71. Routines

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  Tang Bao watched Gu Xingjin hesitate at the door, but walked in slowly and closed the door.

In her eyes, Gu Xingjin was dressed neatly, cleanly and calmly, but the blue short-sleeved and green trousers he was wearing were obviously ill-fitting, the clothes were tight, the trousers were too short, and his face was dirty. Yes, it's dusty all over.

It was the first time she saw him so sloppy, she felt like he had rolled in the dirt, and his face was ugly. She asked in surprise, "Brother Gu, what's the matter with you?"

Gu Xingjin felt that he couldn't hold on anymore. Reluctantly said, "You go to the next door for a while, let me change clothes first."

He was actually not sure that he would be able to wait for the arrival of the military doctor, but now he really didn't have the strength to say anything, he just felt like the world was spinning

, "Oh," Tang Bao usually stayed in Yang Yi's room on their side, but today she stewed the meat in it for a while, and the heat was too hot. Anyway, she had the key here, so she came to take a break.

When she passed him, she smelled a bloody smell in her nose. She stopped, looked at him suspiciously, and was about to speak, but saw that he fell forward.

Tang Bao subconsciously wanted to support him, but she looked down on herself too highly, and instead became a man's back.

She was afraid that her head would be smashed, and at the critical moment, her mind moved and there were a few more quilts on the ground, but the dead man on her body still made her feel crushed, and she cried out in pain, "I'm going to go. , it hurts to death, wake up!"

The man on his body was motionless, Tang Bao used all his strength to suckle, then climbed out from under him, turned him to the ground with his strength, and took away the quilt on the ground. , which gave him the pulse.

She considers herself to be a half-hearted Chinese medicine practitioner, but the scattered pulse is still out. The blood damage

was so frightening that she hurriedly threw his hand away, no wonder his face was so ugly.

She got up quickly and wanted to call someone to take him to the hospital, but she thought that he would come back by himself, but he didn't go to the hospital. Is there any inconvenience in this?

She carefully unbuttoned his backpack and unbuttoned his clothes. Only then did she see that the shoulders were tightly bound with cloth strips, but the blood stains had already seeped out, staining the white cloth red.

Mom, the bright red blood and the thicker smell of blood made her feel like she was about to faint.

Eggy, who hadn't moved for a long time, screamed again in the space, "Tang Bao, Tang Bao, I have good news for you."

"You say it," Tang Bao said perfunctorily. He took out a bottle of Danggui Shudi He Shou Wu powder, poured some water on him, and prepared to check his wound.

"You listen to me first, okay?" Eggy was very dissatisfied with her attitude, and screamed in her mind, "I want this man."

Tang Bao's hand shook, feeling that he was instantly stained, "Dandan, calm down. , it's a little difficult to love across races."

Tang Bao was about to be mad, "No, you're going to piss me off, I haven't changed shape yet, why don't I want him? I'm not blind, how could I possibly like him? I mean you want this man."

"You don't like it, why should I like it?" Tang Bao was so frightened that he entered the space, looked at Eggy suspiciously and asked, "What do you want?

" They all disliked Tang Bao and would pinch him when he hugged him, but now he took the initiative to jump into her arms and said seriously, "That man has a smell I like."

Tang Bao was so scared that he hugged his arms tightly. In the egg, "You want to eat him." After all, the strange pieces of wood that I found before were all absorbed by the egg.

In her mind, Gu Xingjin swallowed Gu Xingjin at the thought of eggs, and she instantly got goosebumps all over her body.

Dandan has the same mind with her, and is very mad. "You're going to be mad at me, can't you think of something better? I mean let you marry him,"

"You're crazy." Tang Bao laughed angrily. "Do you know that he is much older than me? In fact, she herself doesn't know how old the two are, and he is a soldier. If there is an emergency, do you want me to be a widow? "

She has always had the mentality of a petty citizen. Even now she feels that she has lived an extra life, but she has nothing to do, and she doesn't think she will be so smart. She just wants to live her own life in peace.

Besides, she didn't fall in love with Gu Xingjin at first sight, so she didn't think about marrying him.

Eggy understood her thoughts, and quickly tempted her, "But, you can't deny that Gu Xingjin is a very good person, right? He has a sense of responsibility, takes care of his younger siblings, and cleans up the mess for you. Besides, although he doesn't look like that little white face, But isn't he also very tough guy?"

Tang Bao squeezed the soft ball in his arms, and said angrily, "Idiot, love, you understand, I don't like that after marrying a man, I have to worry about it every day. It's better to live alone for a lifetime."

"You don't have to worry about him." No matter how many inheritances, Dandan still can't understand feelings, and told her bluntly, "I was still cultivating, but I noticed that his blood I am boiling, my inheritance tells me that when he is with you, we can get a lot of benefits, otherwise I will disappear if I fail to change shape, and you will be like before."

Tang Bao is now flexible, Talking neatly, naturally, she was afraid that she would become a fool again. She was really frightened by Dandan's words. Besides, she had been in close contact with Dandan these days, and she didn't want Dandan to disappear.

Eggy was naturally aware of her entanglement, so she simply floated up, stuck to her head, and passed on the things in her inheritance to

her. From her inheritance, she understood that Eggy would transform into shape by the end of next year at the latest. Chengren, but it is already the age of the end of the law, it is difficult to find things containing wood spirit energy, but Gu Xingjin has something similar to the wood spirit root in her body

. , If you are not good, your parents will only have one daughter in their lives, and they will not dare to die, because they are afraid that they will be lonely and helpless.

Well, she decided that if Gu Xingjin didn't like a woman, she would be his wife.

Because of the marriage in her memory that was interfered with by a third party, what she hated most was the mistress. If he had someone he liked, then she couldn't do anything that the third party interfered with, and could only find other opportunities.

Gu Xingjin was woken up by the pain. He opened his eyes and found himself lying on the ground alone. He saw that he was wearing his upper body. The wound on his right shoulder had been bandaged again, and the room was filled with a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

He was sore, hungry and thirsty now, and when he tried to get up, he saw the door being pushed open, Tang Bao walked in lightly, and saw his eyes open, with surprise in his black and white apricot eyes, "Brother Gu, you Are you better? Let me put you to bed."

With her help, Gu Xingjin finally got up from the ground, walked a few steps, and came to lie down on the bed. For a while, he was sweating from the pain.

Tang Bao carefully brought him a cup of warm Chinese medicine, and after feeding him a drink, he explained everything in a soft voice, "Brother Gu, I can't help you, so I have to let you lie down on the ground. Yes, but seeing that your wound looks like a gunshot wound, I didn't dare to show it off. I could only give you a little medicine. Now you still have a high fever, do you want me to ask someone to take you to the hospital?"

"No, thank you You," Gu Xingjin was really relieved after listening to her words, but he didn't expect this little girl to be so calm, and said gratefully, "I really scared you today, thanks to you, or I'd really die. It 's settled."

In his heart, he once again felt the little girl's willingness to help others, and he felt ashamed when he thought that he had secretly complained about her being nosy for saving Zheng Wei.

Tang Bao wanted to make a good impression in front of him, but he was very gentle and meticulous in his service. He brought a clean warm towel and carefully wiped the sweat from his body, "Brother Gu, are you hungry? Can I burn some noodles for you? "

Anyway, it is to show his good side in front of him, so that he will not reject himself.

It really doesn't work, you can also use the life-saving grace routine to beat him.

Of course, the most important thing now is to find out if he has someone he likes.

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