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Chapter 211

  Come early is worse than coincidence.

After Zhao Qiqi knew their plans, she was really happy.

However, her mind was even more poisonous. She felt that if Tang Bao was touched in her drowsiness, it would be better to let her stay awake with other men, so that even if she wanted to forget about it in the future, it would be impossible for her to forget it.

Moreover, the Zhao family runs a hospital, so naturally there will be some medicines that cannot be placed on the bright side. She brought the medicine here on purpose,

"Monkey, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Zhao Qiqi couldn't hide her panic when she saw him. Came to open the door, frowned and asked, "Why are you still here? Didn't I let you stare at her and find the right time to do it?"

Chen Hongjun said that he was afraid that his subordinates would not know Zhao Qiqi, so it would be bad to offend her, so when he specially invited guests, We all ate together twice.

When the monkey saw that she was here, he was secretly relieved. Seeing her high-spirited attitude, he felt very unhappy again.

If she hadn't come to disturb her at this time, she would have been able to enjoy the sweet taste of the little beauty now, but she was a good thing, but she also knew that Chen Hongjun was going to marry her now, and no matter how unwilling she was, she could only wipe her face. Accompanying the smiling face, he said, "I just got this person, and I feel guilty."

"She is already inside." Zhao Qiqi interrupted him anxiously. Seeing him nod, she pushed him away and went inside eagerly.

When I came to the room, I saw that Tang Bao and a little girl were both sleeping on the cot, he raised his hand and wanted to slap Tang Bao's face down.

The monkey carried the little girl on the ground to the bed before he went to open the door. Now, seeing Zhao Qiqi's fierce look as if he wanted to beat Tang Bao to death, he quickly reached out to stop her, and when she saw her staring at him, he said with a smile. "My eldest lady, if this wakes her up and starts shouting, aren't we busy working in vain? Wait for the eldest brother and the others to come. We are not afraid of her making trouble, and we will be tied up tightly. You can do whatever you want."

Zhao Qiqi put down her hand unwillingly, but took out a small paper bag from her pocket and handed it to him, chuckling, "It's cheap for you, put this in the water and pour it into her, she will be entangled. Don't let it go."

She didn't look down on Chen Hongjun, but she was very subtle and didn't want him to touch other women.

The monkey instantly understood her thoughts, and after repeatedly thanking him, Le Dian Dian poured the medicine powder into the enamel tank. When he went to open the kettle, he found that there was no boiling water.

Zhao Qiqi gritted her teeth with hatred when she thought of the crying father and mother who had been beaten by Tang Bao, and her eyes wished that Tang Bao stared at him.

She started to unbutton Tang Bao, ready to strip her naked, tie her up, and put a piece of cloth in her mouth, and then how she used to bully her, she would pay her back ten times and a hundred times, so that she could get her Dispelled hatred.

Even if she can't get Gu Xingjin, why can Tang Bao get him? She just wants to see Tang Bao's desperate look.

Tang Bao really fainted at that time, but the man knocked Tang Bao's head on the corner of the stool, sharp pain This made Tang Bao regain his senses.

For his experience of capsize in the gutter, Tang Bao could not wait to kill.

When she wanted to use her mind to smash the bricks in the space to death, she found that her head hurts just thinking about it, and for the first time she couldn't use her mind to get the bricks out of the space.

This really shocked Tang Bao, and he was even more afraid to let him know that he had woken up.

Tang Bao really regretted his bowels now. He had clearly felt that this man was sloppy, but because of his love for his daughter, he forgot to beware of him.

I didn't expect this damn thing to want to take advantage of himself. Tang Bao only had one choice. When he met him, he took the opportunity to bring him into the space. Except for her and Xiaobai, no living thing could survive in the space. .

Now what she is worried about is whether her thoughts can let her enter the space, or she is really dead.

The unfortunate thing is that when Tang Bao was in his arms, he wanted to enter the space with his mind, let alone bring him in, she couldn't get in by himself.

Since he had the space, Tang Bao always felt that even if he met Don't be afraid of danger, you can hide in space, but now let her know that space is not everything.

No amount of regret is worth it now.

The great fortune in misfortune is that he didn't know that he was awake yet, but the moment he felt that he put himself on the bed, Tang Bao could hardly bear it anymore, feeling that he wanted to unbutton his pair of buttons. , At the moment when the disgusting smell in her breath hit her face, she really almost wanted to curse.

Fortunately, there was a knock on the door at this time, and Tang Bao felt that he panicked and re-buttoned the two buttons that he had untied.

"Xiaobai, help Xiaobai, if you don't show up, I'm going to die." Tang Bao could only call out to Xiaobai in his mind, hoping that this little thing is not cultivating now and can hear his own voice, this is his only one Opportunity now.

It may be that there was a contract between them, and Xiaobai's voice quickly appeared in her mind "What's the matter, you seem to be very weak now"

Tang Bao breathed a sigh of relief, "I may have been drugged or something, and now my body is covered. I'm powerless, I can't even enter the space, can you get me into the space?"

"You are really stupid, how can you be so stupid that you don't work hard?" Although Xiaobai disliked Tang Bao for being so useless, he still didn't Bearing the heart that Tang Bao was being bullied like this, he said helplessly, "Now you do as I say, and absorb the power of space first."

Before Xiaobai was injured in teleportation, he also thought about absorbing the meager power of space, but he was really reluctant to bear it. , I am practicing in a small wooden box, but now I can only cheap Tang Bao first.

Tang Bao couldn't care about anything else now, and didn't think about who would come in. He listened to Xiao Bai's words attentively, and hoped that he would recover as soon as possible.

She suddenly opened her bright almond eyes with anger, and saw Zhao Qiqi stretch out her hand to unbutton her own buttons. When she screamed for money, she quickly knocked her out, and watched her weakly collapse on the bed. 

She jumped off the bed and came to the door by herself. As soon as her mind moved, the pistol appeared in her hand.

The moment people entered the door, Tang Bao appeared behind him from behind the door, with the pistol on his temple, and sneered, "Be smart for me, or I don't mind giving you a bullet." The monkey felt The icy touch on the temple made my whole body tremble, and the rope in one hand fell to the ground.

Tang Bao reached out and took the enamel jar that he was holding in the other hand, looked at the powder that had not melted in it, and put it on the desk on the side, with a smile on his lips like a devil, "Squat down, give I'll be honest, or I don't mind killing you." The monkey thought that this girl was beautiful before, but now he felt that the girl was full of bloodthirsty killing intent, and he couldn't help trembling in his heart, and wanted to run away.

He thought that even if she had a pistol, it should have been given to him by the He family for self-defense. As long as she ran away, she might not be able to shoot accurately, and she might not dare to shoot.

Tang Bao saw his eyes wandering towards the door, her hand holding the pistol was steady, her other wrist turned over, and three silver needles pierced into the vein of his neck, instantly making him weak. It hurt, it hurt so much, he couldn't hold back the tears.

But Tang Bao was still threatening him, "Don't move, I also think it's not worth it to waste bullets on a scum like you, I will send you to the West to see the Tathagata Buddha with a silver needle; maybe I will let you down If you don't believe me, I don't mind letting you try." What a joke, the monkey didn't want to use his own life to verify whether he would go to heaven or hell after death, trembling all over and his face turning pale He begged for mercy, "Comrade, forgive me, I had no grudge against you in the past, but recently, I was forced to do so."

He was really scared now. He was so stabbed by her that he was completely powerless. If you pierce your own temple or something terrible, you will really lose your life.

I only blame myself for being obsessed with sex, and I was careless for a while, but now I have become a prisoner.

Even if he is not reconciled, he still explains things clearly.

He also had his own little Jiujiu in his heart, letting her know that this matter was Zhao Qiqi's idea, so that she could divert her anger.

"Zhao Qiqi is damned, but you can't get any better." Tang Bao was so angry that he pulled out the three silver needles and inserted them again. He was in a cold sweat and cried bitterly, "Comrade, I really know I'm wrong, and I'm also being forced. If I don't agree, I'll have no job. I"

Tang Bao picked up the rag on the table and stuffed it into his mouth, sneering, "It's too noisy, I I won't kill you, lest I get my hands dirty." The monkey was already sweating with pain, but his body was sore and weak, and he swore in his heart that he would never want to deal with the damn Chinese medicine again in his life.

However, hearing Tang Bao said he didn't want his life, it made him secretly relieved.

Tang Bao picked up the enamel tank brought in by the monkey and shook it, his apricot eyes narrowed, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

learn from mistakes.

Zhao Qiqi hated herself to the bone, and it was impossible for her to be submissive and to be at peace with herself from now on.

The King of Hell is easy to provoke, and the kid is difficult to deal with.

Meeting such a person, Tang Bao is destined to live in peace.

Since she harmed herself in such a rude way, she would feel embarrassed if she didn't fulfill her.

Today, let her know what it means to be self-sufficient.

She stepped forward and opened her mouth skillfully, pouring the water in the enamel tank down with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

Tang Bao originally wanted to be a good and well-behaved girl, but because she did good deeds, she fell to this point. She felt that it would be more enjoyable to be a bad person, and to take revenge on the spot, the feeling of going back on the spot was wonderful. , why do you feel wronged to swallow your breath?

Monkey sees Tang Bao giving Zhao Qiqi medicine, and he is even more afraid that if the effect of this medicine is too strong, then he will lose his chastity. Although he has already lost the thing of chastity, Zhao Qiqi is the woman Chen Hongjun wants to marry and he must not meddle.

Even if he was sore all over, the monkey endured it, trying to sneak out while Tang Bao, the devil, was not paying attention.

The weather in March is neither cold nor hot, which is a good time for spring flowers to bloom, but the monkey is crawling and sweating.

After finally leaving the room, a chuckle came from beside him.

Tang Bao's voice was gentle, sweet and touching, "Where do you want to go without my consent?"

But she stepped on his calf, and he almost cried in pain, but Tang Bao had already put the enamel tank on his. In front of him, the gentle and gentle person seemed to be entertaining guests. "Drink the rest, I think you are very suitable to be the eldest son-in-law of the Zhao family.

" Yes, auntie, I know I'm wrong, so please forgive me."

"If you don't want to be the son-in-law of the Zhao family, then I can't force you to be." Tang Bao was relieved to see him, and he blew the three-silver needle in his right hand. He said, "Ye Wang Ye also lacks a son-in-law, I think you are very suitable."

This blatant threat left the monkey with no choice. The ants are good at stealing their lives, let alone a person like him who is greedy for life and fears death. He picked up the cup and closed his eyes. With a heroic appearance, he drank the water in the enamel tank.

I have to say that Tang Bao's words about the Zhao family's son-in-law made him really moved.

He knows that he is short and thin, his family is poor, and he has a bad reputation for stealing chickens and dogs. No girl will like him, and no girl will marry him.

I finally managed to climb up to Chen Hongjun, and got a cardboard factory to work as a security guard, but I didn't save any wages, and I used up all my health. If I could marry Zhao Qiqi, I would not have to worry about food and drink in the future.

Tang Bao looked at his twinkling eyes, and when he was about to turn away with the medicine box, he looked at the little girl on the bed, staring at him with almond eyes, "Who is this little girl?"

"This is my eldest brother's little daughter" Monkey Looking at her, she said cautiously, "I just followed their instructions. I accidentally dropped her when I was holding the child. That's why I have an excuse to ask you to take care of the child."

She had previously thought that the child was dead and fell on the bicycle. When it came down, it was only a little bit of skin. I didn't think that he deliberately fell on his niece.

Seeing that Zhao Qiqi's eyes hadn't opened on the bed, but her face was red as if she had smeared rouge, and she hummed and pulled the clothes on her body. Tang Bao turned and left the room without saying anything, and closed the door.

She stood on the steps, feeling the warm sunshine of the spring and the breeze, and after a while, she heard the discordant voice between men and women, and then strode away.

After walking for a while, I happened to see a few Red Guards wearing red armbands holding their heads high, walking towards this direction with high spirits, singing revolutionary songs with high spirits.

"Comrades, help me." Tang Bao put the medicine box in the space and looked at them with a panicked face. "My brother and sister-in-law are fighting. My brother said that my sister-in-law went to the hospital and stole medicine. She is the enemy of the revolutionary class."

The Red Guards were all excited as if they had been beaten by chicken blood, and asked Tang Bao to lead the way. They also praised that she and her brother were good comrades.

Tang Bao led them outside the door, pointed to the door, and said with a look of fear. "This is my house. I don't dare to go in. My sister-in-law likes to beat people with a burning stick. You must be careful when you go in. I'm really worried that my elder brother will be knocked out." The red guards clenched their hands tightly. Vigilant stick, carefully pushed open the hidden door and entered.

Tang Bao was watching the excitement at the door, watching a few Red Guards leaning against the door listening to the movement inside, and then they all rushed in like a swarm, shouting righteously, "I will do this unethical thing in the daytime, and take it away. "

You two shameless, you actually take our words as the wind in my ears, let me loose"

"Don't let go, kill me this adulterer and whore!" The woman's sharp voice came hoarsely, "Ah, who are you, get out?"

Tang Bao couldn't help but secretly rejoice, the only pity is that this place is too remote, Not many people watch the fun.

However, it happened to be the time when the factory was getting off work for lunch. Men and women in work clothes passed by, and when they heard the big movement inside, they all stopped in curiosity: "What happened to the He family?"

"I don't know, this movement seems to be A little big."

In this era, the human touch is still very strong. Generally, when someone sees an accident, they will help, and someone will say, "Yeah, these people are really lawless, and they know how to bully honest people, or let's go in and take a look."

Ten Several people also went in solemnly, "Okay, let's go in"

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