41. Calculation 2

619 6 0

After Tang Bao got well, he did not go to work in the team to compete for centimeters, but followed his parents to study medicine, collect medicines, and make medicines. The skin that was originally fair and tender like jade was tanned a little by the sun.

However, she was originally white and a little sick, but now she looks fair and healthy.

The people in the team also had no opinion, not only because of the Tang family's treatment of illness and saving people, but also because of the contribution of the wild boar back then, and the western medicine in the town is very nervous now.

Early in the morning on May 26, Tang Mingyuan and Su Su received a message from the Wu family saying that the old man Tang and his wife were unwell. Today, the couple went to the town, but they were afraid that the Liu family would fight. What idea, just let Tang Bao stay at home.

After all, the elders are sick, if they don't go, it will be bad to hear it.

More than an hour later in the afternoon, Tang Bao returned to his home from the mountain in one breath. He quickly packed the medicinal materials in the basket, then picked up the pot-bellied teapot, poured a large bowl of honeysuckle tea and drank it, and then he was paralyzed. On one side of the bamboo lounge chair.

Now she really understands that for the first seventeen years of her life, she lived as a fool, and those little days were really beautiful.

However, after running back and forth for more than a month, she felt that her body was much more flexible, but every one or two days, she would still have difficulty walking for a few hours.

She closed her eyes and glanced at the space with her mind, but there was still no Eggy figure, she got up a little depressed, but just happened to meet Wu Aihua who was hesitant outside.

Tang Bao raised his eyebrows and greeted, "Fourth brother, why did you come back in such a hot weather, come in and have a cup of tea?"

Today's parents are not here, she brought two mixed steamed buns made of corn and white flour into the mountain in the morning, one He didn't want to cook on this hot day, he originally planned to take a bath, but seeing Wu Aihua, he naturally entertained him first.

Of course, I also want to inquire about some things in the town from his mouth, and he should also have some inside information.

"Okay, are Uncle and Aunt here?" Wu Aihua saw that the little girl was still smiling at him, but she felt astringent. Because of her carelessness, she completely lost her original wife.

Tang Bao greeted him to sit down in the living room, and poured him a large bowl of herbal tea, "My parents went to see Grandpa in town, when did you come back?" " You came back this morning."

Growing up together, it is natural to have something to say. Tang Bao and him talked about the medicinal materials on the village's tail mountain from the pond at the head of the village, and naturally asked him, "Can you stay in the hospital for a few days when you come back this time?"

" Now the town is in a mess, and the director of the hospital has also been arrested by the joint defense team because he has relatives overseas. I feel annoyed when I see those people rampage every day, so I just go home first."

He didn't want to say too much about what happened in the town. The chaos, so as not to scare her, I just hope that the brigade is still in a quiet land, not to be affected by the wind and rain outside.

However, Tang Bao still asked very carefully, and took out everything he wanted to know from his mouth. Both of them had almost drank half of the tea in the pot-bellied teapot, and he also got up and said goodbye, "I'll go back first. Now, I guess I will stay at home for a few days, come to my house and call me if something happens."

Tang Bao nodded with a smile, but he was three steps away from him, so as not to be seen and say more, after all, he may be about to get married.

After sending them off, Tang Bao looked at the sun in the sky, closed the door, and took the two buckets of well water that had been drying in the yard early in the morning to the small cubicle behind the firewood house to take a bath.

She came out of the shower, washed all the clothes her parents had changed, and began to pack up the herbs. Before she knew it, the sun was setting in the west. The radio reported that it was five o'clock in Beijing time, and it started to play on a loop. Inspiring revolutionary song.

Tang Bao has packed all the medicinal materials, but is a little uneasy. Why the parents haven't come back yet? Is it because the old man is very serious? At this time, she did not expect it at all.

"Uncle, are you at home?" Gu Ningjin, Gu Shaojin and Yang Zheng all came in with firewood and dead branches. Seeing that only Tang Bao was sweeping the floor in the yard, he consciously brought the firewood to the firewood room.

Since they came to the village, they have packed the firewood of the Tang family.

Tang Bao brought them a bowl of tea, and told them, "The town is very chaotic now, you must not go to the town."

"Sister, we know it even if you don't tell me," Gu Shaojin sighed loudly. The last time I went."

Yang Zheng heard that the silly boy wanted to tell what happened to them when they slipped into town two days ago, and quickly interrupted, "We have to go home and help Yujun cook dinner first.

" Baby acridine," Tang Bao quickly reached out and twisted his two small ears, seeing them begging for mercy and shouting for help, raised his eyebrows, and squinted at Gu Ningjin who was retreating step by step, "Okay, you still dare to secretly Going to the town, I have to clean up, can you tell me honestly, when did you go?"

Gu Ningjin also felt that his younger brother was too stupid, he would say something in front of Tang Bao, and smiled reluctantly, "We are familiar in the town, quietly. I went to change some things I need at home, and I won't steal it again next time, I will definitely take you with me."

Although Yang Zheng was pinched by Tang Bao's ear, he didn't struggle, he knew she was concerned about They, for fear that something would happen to them, made a pitiful appearance, "Sister, we don't dare any more."

Tang Bao released his hand, gently touched the two small heads, and said softly, "Next time you're going to town, at least come with me. Say it."

Tang Bao didn't get angry, so they pretended to be well-behaved. "Okay, we all listen to you."

Gu Shaojin asked curiously, "By the way, uncle and aunt haven't come back yet, do you want us to pick them up at the foot of the mountain? Auntie "

They still didn't know about Tang Mingyuan and the others going to town, Tang Bao swallowed his words and said vaguely, "It's okay, my father and mother are together."

She was afraid that a few children would go to the town to hear the news, so she quickly sent them back, "Okay, while the water in the pond is still warm under the sun, go back to take a bath, be careful, don't go to the middle of the pond Go."

Now it's hot, men like to go to the pond to take a bath after work, the water is warmed by the sun, they can also touch some snails in the pond, and they can add a dish to the table.

Tang Bao was too lazy to cook dinner by himself. Fortunately, there was still food in the space. After eating, he read a book in the dim light and felt uneasy for no reason.

Since the beginning of spring, the countryside has been busy weeding and ploughing the fields, planting seedlings and so on. Now, during this period of time, I am growing corn, sweet potatoes and beans. I am naturally tired after work, and I have fallen asleep since eight o'clock.

Tang Bao felt that he was uneasy because he was the only one at home. He felt depressed in the small space, and found that his actions were hindered. He could only come out and lie on the bed. When I was sleepy, I seemed to hear footsteps coming from outside my door.

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