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"I hate that time goes by too fast every day. I can't wait to use the night as a day to take time away from my busy schedule, and I don't forget to make him a good meal, for fear that he will train too hard and the nutrition will not keep up."

Tang Bao finished speaking, he I almost believed what I said, and felt that I was a good boy who was diligent and studious. Most of the time every morning, it was definitely not me who dreamed of Duke Zhou in the bed.

They watched her curled eyelashes flutter like butterfly wings, and her dark pupils were as bright as stars, with a bit of misunderstood grievance, and a bit of unyielding.

What Gu Xingjin said really made Gu Xingjin feel distressed, but she knew her too well and slept like a lazy pig every morning. Although she was very serious when she read medical books, she was more interested in reading miscellaneous books about ghosts.

However, no matter what, he felt that his wife was the best, of course he had to support him, and said solemnly, "Commissar, I don't know that people outside will misunderstand my lover, but she is really a good person, Before we were together, He Zhihan and I were injured in escort documents, and she saved us;

I still earn money to support my three younger siblings to study. Wan Li traveled to Miaojiang and found me who was injured at the time. Only then can I survive.

This time, I was injured and hospitalized on a mission in the capital, and she was the one who rushed to the capital to take care of me until I recovered, and then accompanied me here to take care of me. Me.

She is my best revolutionary comrade-in-arms, a competent lover, and my savior."

Tang Bao didn't expect Gu Xingjin's words to be so moving. what.

However, she couldn't be proud at this time, she lowered her head and looked shy.

Doctor Yang seemed to remember something, looked at Tang Bao and said in surprise, "You, master, are your parents Dr. Tang and Dr. Su?"

Tang Bao nodded, "Yes"

Tang Mingyuan and Su Su did have a high reputation among military doctors because of their improved hemostatic drugs. When they heard that Tang Bao was their daughter, Dr. Yang was very excited, "I'm sorry, master, it's because I shouldn't listen to other people's words, I'm too stupid. , I shouldn't be self-righteous, there are days outside the sky, there are people outside the people, I will never be so arbitrary in the future"

Jia political commissar ate a bowl of porridge, most people in the army know who improved the hemostatic medicine, and have the strength to speak "No wonder You are so ingenious, it turns out that you have a family background, and you will definitely be better than the blue in the future."

Tang Bao loved to hear these words, and said modestly with a smile on his face, "You have passed the prize, I will work hard."

People of every age Everyone will have their own idols. Dr. Yang has also used their hemostatic drugs on the battlefield, and he admires them very much. At this time, he does not feel embarrassed to call the little girl master.

He said humbly, "Master, you can see at a glance that Political Commissar Jia has a fever, it's really amazing, and now Master sees how the political commissar has relieved the fever."

Tang Bao was only dissatisfied with his appearance that his eyes were higher than the top. Tired, it would be better not to see.

This made him call his master, lest he would jump in front of him with a poker face in the future.

But now seeing a master with a good attitude, she felt awkward listening to him, looked at him and smiled, "I was just joking with you when I saw you being aggressive before, you still call me Xiao Tang or Tang Bao. "

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