Looking For Husband For A thousand Miles

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  Although Gu Xingjin was surprised that he was not dumb and poured his own cold water, he still looked at him firmly and said, "It's a human effort. I believe that as long as I can recover my strength, we can always think of a way to get out of here."

Then he extended his hand to him, "You Okay, my name is Gu Xingjin, and I'm a soldier of China."

"My name is Lijing" Lijing shook hands with him, but sighed, "Don't say that there are guards outside, you didn't see the five poisons on the fence, do you think It's a fool's dream to leave."

After speaking, he helped Gu Xingjin to the door with his own hands, his voice was almost inaudible, "Look carefully at the fence."

It was daytime, but the courtyard door was open.

Gu Xingjin has been lying here for so many days, and this is the first time in the daytime that he sees the open courtyard gate looking out, surrounded by mountains, and all the trees are lush and lush. They seem to be at the bottom of the mountain, even if it is In May, there was no heat at all.

What shocked him the most was that not only were green loofah vines, wax gourd vines and pumpkin vines crawling on the courtyard walls, but also green snakes wrapped around the vines.

There were also spiders weaving webs, and now he didn't dare to think that those inconspicuous spiders were ordinary spiders.

Gu Xingjin really didn't expect this place to be so evil. Fortunately, he didn't act rashly. If he didn't alert them, if they were discovered, they would definitely be more wary of themselves.

However, Gu Xingjin looked at the man who pretended to be dumb, "I believe you must have a way, right?"

Li Sheng looked at him with deep eyes and said, "We want to leave, I have a way"

Gu Xingjin moved in his heart and said sincerely, "I would like to hear it. Its details"

"I won't put cinnabar root and cartilaginous grass for you in the medicine in the future, but you have to pretend to be powerless. After a few days, when Miao Danfeng wants to plant emotion in your body, That's our only chance to escape."

Seeing Gu Xingjin's reluctant expression, Li Jian quickly said, "I won't let her plant love in your body, but when you see her, you have to show a look of fear of death, so as to lower her The vigilance is, I'm dumb, and you don't know my name."

Although he was talking to Gu Xingjin, his eyes were fixed on the door. When he saw a woman coming, he let Gu Xingjin sit on the rattan chair beside him. He stood aside with a cold face.

Although the young woman has ordinary eyebrows, her clothes are cool and tight. She glanced at Gu Xingjin curiously, and then looked at Li Sheng with joy on her face and said, "Brother, I want to go out, do you have anything to bring?"

Li Zhan still looked cold, and shook his head slightly, as if he had no desire or desire.

Miao Linlin liked him like this, she took his arm without any shame, and said with a smile, "I'm going to prepare things for our wedding, and I'll be back as soon as possible, when you become my person, we can We've been together every day."

After speaking, he touched his handsome and fair face with both hands, and his eyes became more obsessed. "You are so beautiful."

He couldn't help but kissed his face, and wanted to kiss that tight Thin lips.

Li Shengyi worked hard to break free from her restless hand, went back to the room with a stern face, and closed the door with a bang.

Miao Linlin didn't care, instead she laughed and leaned back and forth, "Brother Li, you are still so shy, hahaha"

She laughed enough, and then she looked at Gu Xingjin, who was slumped on the chair, and looked around curiously. He walked around twice, "You're still not well, so my father's medicine should be very effective. Do you want me to give you a pulse?"

Gu Xingjin was very wary of them when he heard Lijian say that they would use Gu Qi. It can only be a faint refusal to "no need".

He now knows why Li Jing wants to cooperate with him. It seems that he was forced to marry, so he can only fight it out.

Miao Linlin didn't take his cold eyes into her eyes at all, she reached out to lift his chin and looked at his facial features, "The eyebrows and eyes are not bad, but the skin is a little rough and not white enough, it seems that you have to add more Go in a few herbs, so as not to hurt the saint."

Her presumptuous look was like picking out the fat and thin pork, making Gu Xingjin almost couldn't help but slap her restless hand away.

There were several men outside bringing in the food, Miao Linlin then released Gu Xingjin, glanced at the closed door, and strode away.

After the person who brought in the food exited, he locked the door.

Li Shang came out to have breakfast with Gu Xingjin.

There was a pot of fish sliced ​​porridge and a few pickled side dishes. After the two of them had eaten, Gu Xingjin asked curiously, "Aren't you from here?"

"No, I'm from here, my grandma and Miao Danfeng. My grandma is a cousin, my grandma was originally a saint here, but she was murdered by Miao Danfeng's grandma."

Li Sheng did not hide that his grandma fell in love with a handsome young man who was injured and strayed into the Holy Land. , fell in love, and the two had him together.

But he didn't expect that the person beside him was his cousin's lover. When they joined forces and mastered the secret recipe for raising gu that only the saintess could know, they would assassinate the saintess.

At that time, he was almost ten years old. Originally, Miao Danfeng's mother, Miao Fenghuang, couldn't tolerate him, but his father didn't know whether it was his conscience, or he was reluctant to bear his own son. However, Miao Fenghuang gave him a few Gus and turned him into a mute.

But he didn't expect that he saved his life by relying on the ancient book secretly stuffed to him by his mother before he died, and also expelled Gu

Gu Xingjin from his body. Hearing what he said, he looked at him with a complicated expression "So, You and Miao Danfeng are half-brothers and sisters"

"No, she hates my grandma, they are all my enemies." Li Shang's eyes became cloudy, "She let me live before to see how I was tortured by Gu; now that the Shenmu is about to wither, they think Let my child be a container for gu."

Gu Xingjin listened horribly, such a sinister method is really more terrifying than a clear knife and a clear gun.

On the afternoon of May 21st, Tang Bao was walking alone in a deep mountain that was almost isolated from the world. Surrounded by barren mountains and mountains, there were not only poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders, poisonous scorpions, but also many precious herbs. .

Even though Tang Bao was covered in sweat, he couldn't resist the temptation when he saw a few Panax notoginseng plants on the side of the trail. He used the stick in his hand to pick out the poisonous scorpion on the side, and took out a medicine hoe from the space to dig Panax notoginseng. .

It is said that ginseng tonifies Qi first, Panax notoginseng tonifies blood first, the taste is the same and the effect is also equal, so it is called ginseng Panax notoginseng, which is the most precious in traditional Chinese medicine.

Panax notoginseng can also be regarded as a plant of the Araliaceae ginseng genus. It is a perennial herb. Its stems, leaves and flowers can be used as medicine. A good Panax notoginseng should take at least three years.

However, Tang Bao estimated that the Panax notoginseng that he had dug would be at least several decades old.

At this time, Xiaobai's voice passed into Tang Bao's mind with his thoughts, "Tang Bao, I'm already far away from you, and now I'm ready to teleport."

"I'm ready" Tang Bao quickly replied, and he When I entered the space and came out of the space, I found that I had changed places.

This is also Tang Bao's lazy method. She feels that it will take at least two days or more to cross the mountain according to her own pace, so let Xiaobai run ahead, as long as it does not exceed twenty miles, Xiaobai Bai will not lose his strength with his teleportation.

Therefore, Xiaobai has used teleport nearly a hundred times.

Xiaobai stood on a rock, staring at the small village below with green eyes, unable to hide his excitement, "Tang Bao, Gu Xingjin is there. I also found that there is the spiritual power of Shenmu there, this is really worth it. No effort at all."

"Xiaobai, you are really amazing," Tang Bao was relieved when he heard Xiaobai's news of Gu Xingjin, and looked down at the village below, very curious, "But this is too far from the Huanghe River, How could Xingjin appear here? Could it be because he was injured and was rescued by a good-hearted person who passed by?"

Xiaobai shook his head, "No, this village gives me a very bad feeling. We'd better be careful."

"Oh," Tang Bao didn't have any bad feelings now that it was too far away, but she believed in Xiao Bai's induction, although Xiao Bai now has no talent to show except for being fast and eating.

But people have lived for hundreds of years, and they live longer than tortoises. She feels that Xiao Bai's sense of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages can also be regarded as a talent.

Tang Bao held Xiaobai in his hand, and today Xiaobai contributed, making her say in an extraordinarily warm voice, "Then you go back to the space to eat ginseng, take a good rest and recuperate, I will take advantage of the day before Hei, go down for a while."

Seriously, if the ginseng in the space hadn't been found by Xiaobai himself in the past two days, Tang Bao would definitely be reluctant to watch Xiaobai eat the century-old ginseng as a snack. Too extravagant.

The problem is that Xiaobai asked Tang Bao to eat together, but Tang Bao couldn't help tempting to take a bite, but got angry and had nosebleeds.

The cruelest thing in the world is that you can't eat what you want, but others eat it with relish.

Xiaobai also nodded and agreed, "Wait, hurry up and go back to the space to rest, I can feel that there are very bad things in that village, we can't be sloppy."

"Okay" Tang Bao sent Xiaobai into the space, look Xiaobai jumped into the back basket with ginseng and happily chewed ginseng, feeling that her heart was bleeding, why did

she want to enter the space to seek abuse. Baiyou ginseng is actually a grassy smell, or you should eat some meat to change the taste, if you overdo it, it will not be good."

"I need to restore the best spirit." Xiaobai ate ginseng and accused Tang Bao with his small eyes, "It's not that you made me run thousands of miles today, or am I so tired? You can find it yourself. Your man is not active, he just knows how to take medicine, and he thinks I don't know horses."

Tang Bao was speechless by Xiaobai, so he could only accompany a smile and say, "I know you are working hard today, you should eat more Ah, when we find Gu Xingjin, we don't have to hurry when we go back, we must slowly appreciate this wonderful scenery in this big mountain."

Xiaobai's disgusting little eyes aimed at her, "I want to dig good medicinal materials. To put it bluntly, as for this kind of deity, is there a deity? Nothing good can escape our eyes. The deity's vision is too high, and your vision is too low

. Xiaobai stayed together, guessing that he would not be able to help destroy this arrogant little demon, so he quickly got out of the space, raised his wrist to see, it was five o'clock, he simply walked down for a while, and took a look at the side of the road. There are no herbs.

The sun doesn't go down until around seven o'clock now, but it's deep in the mountains and the trees cover the sky. Tang Bao estimates that he will have to enter the space at six o'clock.

Fortunately, she is carrying a medicine bag for repelling snakes and insects. As long as she is careful, she is not afraid of the bumpy mountain road.

After walking for a while, Tang Bao was attracted by the medicinal herbs on the roadside, and stopped to dig the medicine again. He only hated that his space was not strong enough. This thing growing in the soil must be dug, or he could put it in the space. only the part outside the soil.

She carefully dug out a few Panax notoginseng plants, and when she was about to get up, she heard the woman's crisp laughter.

In the darkened sky, in the uninhabited mountains, the sudden laughter made Tang Bao's heart tremble. He stood by the tree and dared not move.

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