Silly Son

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Gu Xingjin didn't speak, he took out a brand new lady's Longines watch from his pocket, carefully put it on her slender and fair wrist, lowered his head and kissed her forehead softly, "Wife, after you marry me, I haven't I gave you a gift, this is the first gift I gave you."

Tang Bao opened his eyes and looked at the watch on his wrist, his eyes lit up, the dial was not round, but a rectangle, it looked very beautiful, and said in surprise " It's so beautiful, I like it very much, thank you Gu Xingjin"

He saw that the happy expression on her face didn't look like a fake, and he carefully took off the watch and played with it, he was relieved, and smiled and said, "The salesperson said it was only here. The new model, I was worried that you prefer round ones."

"No, I prefer this kind of watch. I will cherish this watch for the rest of my life." Most of the watch dials nowadays are round, but Tang Bao prefers this kind of watch. Rectangular, couldn't help but feel the joy in his heart, he wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed his face several times, "My man is so insightful. I really like the watch you gave me, and I like you too

." Really, this watch is really not cheap. It cost him two hundred and sixty-six dollars and more than ten tickets for the clock to buy it from the state-run store.

The money he had saved these days, and the watch that had robbed Tang Hongjun and sold it, was enough to collect the money. Those tickets were also exchanged from the cigarettes that Tang Bao smoked for him from his comrade-in-arms.

Although he likes smoking, he wants to give Tang Bao a better gift. Looking at her surprised appearance, he feels that everything is worth it, and he will buy her more beautiful clothes, leather shoes, and more in the future. Nice looking watch.

He really liked seeing Tang Bao happy.

After Tang Bao put on his watch, he reached out and put his hand on his shoulder, pretending to be fierce and saying, "Be honest, you give me 30 yuan every month, and you don't have any money left. , you have to use it yourself, where did you get the money and tickets to buy such an expensive watch?"

He couldn't help laughing, "Haha, you forgot, didn't Zhihan and I clean up that Tang Hongjun last year? I'm afraid he would suspect us, I had to be a robber once, this watch is still cheap in the store, and this ticket was exchanged by me and my comrades in arms"

"I really forgot about this." Tang Bao always felt that he seemed to be very happy today, and asked suspiciously, "What else do you have to tell me, hurry up and explain it clearly, frankly and leniently, resisting strictly"

Gu Xingjin was a little embarrassed He blushed and whispered, "Today is also my birthday."

Tang Bao was taken aback for a moment, then rushed up and kissed his cheek, "Happy birthday, wait, I'll cook egg noodles for you today."

"No need . Now, let's go out to eat." Gu Xingjin felt that this was someone else's house after all, so he should keep a low profile.

Tang Bao understood what he meant and nodded with a smile, "Then let's eat less breakfast later and go out to eat noodles."

She felt that although this was a small birthday, it was the first birthday she had spent with him. Want to eat a bowl of egg noodles with him.

Tang Bao has been walking around here for more than half a month, and he soon brought Gu Xingjin to his favorite noodle shop. Seeing that there were not many people in it, he asked him to sit down first and go by himself. After talking to the sister-in-law who was choosing the dishes on the counter, and handing her one yuan, they happily took her to the back kitchen and asked their man to give up his seat.

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