mom, let me introduce to you, this is my future wife Su Tang." She smiled at Su Tang and showed her white teeth, "Su Tang, this is the kindest and most beautiful mother in my heart. , and you will be your mother in the future."

Su Tang gave him a charming look, then looked at Chen Xiaonan and Wei Youde slightly bent over, and politely called out, "Hello, uncle, auntie, I'm Su Tang."

" Hey, hey. ,Tangtang, this name is so nice, I will definitely treat you as my own daughter in the future."

Wei Youde, who was left out by his wife and son, was shocked by Su Tang's ability to do it, and he could already predict that his daughter-in-law would stare at him in the future. His own son is obedient.

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