44. Calculations

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When Tang Mingyuan and Su Su came to Tang's house in the town, they naturally gave Tang Laohan and Tang Laoniang a pulse.

It was found that the old man Tang had a high fever caused by the cold. The old man was afraid of spending money and just bought some medicine, but it was not symptomatic. After a few days, it became more serious.

But that Mrs. Tang had nothing wrong with her, she only had symptoms of a cold.

They also brought traditional Chinese medicine, and of course they boiled the medicine for them quickly, but Mrs. Tang was a demon, saying that she had no appetite, and now she wanted to eat some chicken soup, chicken, or braised pork, and complained that they had no conscience and would not see a doctor. Said to bring only chickens raised at home, not even a few eggs.

Now that the Tang family has been separated, the old couple lives with the eldest of the Tang family, but the elders are all working, and there are only two elders at home.

However, it is said that Tang Mingyuan and Tang Erge give money and tickets each month, and they can eat whatever they want, but Mrs. Tang secretly subsidizes the old people and wants to save some money to retire later, so she is very happy. live frugally.

Tang Mingyuan knew their temperament. Although he felt that his mother was a bit too much, he looked at the thin and weak appearance of the old man and felt sorry for the old man, but he had no meat tickets, so he had to prepare to go to the black market.

The relationship between Su Su and her parents-in-law was a respectful one, so naturally she wouldn't stay at home and stare at them, so she simply followed Tang Mingyuan to the black market.

"Someone must have followed us to the black market. We happened to be buying brown sugar when we were caught by the pickets in civilian clothes and found a letter from my pocket." Although Tang Mingyuan didn't want to believe it, he let himself go to the town. When he came up, he forced himself to come to the black market. If it had nothing to do with the old lady at home, he really didn't believe it at all.

When he thought of being tricked by his own mother, his hands were tightly clenched, his jaw tucked tightly, and the anger in his eyes couldn't be suppressed, "A Bao, don't go to Tang's house, go back now and put everything in the house. Pack up."

"No, there will definitely be a way." Hearing his father's last words, Tang Bao quickly interrupted him. Tears fell, but he said firmly, "Where is that letter now?"

Su Su smiled bitterly, "Although that letter was found from your father, we don't know the contents of it, but they said that the letter was to intercept some drug-related materials, and to take the opportunity to assassinate the coming deputy mayor."

Now in this tense situation, he has been defiled as a special enemy. Tang Mingyuan felt that he and his wife were doomed. For fear that his daughter would be implicated again, regardless of his own injuries, he stretched out his hand to hold her and said solemnly, "Abao, we don't Something will happen, you go home now, don't go to Liu's house, understand."

Su Su also recovered, "Yes, we"

At this time, the door was pushed open vigorously, and the picket who led the way was very uncomfortable. He said impatiently, "It's time, hurry up."

Tang Bao's heart shuddered, but he didn't refute. When he got up, he put some Chinese medicine and food behind them, got up and cried and said, "Mom and Dad, I'll go back first. , you were wronged, and the comrades will definitely let you out."

The man at the door didn't care when he saw her fearful and cowardly words.

Tang Bao lowered his head and followed the man in front of him, but he was quickly thinking about what he should do to reverse the case.

She didn't dare to leave too many things. If she was found, she would definitely be searched. The first step was to stay in the town now.

She wants to go to the Tang family, but she can't live in the Tang family. However, Yang Yi's room should still be there.

At the door, Wu Aiguo told Tang Bao what he had inquired about, "The current situation is very unfavorable for Uncle Tang and the others, but people have come from above, they are busy managing the security, and they don't have time to test your parents for the time being. We have to wait for the people above to go before the trial."

He has experience in handling cases, so how could he not see that this was obviously a frame-up, but the opponent grasped the timing too well, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"It's hard work, third brother." Tang Bao has never cried like this before, his almond eyes were already red and swollen, he suppressed his anger, and bowed to them and thanked them, "I'm sorry everyone, my parents are okay now, let me go to my grandma's house and wait for the news. ."

The lie she told was the same as the truth. The captain and Wu Aihua believed them and told her a few words. The captain went to the supply and marketing cooperative to find someone to ask about fertilizer, and Wu Aiguo also took his brother to discuss the matter of working in the hospital.

Yang Yi scratched his short hair and asked in a low voice, "Sister, if you want to live in the town, then let's bring you some change of clothes." However, Yang Zheng blinked smartly and pierced her lie, "Sister, you lied to me. We, uncle, they will definitely not let you live in the town, because the last time the joint defense team went to your house to make trouble, it was because your lobby brother was playing a ghost, right?"

Tang Bao looked at the child who didn't reach his shoulders so clever, but she If you want to live in their house, you can't hide it. "Yes, I want to live in your house in the Su family compound."

Yang Yi looked at her with concern, "Yes, but it's not good for you to have no one to take care of you. Let Azheng live with you."

He only hated that he was too young to be her support, but living with her at his age would cause gossip, so he could only push his ghostly younger brother out.

Really angry, "That's fine," Tang Bao knew that if he didn't agree, they would definitely not give up, but if he was really a last resort, he would definitely have to draw a clear line with them in advance, so as not to drag them down.

Tang Bao didn't expect to go around in circles, but he still returned to the Su family compound.

This used to be the home that my mother always wanted to come back to, but now I have to come back by myself.

The Yang Yi brothers swiftly went to the front to fetch water, and the three of them quickly cleaned the two houses.

In fact, they brought most of the things to the countryside, and what was left here were only bare beds, small tables and small stools. Fortunately, it was almost June and the weather was warm.

Yang Yi looked at the empty room and looked at her embarrassedly, "I'll bring you a straw mat and quilt this afternoon."

"No, I'll go back in the afternoon." Tang Bao felt that he still had to go back and dig up the things buried in the ground to get space.

Yang Zheng was deceived by her once, and looked at her with a bit of vigilance, "You won't coax me again."

"I lied to you as a puppy," Tang Bao motioned for him to give him the room key, and smelled the food coming from the front. Fragrance, smiled reluctantly, "Okay, let's go have lunch first, and I'll buy a few packs of cigarettes to light it up, so that I can stay inside for a while when I go to see my parents."

Yang Zhengshen Afraid that she would be bullied by herself, she nodded quickly, "Let's go to the black market together later."

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