Stealing the Black Hand

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 The four men and women who were talking in the car also greeted Tang Hongjun with a smile. Tang Hongjun also smiled and greeted them. Listening to them mentioning the new mayor, Tang Hongjun laughed heartily from time to time. The man looks like a dog and is contented.

After a while, the driver came up with the palm fan in one hand and the enamel tank with peeling paint in the other. He saw that there were only seven people in the car. Let's go."

"Wait a minute," Tang Hongjun got up and smiled, "My grandma hasn't come yet, master, wait a moment before driving."

The master driving looked at his watch and then looked at him dressed like a cadre. Unwilling to object, he said hesitantly, "Then I can only wait another five minutes, otherwise I will be deducted points."

A man wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and looking like a cadre laughed and punched The official voice "Oh, master, don't worry, I will greet your leaders when the time comes. When it's time to be accommodating, you still need everyone to be accommodating, don't you be so rigid?" The other three men and women all echoed "That's it. , just the few of us, it doesn't matter if we wait a little longer."

"Yes, we're not in a hurry anyway, what is Comrade Tang busy with recently?"

He Zhihan approached Gu Xingjin and muttered, "Look at the current style problem, it's that man. He must have become a sesame-sized official, or he has some kind of relationship, just look at his arrogant appearance."

"It is because of the existence of such a person that the investigation team needs to make more unannounced visits" Gu Xingjin also whispered. After saying a word, he frowned and phoenix eyes thought, "But now the new mayor has just taken office, and he dares to be so arrogant, maybe it has something to do with the deputy mayor who took office."

He Zhihan curled his lips in disgust . , I asked him, "I'm a little thirsty, do you have any water?"

 "I think there is." Gu Xingjin opened the bag, took out a green aluminum kettle and handed it to him. After tidying up the bag, he saw that there were six white boiled water in it. Eggs, two small cantaloupe, more than a dozen pieces of tissue paper, two clean towels, and there is a bulging envelope under the towel.

He opened the envelope curiously and saw that there were five pieces of new money of ten yuan, which was the Liu family's money. Tang Bao felt that they would not be found out if they used the money outside. There were also a few meal tickets and a piece of letter paper. .

It says Big Brother Gu, I earned all this money from selling medicines, the poor family is rich, you eat better on the road, eat more nutritious meals, don't be frugal, your health is what matters The most important thing,

Gu Xingjin, raised the corner of his mouth. Seeing that He Zhihan also came over to look at it, he glared at him subconsciously.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect A Bao to care about you so much, you are really lucky." He Zhihan sighed, "I hope my future revolutionary partners can also care about people like A Bao.

" Eagerly, he carefully folded the letter, put away the money and tickets, and handed him a hard-boiled egg. "You're sure to find a good girl." 

The two of them spoke in a low voice, and the four in front were surrounding them . Tang Hongjun kept flattering, and he waited for more than ten minutes. He Zhihan couldn't help but open his mouth. Only then did he see a man with half-white hair and a bun, wearing a blue slanted shirt, and a brown blouse. Trousers, the old lady wearing blue plastic slippers hurriedly got into the car, patted her chest and panted, "Drink, fortunately it hasn't started yet."

"Milk, why are you here?" Tang Hongjun greeted the driver as he asked the driver to drive. She sits down.

After Mrs. Tang sat down, she looked at the promising grandson, with a smile on her face, "You originally said that you were going by car, but this time someone said that you have to go by car. I didn't pack some food for you. Yes, is this late?" The car slowly drove out of the bus station, and the driver picked up speed.

This dirt road is inevitably a bit bumpy. When Madam Tang saw someone talking to her grandson, she simply pulled him to sit in the back. The voice was so loud that they could all hear, "I have something to discuss with you." When Madam Tang said this, the four Men and women will not come to talk, and with the windows open, as long as the voice is quieter, the people in front will not hear what they say.

Tang Hongjun sat in the back, crossed Erlang's legs, opened the folding fan and fanned himself, and asked, "Mother, what can I tell you, I won't help you if you are busy."

Since the mayor came Later, because his mother-in-law was the sister-in-law of the mayor's wife, the Liu family rose.

Brothers and sisters of the Tang family all knew that the uncle, aunt and aunt and uncle wanted to benefit themselves and their relatives, but Tang Hongjun refused.

The new official took office three fires. The aunt said that the situation is tense now, and the hands that should not be stretched can't be stretched.

After all, the end of the mayor in front of them was a lesson for them.

Madam Tang put her head closer to him and said mysteriously, "No, I just want to ask if your brother-in-law's marriage can still fall on Tang Bao's dead girl, if the Liu family dislikes Tang Bao, it's better to let Aizhen from my aunt's family, let's try it out."

She and her eldest daughter talked about Tang Bao and Liu Xiaojun's marriage, but she didn't think that her eldest daughter also thought this marriage was good, Tang Mingxia felt that Liu Xiaojun was stupid and it didn't matter, as long as her daughter could join Liu Xiaojun In the future, everything in the Liu family can be held in the hands of his daughter.

Especially now that the Liu family has a relationship with the mayor, not to mention asking her daughter to marry Liu Xiaojun, she is willing to let her be a child to Liu Zhihua, so she said a lot of good things in front of Mrs. Tang.

But Tang Hongjun is not a fool, naturally he understands what his aunt is playing, frowning and said, "Didn't Aizhen have already said that she is a good person? My mother-in-law still thinks Tang Bao is pleasing to the eye, after all, my brother-in-law is stupid, if you marry him It's amazing, I'm afraid that he will be wronged by one hand, so I might as well marry Tang Bao, and I can handle it when I enter the house in the future."

Tang Hongjun heard from his parents long ago that the aunt's family loves to take advantage of the cheap, so if the eldest cousin is allowed to enter Liu's family, isn't that coming with me to grab the property?

Besides, the three uncles and three aunts are not greedy, and there is only one daughter, Tang Bao, who is the best candidate to marry Liu Xiaojun.

Madam Tang was still partial to her eldest daughter and said with a smile, "Tang Bao is your cousin, but Aizhen is also your cousin. Why don't you mention this to the Liu family?"

Tang Hongjun didn't want to continue talking to her, and said perfunctorily, "Okay, I'll listen to you, and I'll tell my father-in-law and mother-in-law when I go back. It's not up to me to decide what happens in the end. "

Say more good things about Aizhen."

Madam Tang kept talking, Gu Xingjin, who was sitting behind them, was getting darker and darker.

He had heard that Ning Jin mentioned the Tang family to him before, so he knew that Tang Mingyuan was the son-in-law who came to the house, and he didn't have a good relationship with the family in the town.


贺知寒听得一脸好奇,眼睛越睁越大,凑到他的耳边低声Asked, "The Tang Bao in their mouth is not the one we know, it must be the same name and surname, right?"

Gu Xingjin motioned him not to speak and continue to listen.

Madam Tang almost talked about Tang Bao's stupidity, Tang Mingyuan's unfilial piety, and how much she loved Tang Hongjun and the others. I won't be thirsty for an hour."

Gu Xingjin twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly, handed him the satchel, and whispered, "Wait for me here, I have something to do."

"Don't," He Zhihan followed him . He knew what he was going to do, and smiled softly, "Haha, you can't use your hands yet, just let me go."

Gu Xingjin was seen through his purpose by him, so he didn't say much, and stayed with him far away. keep up.

In fact, he wasn't sure if he could succeed, but he couldn't help but want to teach them a lesson, or he felt sorry for him for enduring this journey.

Their skills with people are not exaggerated. When they followed them to the black market, the two looked at each other and showed a schadenfreude smile.

Gu Xingjin looked at his watch and said in a low voice, "If I remember correctly, the train leaves at 11:40, it's almost 10 o'clock, half an hour is enough to go to the train station from here, let's wait for them to get to a less crowded place. Let's do it again."

He Zhihan leaned on him arrogantly, "Understood, I'll take care of the man later, and the woman will be left to you."

"You remember to avoid his key points, and hit people for no reason, but you can't justify it, wait. Let's grab that man's bag."

Gu Xingjin snorted gloomily with cold eyes, "You remember to avoid his key points, and beat people for no reason, but you can't justify it. The man's bag has been robbed."

Tang Hongjun wanted to go to Dongshan City to get some orders, and then stroll around the black market here. In fact, he had nothing to buy, only a few green apples.

But Madam Tang thought it was too expensive, so she bought two pieces of cloth, a bag of rock candy, some red dates, and bacon.

Poor He Zhihan, who was staring at them from behind, looked at his watch and muttered, "Why haven't you bought enough? It's such a hot day, they're not afraid of heat stroke."

Fortunately, Tang Hongjun also thought it was too hot, so he repeatedly urged Mrs. Tang to leave.

It was almost time for lunch, and there were few people on the street. Before they walked into the alley, someone covered their face with a towel from behind, and then Tang Hongjun was kicked to the ground and punched for a while. Kicked and kicked, he couldn't help crying for help from his father and mother, and called for his eldest brother to spare his life. The man's low and cold voice sounded in his ear with murderous intent, "The surname is Tang, I warn you to be safe with me. Click, or I'll kill you next time."

Madam Tang was not beaten, but she was kicked to the ground with skillful force, and then she covered her head with a new cloth she bought and tied her head up. When the footsteps left, she dared to cry, "Oh my God, Come on, help, in broad daylight, someone dares to rob, my mother!"

Tang Hongjun felt that his whole body was in severe pain. After hearing them leave, he found that he was not only beaten, but also robbed. , the money in his pocket, the watch on his wrist, and even the pen he put in his pocket to pretend to be arrogant. ."

But after scolding, I felt hairy in my heart.

I wondered who could get along with me, and I waited for me to come to this unfamiliar place before I started. Could it be that I offended people unknowingly and someone heard their cries for help. Seeing Tang Hongjun's bruised face, he was very enthusiastic. Here, Gu Xingjin secretly rejoiced that he had been to the train station when he took Ning Jin and Yang Yi out last time.

The two of them came to the train station with a gust of wind under their feet, took out their documents and bought a train ticket, and then trotted onto the train. Almost as soon as they sat down, the train made a whimpering sound, and soon started to click. .

The two who did bad things looked at each other and smiled, even though they were sweaty, they were in a good mood.

Well, your own happiness must be built on the pain of others.

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