76. Liu Junzi

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 Su Su is indeed very grateful to Gu Xingjin. If he hadn't taken away the son of the vice mayor, if the joint defense team found a man in his house, the consequences would have been disastrous.

She replied simply, "Then let's clean it up, smoke it with wormwood, and then go to Erye Jia's house to borrow a bed plank, and put a few bricks under the bed plank."

When Tang Mingyuan came home for lunch , seeing the smoke lingering in his house, and the strong smell of herbs and wormwood, he smiled and asked, "There aren't many mosquitoes in the house, why don't we wait until the evening to smoke it"

"Let's have lunch first, and you and I will borrow the bed board in Mingyuan. ." Su Su greeted Tang Bao, then closed the door and said to him, "Wait for Xia Xing and his comrades to live with us, their room is too crowded for five people."

Tang Mingyuan was a little unhappy, a strange man lived in Going into my house, it's not very convenient to live in this hot day, but I can't refute my wife's words. Looking at my daughter, I hope my daughter can refute her wife's words, "A Bao, will you not be used to it?"

"It's okay, He Zhihan has a fever. , Brother Gu will have to take care of him for a few more days, so let them all come here." Tang Bao understood what he meant a little bit, his eyebrows were curved, and he smiled sweetly, "Dad, I deliberately burned red dates and peanut porridge earlier. It's not hot anymore, and there are also cornmeal steamed buns, let's eat them quickly."

Tang Mingyuan still didn't know that this matter was brought up by his daughter, and thought it was his wife's intention. Facing her daughter's smiling face, she had no resistance at all. I can secretly make up my mind that I have to watch more and never let them get close to my daughter. This soldier hangs his head on his trousers belt. I don't want my daughter to live in fear in the future.

It was indeed a bit inconvenient to have two more men in the family, but Tang Bao was secretly happy, feeling that his hero finally had a role to play.

Don't they all say that if you want to grab a man's heart, you must first grab the man's

stomach She can cook all these things, but it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. There are no such dishes, what is the use of her cooking

The two hens in the family want to raise eggs and lay eggs. Tang Bao was reluctant to deal with the hen he raised until it was a last resort. Fortunately, Gu Ningjin and the others quietly went to the black market to buy a pheasant.

After the hair was plucked and repaired, a pheasant was only a little over a pound. Tang Bao put some angelica and astragalus, and cooked a pot of blood-enriching chicken soup, but this pheasant soup with a hint of Chinese medicine could not be very delicious.

And it was the first time she made a medicated meal. She put a lot of traditional Chinese medicine, and the taste was a bit strange. Anyway, Tang Bao himself was a little disgusted. He only drank half a bowl and stopped drinking. You guys drink more."

Gu Ningjin and the others were very winking, and when they came to Tang's house for dinner, they brought their own rice and flour, and the pheasant soup was only half a bowl per person.

Even if it doesn't taste very good, there are Chinese medicines in it. They feel that their eldest brother should drink more of this nourishing thing, so they can't be greedy.

Gu Xingjin really wanted to tell Tang Bao not to try this herbal diet next time. The red dates and peanut porridge at noon would be good, but when she heard that she was asking Aunt Tang about herbal diets, she couldn't bear to attack the little girl, so she could only laugh stiffly. Dry a bowl of chicken soup as dry as drinking Chinese medicine.

Anyway, Tang Bao tried to grab the man's stomach and failed perfectly.

Tang Hongjun's words hung on Tang Bao's head like a knife. She didn't tell her parents about it, but she already had the worst plan in her heart.

Anyway, she now has a stack of blank letters of introduction, as well as money and real objects. If she wants to leave and go to other places, she can find a way to buy a house to survive, but she doesn't want to leave the home where she has lived for more than ten years.

What's more afraid is that Eggy can't change shape, and I'm afraid that I will become stupid again and become a drag and burden for my parents.

Then, you still have to get Gu Xingjin as soon as possible.

On the morning of June 15, Tang Bao finally got the chance.

He Zhihan was forced to drink a few times of bitter Chinese medicine that made him doubt his life. The fever was fine. He couldn't stay in the room, and he was curious about Su Su's treatment of the pulse. Very interested, I followed Su Su into the mountains to collect herbs early in the morning.

Tang Bao saw that only himself and Gu Xingjin were at home, so naturally he would not miss this good opportunity, and secretly wondered how he could take him away.

What makes her heartbroken is that her big girl has been hanging around beside him for the past two days, whispering warmly and asking for warmth. He treats himself like Yujun, which is really depressing. After all, she doesn't want to be him. sister.

Now she felt her chance had come.

"Brother Gu, I'll give you a pulse." Tang Bao sent away the big lightbulb that was chattering and babbling non-stop, and he came to Gu Xingjin, sat beside the bed and stretched out his hand to give He took the pulse.

Gu Xingjin really felt that he was much better, and wanted to sit up from the bed, "I feel like I'm almost recovering now, you"

"Oh, don't try too hard, I'll help you." Tang Bao had long thought about this moment, before he When he was about to get up, he quickly reached out to help him, and then his foot slipped, and the whole person fell onto him just right, so that all his unspoken words suddenly condensed in his mouth.

Gu Xingjin's eyes widened for a moment.

He never thought that the moment she fell, her little mouth just blocked his own lips.

The ephemeral softness made the two of them froze.

He looked at her with bewildered and beautiful almond eyes, and her long eyelashes like butterfly wings flapping their wings, shining with seductive arcs, he felt that his heart was about to jump out, and he wanted to push her away.

But looking at her confused look, she didn't dare to do it. For some reason, she felt as if she had taken advantage of others.

Even the pain of the wound was ignored, and there was no way to say an apology.

The distance between the two of them was too close, and Tang Bao's heartbeat that became faster in an instant made Tang Bao quietly proud, and he couldn't get up after taking advantage of it. She smiled proudly in her heart, but her face was shy, and she whispered, "Aiya, Brother Gu, have you been hurt by me?"

Although she was careful, the wound on his right shoulder, which had healed, still hurt a little. His deep phoenix eyes looked at the little girl who wanted to unbutton her clothes to look at the wound. Those slender and soft fingers touched his chest muscles, as if they stayed for a long time, but also seemed to be only a short moment.

But it reminded him of the previous kiss, which seemed to be different. Although he had seen the intimacy between men and women, it was the first time for him.

"No, it doesn't hurt, I'm fine, don't look at it." He felt that he needed to be quiet now, or he would be thinking nonsense or something.

Tang Bao is definitely impossible to give up at this time, "It's too hot now, if your wound has healed, then you don't need to bandage, don't move, I'll just take a look."

The distance between the two is too close, he Feeling her breath spraying on his neck, he even saw the fine fluff on her skin, and the slightly trembling curled eyelashes, smelled the faint scent of soap on her body and the smell of traditional Chinese medicine, which blended together. It smells good.

He felt that he had always been calm and restrained, as if he might lose control at any time, and he couldn't help but want to escape.

This was not right, he tried to tell himself that Tang Bao was still a little girl, and he shouldn't be thinking wildly.

Tang Bao carefully removed his bandage and looked at the wound that had healed. He was really surprised that his self-recovery was really good. If others didn't have a month, it would be impossible to recover to his level, but he But it was only five days, but it was almost recovered.

However, when his injury healed, it meant that he would be leaving soon.

This is really not good news for her.

However, even if this matter is related to her own safety, she can't do things that are too unprincipled.

Faced with this man who wants to be a gentleman, how can I flirt with him without showing any traces so that he can understand his feelings?

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