Yang yi Fanwai 2

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The only thing that Jiang Yin is glad is that she can see them clearly, but the sad thing is that Yang Yi will definitely feel that she is not good enough when they make trouble like this.

He was also afraid that he said he was his boyfriend, but he denied it.

"I'm her object, and I'm dating on the premise of marriage." Seeing Jiang Yinqi's pitiful little face, Yang Yi only felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and he only wanted to see her sweet smile.

As soon as he said these words, Jiang Yin looked at him subconsciously, seeing his eyes full of tenderness looking at her, her originally white face instantly turned red.

Yu Shitang looked at him angrily, feeling that although he was tall and straight, his facial features were not as handsome as his own, his eyes were not as big as his own, his skin was not as white as his own, and his clothes were simpler.

He glared at Yang Yi and said fiercely, "Boy, don't be a toad and want to eat swan meat. Get away from her as soon as possible, or you won't have time to regret it.

" He took out his wallet and politely asked, "Comrade, how much is my partner's skirt?"

He felt that he said that he was Jiang Yin's partner, so he had to do what the partner should do. Fortunately, when he went out today, he let it go. Put some money in your wallet.

The little salesperson glanced at Jiang Yin with a bit of envy. She felt that her two predecessors were very good, and said with a smile, "two hundred seventy five yuan." In

recent years, China has developed rapidly. For example, the salesperson's salary has already From 30 yuan in the 1960s, to Lu Shiyuan in the early 1970s, then 100 yuan, and now 300 yuan.

And several large shopping malls in Kyoto follow the route of high-end boutiques, and the price is naturally not low. One piece of clothing can cover the salary of a salesperson for a month.

Jiang Yin was a little worried that he didn't have enough money. Although the treatment for master's students is good now, there are only three or four hundred yuan subsidy every month. Seeing him draw three hundred yuan from his wallet, he is relieved.

The salesperson took the money and found some change, and another salesperson packed Jiang Yin's clothes in the fitting room and handed them to her, and politely said, "Thank you for your patronage, and welcome to come next time."

Yang Yi took the bag with a calm expression and greeted Jiang Yin to leave.

Yu Shitang saw that they turned a blind eye to him, and was even more angry in his heart. He was unwilling to chase after Jiang Yin and wanted to hold Jiang Yin, "You are my girlfriend, you are not allowed to go with him"

Yang Yi seems to have eyes behind his back. In the same way, as soon as he stretched out his hand and pulled Jiang Yin's hand hard, he let her be on the other side of him, and stretched out his hand to clamp his wrist, his eyes were sharp, "Don't force me to beat you."

Yu Shitang felt that his wrist was about to be hit by him . After pinching it, he knew that he was not his opponent, so he could only lower his head and hide his sinister eyes.

Luo Yanni, who had been following them, rushed up and slapped Yang Yi, crying and said, "Hurry up, you are not allowed to treat him like this."

Yang Yi didn't want to entangle with them, and left with Jiang Yin.

"I'm sorry, I've caused you trouble." Jiang Yin felt that she was really unlucky today, she was embarrassed to see him, took out 300 yuan from her bag and handed it to him, and said apologetically, "Thank you for your protection earlier. I"

Yang Yi looked at her a little embarrassed "Then are you willing to be my object?"

"You, what did you say?" Jiang Yin looked at him in disbelief, "You really like me, don't you pity me?"

" What's so pitiful about you?" Yang Yi's mouth was like smeared with honey. "You have the love of your parents, you are beautiful, and you are so smart. If a girl like you is still pitiful, there are still others in this world. Aren't you poor girl?"

He touched his nose a little shyly. "Besides, I also like you very much, your temperament, and the way I like to see you smiling. If you don't dislike me, give it to me. An opportunity to pursue you, okay? How about a relationship based on marriage?"

Jiang Yin was instantly elated when she heard his words, she reached out to hold his hand, her big smiling eyes were watery, and she shyly agreed with "Okay"

Jiang Yin was careful and felt that she was innocent and could not let him misunderstand, so she found a cafe and told about her past with Yu Shitang and Luo Yanni, so that he would not have trouble in his heart.

There are not many graduate students at this time, so the salary is not bad.

Yang Yi was also allocated a single dormitory, about 20 square meters, and a communal kitchen.

Jiang Yin is very considerate, for fear that going out with him on a date will cost him money, most of the time, she buys food and cooks it for him.

Of course, she has been spoiled since she was a child, and this cooking skill was taught by Yang Yi.

Professor Jiang and his wife are also very satisfied with Yang Yi. This young man has a good temperament and is decisive in dealing with things, but his conditions are a little worse.

He was also worried that his family would be a little confused, so he would ask Yang Yi for help at that time. In the end, it was not his own family that was involved

and they were registered in Kyoto. Even if Yang Yi stayed in the capital in the future, in the eyes of the locals , He is always a foreigner. If he buys a house, his family has to come and live


When the parents of the Jiang family knew that during the Chinese New Year, their daughter was going to follow Yang Yi back to see her adoptive parents, and privately told her to respect herself and love herself, and also told her to be more attentive to see what kind of people they were.

Of course, this is also because the parents of the Jiang family think that Yang Yi is an excellent young man, and he is good enough to allow them to agree to their precious daughter to follow him back.

Yang Yi didn't confirm on the phone that he was going to bring his girlfriend back for the Chinese New Year. Tang Bao and Gu Xingjin took their children to the Northwest, saying that they were going to see Lou Yanyan and the others, but they were actually there for Dabai Xiaobai, who had encountered a bottleneck in cultivation. Find elixir.

Although Tang Bao's space can be planted with elixir, the premise is to have elixir seeds

. Gu Yujun's mother, who has been bothering her daughter during this time, just wanted to recognize her daughter, so Yang Zheng simply took Gu Yujun abroad. .

Gu Shaojin had long wanted to go abroad for a walk, and he didn't care that he was a bright light bulb, so he went abroad with him.

And Gu Ningjin went to the military school a few years ago, and now he is still in the army, and he has no time to come back to celebrate the New Year.

Although Tang Mingyuan was very reluctant to bear the two little ones, Su Tang and Gu Sheng, but he also liked to spend the New Year quietly with his wife, so he simply went to his hometown Chen Lian Brigade.

Therefore, Jiang Yin came to the country for the first time and saw live chickens flying and dogs jumping and cattle and sheep walking.

Especially because when some villagers greeted them with bowls, Jiang Yin accidentally stepped on dog shit and felt like she was about to cry.

How can I be so embarrassed to see my elders?

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