14. Bamboo Horse Around Green Plum

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There are strangers at home, so Lou Yi should be worried that the mother and daughter will have other intentions. After all, the pie falling from the sky is not normal, but there is really nothing to gain from his own house.

Instead, he was worried that his younger brother would wake up and see that a stranger would make a move. He pushed the door panting and came in, just to see Tang Bao taking care of his younger brother and talking to him.

The younger brother lay obediently on the bed, smirking and guessing that he had explained everything to his ancestors.

There was no bloodshed anyway, which made him greatly relieved.

He knew that there was a sharp dagger under his brother's pillow, and he hadn't seen his brother smile like this for a long time.

"My brother was hit with a wooden stick on his shoulder and back." Lou Yi said for his brother. He handed the white wine and three small packets of western medicine to Su Su to see, "The doctor said that there are three meals of medicine here, and the money is enough. If it doesn't work, I will go to him again, and ask my aunt to go to the hospital for a cup of tea.

" , and felt that it was not good for someone to go to a place like the hospital to drink tea, so he touched his short hair and bowed his head in embarrassment.

"Well, we'll go over later." Su Su responded casually, seeing that the place where he was hit by the wooden stick was purple and swollen, he touched it carefully, looked at it again, and then said, "It shouldn't hurt the bone, Wait for you to rub his hands, feet and armpits with white wine. Let him take western medicine first, while the traditional Chinese medicine is still being boiled outside. After letting him drink it at night, cook the dregs again tomorrow. We should come to town the day after tomorrow. I'll show him later."

"Thank you, thank you." Yang Yi looked at them gratefully a moment ago, but then stared at them with dark eyes and asked calmly, "Do you need any help? If you take care of my brother, I will do everything for you."

Su Su looked at the child in front of her and her daughter in surprise.

Yang Yi said with a sincere expression, "Our place is too far. If you are not familiar with this place, you can't find it at once. Besides, if you say Wu Ren, don't you tell me that there is no such person?"

Tang Bao felt . This boy is like a different person at this moment, and his observation skills are also very good.

Being exposed in person, Tang Bao blushed a little, and smiled at him embarrassedly, "It seems that I'm really not a liar, we really have something to do, my dad isn't here today, let's take a look first, the day after tomorrow. Come with my dad again."

Her smile was too bright and bright, Yang Yi felt that his ears were a little red, and like a different person, he showed a shy smile, "If it weren't for you, my brother would be in danger, thank you. , we will definitely pay this money back in the future."

Su Su also felt that the two children were not easy, so after a few words, she greeted her daughter to leave together.

Tang Bao, however, took out a bag of sesame sticks and maltose from his satchel and placed it on the head of the bed. Looking at the thin and gaunt child, he said warmly, "Every time I get sick, it's good to eat something sweet, Lou Zheng, you have to get well soon. Get up."

"Okay," Lou Zheng didn't refuse, with an unhealthy flush on his face and surprisingly bright eyes, looking at her with a bit of attachment, "Sister, are you coming too?"

"Naturally," Tang Bao was definitely coming. She eagerly wanted to know what good things were buried in the ground that would allow her to recover.

Lou Yi personally escorted them out of the compound. When he went back, he added two pieces of wood to the bottom of the pot at the door. When he went in, he saw that Lou Zheng had taken all the medicine and was lying on the bed, half-squinting his eyes, looking extremely gloomy.

Lou Yi asked with concern, "Is it better? Don't think too much, take care of yourself first."

"I know, brother, you have to be careful outside, I guess the dog left and they are more injured than me, wait. I'm done, let's go take a look, I won't believe them." Lou Zheng was young, but his words were very old-fashioned.

Lou Yi asked Ma Zui, "Why do you think they came here?"

If Tang Bao was there, he would definitely be startled by Lou Zheng's words.

"Like you said, this place is so remote, if they can find it, it means they are very familiar with it." Lou Zheng closed his eyes and said clearly, "Although Aunt Tang didn't say her name, she knows medical skills. It doesn't look like someone who has suffered, if I'm not mistaken, it should be the original owner of this compound."

Lou Yi suddenly realized, "Yeah, why didn't I think of this?"

"If it's really them, then there must be something they left here before, and now I want to come and take it back." Lou Zhen's face Seeing no greed, he said in a low voice, "Brother, wait outside and get your hoe and shovel back, and when the latter comes, we will find an excuse to go outside, so that they will not feel uncomfortable."

Lou Yi nodded and said with a sad face. I'll wait to go to the hospital to see how Ning Jin is doing, I was afraid that Shao Jin would see something, so I didn't dare to say hello to them."

At their age, it's too hard to survive, so they can only go to the black market to make money Eat, but this time I met my opponent, and they fought directly. There were four on their side and ten on the other side. In the end, it was they who were deadly and scared them away.

However, in order to protect them, Gu Ningjin was also seriously injured, his legs and ribs were broken, they took all the money they had saved to the hospital, and they did not dare to let their brothers know that Lou Zheng was not feeling well.

Su Su and her daughter came to the hospital talking, but Tang Bao could only slow down in order not to reveal his secrets.

There were not many people at this time. Wu Aihua was drinking tea in the pharmacy and talking to his colleagues. When he saw them coming, he quickly came out with a small bag of things. He accompanied Tang Bao and the others to the outside slowly, and handed over the things he was carrying. To Tang Bao, the handsome and smiling baby with a smile on her face, "Auntie, Xiaobao, here are the malted milk essence and some candies distributed by our hospital, fried powder, I don't like to eat it, it's too sweet, fried The powder is too dry, Xiaobao, please help me eat it."

He still remembered that he met the Tang family because of his father's injury, and he didn't dare to say that he was half-starved, but Tang Bao handed him a boiled egg.

Since then, he likes to go to Tang Bao, and every time Tang Bao will give him something delicious.

Especially the last time I went back, I heard Dad say that he and one of the third brothers were going to Tang's house to be the son-in-law. Hearing that both families favored the third brother, he privately agreed with the third brother and asked the third brother to find someone as soon as possible. Lesbian, so I can be with Tang Bao.

Tang Bao didn't know what he was thinking. For her, Wu Aihua was just a playmate. He looked at him with a smile, "You are really picky eaters now, we are half one person, okay?"

But she knew in her heart, He said this on purpose, he just wanted to have peace of mind.

However, she only now realizes that it is really awkward to speak so slowly when she can speak well.

Su Su watched them talk from the side, her daughter was clean, handsome and good-looking, Wu Aihua was also about 1.75 meters tall, with handsome eyebrows and eyes, and it seemed quite suitable to stand together.

She and Tang Mingyuan were the same year, and she was still a few months older. , but Tang Mingyuan is also very considerate to himself, A Niang said that it is only when she is older that it hurts people, that does not exist.

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