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 Gu Xingjin looked at the little girl who came to him, and seemed to ask unintentionally, "Do people often come to the house to get herbal medicine?

" The matter can't be concealed, people in the countryside just talk a few words when they have nothing to do, it's better to say it himself than to hear it from other people's ears, and said lightly, "My mother wanted me to marry into the Wu family before, but we grew up when we were young. Growing up together, it's like brothers and sisters."

Gu Xingjin didn't say much after listening to it, he could only secretly say that he was lucky, fortunately you have nothing, or I have nothing to do with it,

but his eyes are not Blind, the way the man looked at Bao was obviously a little wrong.

Hey, with the sweet troubles of his wife, He Zhihan, who has no partner, they don't understand.

Tang Bao cut a cantaloupe out, picked up a piece and ate it himself, smiled and said, "This cantaloupe is so sweet, you should eat it quickly."

Gu Xingjin didn't want to eat what the man brought, and dutifully said, "You eat it, I I don't like sweet food very much."

Tang Bao picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, and said with a bit of intimacy, "Then you have to get used to eating sweet food slowly, or you can only watch me eat it in the future, for sure I will despise me for eating too much."

Well, the faint jealousy in Gu Xingjin's heart was comforted by Tang Bao's sweet words.

Tang Bao went back to the house and took fifty dollars and handed it to him, pursed his lips and smiled, "This is the money you lent me earlier, and I forgot to return it to you. I'll keep those tickets first, you can take the money. Go back."

"No, no," Gu Xingjin touched his nose and blushed a little, "You take this money, keep it for new clothes and food, I have enough, I will remit it to you every month from now on. Money."

Thinking of this, he is not considered an empty-handed white wolf to marry a wife, anyway, he still gave some money, and his heart is not so empty.

Although Tang Bao was not short of his money, he was still very satisfied with his attitude. He still put the money in his hands and said angrily, "I can't ask for your money now, I'll talk about it later when it's justified."

He stared at him again and asked, "I heard that you guys made a big deal before."

"That's a coincidence. When I was on a mission, I happened to know that the place is convenient for transportation. I took advantage of the fact that there was a letter of introduction from the army. They went for a walk, took the opportunity to buy a few watches and a few cigarettes, and came back to earn a little extra money."

He didn't expect Ning Jin and the others to tell Tang Bao everything, and he was worried that after he left, they would be too eager for quick success, so he simply told Tang Bao "In the future, you can look after them for me. Now I need a letter of introduction when I go out. They leave at most once a month, so that they don't get greedy. There are still dangers in the black market. Besides, they can earn work points at home, but they won't for the time being. I'm short of money."

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on them." Tang Bao nodded obediently, but he was thinking about it. I stole a lot from the letter of introduction last time.

She finally found a way to make a fortune, and she was happy when she thought about it. If she could, she still wanted to buy a house outside. How could she have only one home for this cunning rabbit

? He Zhihan took the opportunity to go out to see his younger brothers and sisters, and by the way told them that he and Tang Bao were going to get married.

"This is really great, my sister will be my sister-in-law in the future." Gu Shaojin couldn't help cheering when he heard it, his mouth couldn't close, and he jumped on the ground excitedly to express his joy "As long as the eldest brother and sister are married , in the future, my sister will become a sister-in-law and will be with us forever."

Yang Zheng glanced at his elder brother with eyes that hated iron but not steel, but looking at his forced smile, what else could he say? Blame him for not being old enough, in the eyes of the elder sister, he is the younger brother, he smiled and said, "Congratulations to Brother Gu, the elder sister is a good girl, you can't let her down.

" Hello, sister-in-law."

He Zhihan couldn't help laughing at the side, "Haha, Xingjin, if I hadn't known that they were your younger siblings, I would have said this to them, I thought they were all your brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Don't hurry up and clean them up"

Gu Ningjin didn't wait for his eldest brother to speak, his phoenix eyes narrowed, and he pushed back with a small smile, "Brother He wants to be a brother-in-law, but he has no share."

Yang Zheng is small, but he is a ghost and clever person, and everyone can hear it. "That's right, you just said that the grapes are sour because you can't eat the grapes."

"That's right, what A Zheng said." Gu Shaojing firmly agreed with what his friend said, even if he still didn't understand why the grapes were involved again.

Yang Yi could only nod with a smile, "Brother Gu is very good, and sister is also very good. It's the best thing for you to be together."

If he could be four or five years old, he would definitely be able to compete with Big Brother Gu, but it's a pity Don't wait for me

, Gu Yujun looked at his brother in the lobby with a wide-eyed smile, and looked at him with your discerning eyes, "Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang are all good people, and there is no such good girl as Sister Tang anymore, not everyone has them. My eldest brother is so lucky."

He Zhihan was speechless by their words, so he could only turn his grief and anger into appetite, and clenched his fists and said, "Since there is such a big happy event today, Why don't we celebrate, your watermelons don't have to be taken out and cut quickly"

"Okay" Gu Shaojin took the lead in echoing "Sister, where did you put the watermelons?"

Gu Xingjin watched them cut the watermelons, and he felt that today was really a It's a good day worth celebrating. Thinking of Tang Bao's kind heart that is willing to help others, he is usually gentle, considerate and caring. sister.

He lowered his eyes and smiled. Before he knew it, he fell in love with a good girl. Fortunately, she would soon become his wife.

The backing of the village, even if it is very hot during the day, as soon as it gets dark, there is no sun, and the breeze blows, the heat disappears quietly, and it looks very cool.

The three members of the Tang family said a few words to the villagers who came to visit, and offered free bamboo leaf tea. After a hard day's work, the people quickly left and went home to sleep.

Tang Bao had already taken a shower, greeted her parents and went back to her room. Lying on the straw mat was still a little stuffy. She could only shake the paddle fan while thinking about the route for Gu Xingjin and the others to go out. It is safer to go out with your father or mother by yourself.

If I go out with Yang Yi and the others, I can't buy it, or I will be found out. It's really worrying,

Dandan is jumping in the space again, and I hate Tang Bao, "Why do you only focus on money, just thinking about it? How do you make money, why don't you think about taking that man down as soon as possible."

Tang Bao rolled his eyes and simply entered a space that was not hot at all. Sigh, "You're not a human, how can you know that marriage is a very troublesome thing for human beings. Even if you get married, if the relationship between the two people is not good, then you will have to divorce."

"As long as you are together, as long as I change shape, Then the divorce is nothing." Eggy didn't know that Tang Bao was cursing him around, but he still felt that humans were too weak.

No matter how many inheritance Eggy has, she has never left the space, and she cannot understand feelings, so she told her very bluntly, "Anyway, if you are close to him, I will not be able to cultivate. I always think that his blood can make me boil, so I just Thinking of you two getting together quickly, I will be able to change shape when I get the benefits."

"I know, I know, don't rush me like a ghost." Tang Bao was also afraid that he would become a fool again, and muttered in dejection." No accident, we can get what we want in two months."

Secretly spurning himself is like a devil who wants to destroy flowers, and he wants to indulge an innocent little man.

Eggy could naturally sense her entanglement, but she was still very excited, "Then I'll wait for another two months, now it's hard to find anything containing wood spirit energy. When I think of Gu Xingjin's body with a spirit energy similar to the wood spirit root, I feel so lucky."

Tang Bao looked at the space that was about to be filled, and sighed, "I hope you can be well now, my family is all in it, I really don't want to die"

Eggy was disgusted, "You can't think of something good, you can't be successful, you can't pursue more, and when I'm done, your space will be huge."

Tang Bao squeezed Eggy hard. , sighed with a sullen face, "If I'm not promising, how can I start with Gu Xingjin? They all say that it's easy to get along with each other, but we don't even spend much time together. What if we don't have a common language in the future?


He didn't fully recover from the injury, but he couldn't wait any longer. For fear that the documents in his hand would be delayed by them, he left with He Zhihan on the morning of June 19.

Before leaving, although the wedding date was still uncertain, he still left 60 yuan to Su Su to buy some things for them to get married.

Tang Bao stuffed some food into his backpack, but let He Zhihan carry it, and only let Gu Xingjin carry a satchel, looked at him with a bit of reluctance and told him again and again, "Brother Gu, the satchel is cooked in the morning. Eggs and two rice balls are your lunch, you must take care of your body in the army, and try to use less force on your right shoulder these days, and you can start the gradual training cycle after another ten days.

" Gu Xingjin was very pleased with this kind of concern, smiled and nodded in response, and greeted his future father-in-law, mother-in-law, and younger brothers and sisters, and then strode away without looking back.

Although Tang Bao was not reluctant to give up, he had to show a look of reluctance, frowning slightly, and sighing, "It's a smooth journey"

, Gu Ningjin and the others, who heard it on the side, really retracted their reluctant eyes. Instead, he comforted her, "Sister, don't worry, my brother will definitely be back soon."

Sao Nian, you are all too simple, she just doesn't want to see your reluctant appearance, so she deliberately disturbs your mind.

He Zhihan and the others strode to the station in the town. After getting on the bus and buying tickets, seeing that there were only four people in the car chatting, they sat at the back and took off their backpacks and placed them between them.

"This bag is really heavy, and I don't know what's in it." He wiped off the sweat with the towel hanging around his neck, opened it, but his eyes were filled with joy. "It's still A Bao interesting, but where did she get it? These good things."

Gu Xingjin also wiped his sweat with a towel, leaned over to look, and saw a few boxes of canned meat and canned fruits, which are really good things, even if it is a hot day, it will not be damaged, and it can fill the stomach.

But this is also a rare good thing. He felt that the girl Tang Bao was too good to him. She was reluctant to eat it herself, so she saved it for herself, and sighed with a smile on her lips, "This stupid girl."

He secretly decided that he Be nice to her in the future.

If Tang Bao was there, they wouldn't tell him that he would be wrong. They would only taste fresh food occasionally, and prefer fresh food.

He Zhihan gave him a sideways look and muttered unbearably, "Your expression is too rippling, I really can't stand you."

Gu Xingjin was about to speak when he saw three or four men with smiling faces and a man getting into the car. Baozai will definitely say that the enemy's road is narrow, and this can all meet Tang Hongjun.

Tang Hongjun snatched the folding fan from the person next to him, even with a smile, he couldn't hide the arrogance on his face, but his tone was still gentle, "Okay, you all go back first, and quickly fix the car, lest I come back next time. What's wrong with using the car, delaying the important thing."

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