The First Pot of Gold

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 Withered vines, old trees and crows, air-conditioned watermelons, fish and shrimps for dinner, and two handsome men feeding her melons

Tang Bao woke up from a nap, thinking of the previous sweet dreams, she couldn't help smirking, closed her eyes and slapped on the bed After a while, in fact, I am still young, why do I have such a vivid and beautiful dream.

Could it be that her nature is actually very lustful, dirty, and powerful

. She felt a little stuffy in the small room. She got up lazily and went outside to wash her face. When she found that her mother was still taking a nap, she quietly came out and watched the hot sun outside. As if to bake a hard-boiled egg, he retreated into the room.

She counted the days. Today is June 28, and Gu Xingjin has been away for almost ten days.

Of course, Tang Bao was not thinking about him, but was thinking about how Tang Hongjun and the others had no news yet.

But when Dad Tang comes back, he will be able to get the news.

Someone brought a letter yesterday, saying that the old man Tang and Mrs. Tang were both in poor health, and asked Tang Mingyuan to take a look. If there was no major incident, he would not stay there for too long.

After drinking a cup of tea, Tang Bao put on a straw hat and went to rummage through the dried beans and vegetables in the yard. It will be a good dish in winter.

Tang Mingyuan rode a borrowed bicycle in and saw his daughter working in the yard, he quickly said, "A Bao, the sun is shining, you go back and rest, be careful of heat stroke, and leave the rest to Dad."

"It's okay . , I'm almost done." Tang Bao finished his work, and saw him take out two large watermelons from the frame at the back of the bicycle, and was pleasantly surprised, "That's great, I'm just about to eat watermelons, so quickly drop one. Go to the well, and send one to Yujun and the others later."

They used to take good care of those five children, and now Tang Bao can be regarded as their sister-in-law, so it is natural to send them something delicious. .

"Okay," Tang Mingyuan took out a letter from his satchel and handed it to her, and said unhappily, "Well, this is a letter from Gu Xingjin to you, look at his letter to see if he has written down the marriage report. ."

For this future son-in-law who is going to rob his daughter, Tang Mingyuan is really a bit complicated.

Tang Bao took the letter and sat on the chair to read it. The marriage report really didn't come down so quickly, but he mentioned a few things about how they cleaned up

Tang Mingyuan. After reading it, Tang Bao couldn't help laughing. When encountering things, you are not rigid, you know how to be flexible, and you can vent your anger for yourself.

The most important thing is that this method of collecting money is the same as his own, which is really unexpected.

When she saw him for the first time, she actually felt that he was very strict, decent, and disdain these crooked things.

When she learned that he took Ning Jin and the others to the black market to earn the difference, she was surprised, but now she was even more surprised, and she felt that this man was really interesting.

Tang Mingyuan dropped a watermelon in the well, washed his face again, and saw his daughter's bright smile, he almost cried and showed her the goddamn Gu Xingjin. He looked honest. .

There are no explicit words about love and love in the current letter. Tang Bao also generously handed the letter to him and asked curiously, "Dad, it turns out that Tang Hongjun was really bumped into by Brother Gu and was cleaned up by them. Now , go see them today, is there anything wrong?"

Since Tang Mingyuan and Su Su were arrested last time, the Tang family knew that they had an accident, but no one showed up, and the relationship between the two parties became very stiff.

Su Su had said long ago that she would not go to the Old Tang family with her daughter again, even if she broke up with them in the future.

This time, they brought two messages. Tang Mingyuan was going to sell medicine, so he said he would go to the Tang family.

After Tang Mingyuan read the letter, he returned the letter to his daughter in disbelief, "It's really unbelievable, I really can't tell that he is such a person."

Then he frowned slightly, "It's because of your grandma's money, I didn't give it to them this month. Send money, and now it's starting to make trouble."

"Actually, what they lack is not this money, but want us to bow our heads." Tang Bao spoke very sharply, and muttered in dissatisfaction, "I am very disappointed in them, I would rather give this money to others than to them. "

Su Su yawned, walked out with a fan, and looked at her man with a half-smile when she heard the words, "Baby's words came to my heart, but if your dad doesn't take the money, they can come and make trouble. Tang Mingyuan, do you think your mother threatened you like this?"

Tang Mingyuan could only smile bitterly, "I can only spend money to buy cleanliness."

Su Su glared at him and snorted coldly, "I know, if I am here, I will not give it to you. Let's see how she makes trouble, anyway, if the people here don't know what kind of people they are, I will show them to everyone."

Tang Bao didn't want to make his parents make trouble because of this, so he quickly put the stationery To Su Su, the smile is brisk and bright like offering a treasure. "I wondered how they could live in peace for so many days, but now I know that it was Gu Xingjin who made the move. To be honest, I really like his way of doing things, it's ruthless. After Su Su took the

letter and read it, she couldn't help laughing, "Yes, yes, my future son-in-law has courage. It seems that the way I look at my son-in-law is better than the way my mother looks at her son-in-law."

Tang Mingyuan Diligently brought a cup of herbal tea to his wife, and when she heard this, she could only say with a smile on her face, "Nonsense, I think my mother-in-law has a good eye."

Su Su Xing gave him a sullen look, "Thank you for saying it. "You are so cheeky." The

family joked and laughed for a while, but Tang Bao brought up the matter of going outside again. "Dad, Mom, I want to go outside and take the opportunity to get some money. If nothing else happens, it will definitely be in a few years. There will be reforms, and our lives will change dramatically."

"It's such a hot day, how hard it is to go out." Tang Mingyuan looked at Su Su subconsciously, wanting her to reject her daughter's suggestion.

However, Su Su nodded simply, "Alright, I'll go with you. Don't go out with Yang Yi and the others this time. There are many people, but the goal is big and eye-catching."

"No," Tang Mingyuan didn't worry about their mother and daughter going out, and refused, "I don't worry about you going so far, I want to go with you."

Su Subai gave him a look, and said angrily, "No way, we can all go. Now, no one cares about this clinic anymore, and besides, the baby is much better than you, you just stay at home obediently, and if anyone asks, say I will take my daughter to the city hospital for follow-up."

Tang Bao said Nodding, "Yes, this is a good excuse, don't worry Dad, Mom and I will be extra careful outside."

Tang Mingyuan is not the opponent of mother and daughter at all. Especially when going to the black market, dragons and snakes are mixed, so pay special attention to safety."

Tang Bao happily said goodbye to Gu Ningjin and the others. On the morning of July 1st, Tang Mingyuan told him thousands of times, with a worried look on his face, with his mother. boarding.

Their mother and daughter each carried an army green satchel, and waved goodbye to Tang Mingyuan with a happy smile.

It made Tang Mingyuan wish he could squeeze into the car and leave with them.

When the car arrived in the city, Tang Bao's letter of introduction from the picket team was very useful. With the letter of introduction, he spent three 20 cents to buy two train tickets, and then went to the corner and took it out from the space. Picked up an empty rattan box and carried it around.

There are not many people on the train now, and it takes a long time for the train to arrive. The mother and daughter have already prepared, a fan, a kettle, and boiled eggs. Even if they have solved their lunch, they will not get on the train until more than one o'clock in the afternoon.


whistling train whistle sounded in my ears, and with a regular shaking, the old-fashioned train began to set off for the sea market.

A young couple sat opposite Tang Bao and their mother and daughter. The woman had two braids, a white hat, and a pair of fuchsia short sleeves, revealing the Longines watch on her wrist. Under the beige trousers are black round-toed leather shoes, and a folding fan is in his hand. This dress can be said to be very foreign in this era.

It was her disgusting complaint that kept saying, "What are you doing, why don't you open the window to get some air? It smells bad." The

man replied with a good temper. The pieces of glass were pushed to and fro, he smiled apologetically to Tang Bao and the others, and pushed the window towards them.

But the woman was even more unhappy when she saw her man smiling at other women, and she said, "Aqi, I'm thirsty, give me tea.

" The cup with the font was placed in the woman's hand.

After the woman drank tea, she clamored for something to eat.

The net pocket lunch box was filled with the small table in the middle, and the food inside was pretty good, including braised pork and fried rice with eggs,

but the woman was still noisy, "It's such a hot day, you let me eat such greasy food, I How can you eat it, take it away quickly."

Of course, when she said these words, the men, women and children who heard it from front to back could only swallow their saliva. Now most people's food and clothing are solved, and everyone is greedy for meat. When it comes to her words, it can be said that she has committed public anger.

However, seeing that they are not ordinary people, everyone can only smell the smell of meat and swallow it.

Tang Bao also watched speechlessly as the man picked up the egg fried rice and ate it in a big mouth. He didn't bother to watch it any longer. In fact, he took out two wild peaches from the space in the bag and nibbled them together with his mother.

The woman saw it, and then looked at her man and acted coquettishly, "Aqi, I also want to eat fruit, did you bring it?" The

man said with a good temper, "Yes, yes, I have prepared apples for you."

Now Qing Qing Apples are also rare, but the woman looked at the peach in Tang Bao's hand, and then handed the apple to her, and said in a low voice, "Hey, how about I exchange the apple for the peach?

" Obviously it was a profitable business, so Tang Bao naturally agreed and handed her four wild peaches.

Anyway, these wild peaches were picked by Yang Yi and the others yesterday and brought them to eat on the road. She also put a lot of them in the space, but unexpectedly she encountered a big head.

Wild peaches are not big, but they are sweet, crunchy, and delicious.

The woman finished eating after a few bites, looked at them eagerly and whispered, "It's delicious, can I buy it with money?"

After that, she looked at her man aggrievedly, "Aqi, will you? I think I'm very greedy, will you dislike me now?" The young

man smiled at them embarrassedly, and lowered his voice to coax her, "No, no, I know you are working hard with your baby now."

Looking at them pleadingly, he whispered, "My daughter-in-law is pregnant, and the taste is a bit strange. If you have any, can you sell them to us for a dime?"

In fact, he also understood that in normal times, big peaches are nothing more than Five cents or eight cents per pound, but rare is the most expensive thing. After his wife had a child, nothing tasted good, but now he has eaten four peaches and still wants to eat it, which is enough to make him excited.

Anyway, they are doing business in private, and they are not bad for money, so they are naturally willing to spend more money to buy them.

When Su Su heard that she was pregnant, she remembered that when she was pregnant, she was overjoyed for a while, and she also tried her best to toss Tang Mingyuan. She didn't dislike her previous troubles, so she glanced at her daughter.

Tang Bao was embarrassed to ask for their money, but seeing how they were not bad for money, he felt that he couldn't let go of the fat sheep beside his mouth. After thinking about it, he took down the rattan box from the shelf above, thinking With one move, I put some things in the space into the rattan box, and then slowly opened it, and also whispered, "No money, there are more than a dozen peaches here for you."

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