25. Hell

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  The members of the team were all wearing green military uniforms, with red armbands on their arms with the word picket printed on them, sticks in their hands, and Jiefang shoes on their feet.

Of course, when the people of Chen Lian Brigade entered the village, someone had already followed them, and some people went to find the team leader and the team leader. At this time, seeing them break into the Tang family, and seeing Tang Bao seemed to be frightened and dumbfounded. Staring at them blankly.

A few men walked in. Although they were afraid and worried, they still said with a smile, "Comrade, what kind of official business do you have?"

The tall man who took the lead glanced around and sneered, "You are not allowed to move, we When you receive an order, come down and check."

They dressed up and looked like they were raiding their homes, everyone was afraid of their clothes, and everyone whispered to each other.

At this time, there is a lot of farm work in the fields, and the team members are still working in the fields, but when they heard these people came, everyone rushed back, fearing that they would be unlucky.

Facing the spirited picket team, Tang Bao knew that this must have something to do with the Liu family, but her own books were all in her own space. Now she was afraid that they would frame them, and Xingyan smartly aimed at them. Aiming, I saw three people with army green backpacks straddled diagonally.

She was desperate if she could see if they had brought them.

At this time, she felt a sharp voice sounded in her head, "It's in the short man's satchel."

Tang Bao was taken aback, and a monster suddenly appeared in his heart. All frightened.

"Don't worry, comrades, we will never wrong a good person, but we can't let the ninth ninths endanger the country. Search for me." The captain waved his hand, and all the pickets behind him rushed in, kicking stools and turning over cabinets. , and start doing it like copying a home.

Tang Bao's eyes did not leave the short man, and slowly followed him in.

When the villagers outside heard that they were going to be searched, many people rushed back to their homes, for fear of being found out. After all, when the landlord's house was smashed, many people secretly stole some old objects.

The short man quietly went to the kitchen, and soon came out and gave the captain a wink.

The captain who led the team frowned and said, "Check it out for me, and don't let the firewood in the kitchen fall."

After the short man came out, Tang Bao walked into the kitchen slowly, holding the firewood behind the stove. With a flick of the pile, he put the books that the short man had thrown there into his own space, picked up the rolling pin on the side, and looked at them with almond eyes angrily, "You guys, don't go too far, don't go to protect the house. Wei Guo, it's embarrassing, we working people, are you right in this military uniform?"

She had pretty eyebrows and eyes, and her fair skin was stained with a faint blush because of anger, adding a bit of color, but it made them all stunned.

The captain of the picket team had an unpredictable look in his eyes, mainly because the common people would hide away subconsciously when they saw them. I didn't expect that someone would dare to say such a thing to them, and it was a little girl.

However, he was short-handed and soft-hearted, so he could only clean up the Tang family.

"Get out of the way, search for me." The captain waved his hand for his men to enter, staring at Tang Bao, "If you dare to interfere with official duties, take it down for me." In front of Tang Bao, the voice that was changing voice was angry, "You have so many people, bullying a little girl, don't you blush? My brother is also a soldier. He has always said that a man must protect his family and defend his country, and he is worthy of the world. Can you be called a soldier like this?"

Maybe it's because Gu Ningjin and the others usually seek a living in the black market, and he usually wants to stay away from these people, but when he heard these people came to Tang's house, he ran over without thinking. .

Of course, he also dragged his eldest brother out to talk about things, even if the family is not good now, even if his brother does not know his life or death, but this soldier always makes people scruples.

The people in the picket team wanted to say that we are not soldiers at all, okay? Tang Mingyuan also ran in panting, seeing that his daughter was fine, he was relieved, and immediately guarded in front of them, but Dan Feng's eyes were indifferent." The children are ignorant, comrades, let's search."

In fact, he was not sure, the current picket team was actually like a bandit who ransacked his house, but he did not miss the look his daughter gave him.

Furthermore, even if they want to stop them, they can't stop them if they fail to achieve their goals.

The six members of the picket team rushed in, and the short man went straight to the pyre behind the stove to find the few books he had left behind.

What a hell, the short man turned over the palm-sized area behind the stove, and his face was stained with grass ashes, but those books didn't even have a shadow, and he wondered if he didn't put some books on This.

The captain saw that he was carrying straw on his subordinates, and his face was dyed with straw ash, and his heart was not calm. He frowned and said, "Shao Hua, what's the matter with you?"

This has been agreed before, but he has not yet If he finds it out, it's the place where the slap is big. If he can't find it, it will be too deliberate.

Shao Hua reached out and wiped the sweat on his forehead, wiping himself into a big face, and looked at the captain with a sad face, "Captain, there is nothing here"

"No" The captain's face sank, and then he said stiffly, "Then don't hurry up and look for it."

If it wasn't for outsiders inside and out, he couldn't help cursing people. He clearly agreed with him, but he dared to say that there was no such thing at a critical moment. .

There were more and more people watching the fun outside, and the face of the picket captain became more and more ugly.

In order to be cautious, he only let Shao Hua do it, this is to prevent the leak, but he didn't expect it, and now something went wrong, but this really puzzled him, he was watching Shao Hua carrying the book on his back Of those who came in, only Tang Bao had come in.

His eyes fell on Tang Bao. Seeing that she was wearing black pants and a khaki smock, there was really no place to store books

. Then, she couldn't hide it on her body. Even if she changed the place, the kitchen is so big. , I should have found it anyway, the more I think about

it, the more wrong it really is.

The captain of Chen Lian's brigade also came. Seeing the mess in the kitchen, these people raised their eyebrows. They looked at each other and dared to come in for a while.

Tang Mingyuan saw that they didn't find anything, so he said sternly, "Comrade, you are serving the people, this search warrant is still not pleasing to our eyes, and this is the abuse of power"

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