64. Nightmare

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 Anyway, they saw that the one lockbox reported by the Liu family had turned into two lockboxes, and they all said that it was very embarrassing.

However, thinking that someone can put the lockbox in their office without a sound, this is simply a naked provocation to them.

If Tang Bao knew what they were thinking, she would definitely show that she was really innocent, and just wanted them to find her as soon as possible. It's just trouble for the Liu family.

Captain Fangzheng had a serious face, pointed to the two lockboxes on the ground, and his voice was calm and calm, "At ten forty-five, Xiaoqiang brought in the documents, and there was no lockbox in it, I'll call back at 11:15. When I got to the office, I saw these two lockboxes on the ground.

During this period of time, I have asked people to know the situation from the doorman, except for the internal staff who went back and forth, there was a tricycle that brought food to the canteen in the morning, and also Two family members came in for lunch in the cafeteria, five of them are still locked up, and there is a little girl who is looking for Aiguo. How do you think this thing came from?"

"Head, it's from my village. It's impossible for her to bring the neighbors in here." Wu Aiguo didn't believe that a weak girl like Tang Bao could bring these two lockboxes in, but he suspected the person who delivered the vegetables. "These two The safe is very eye-catching, and you can't bring it in except in the tricycle." The captain rubbed his forehead and sat on the stool angrily, "I don't need you to tell me that, but the question now is, if this is the case. The person who delivered the food smuggled in, and he left long ago. Who is the insider ? And it's not a bad thing. What happened really made him want to say "Damn it."

Xiaoqiang put on his gloves, opened the lockbox, took out a letter and a photo for everyone to see, and frowned in confusion, "Could this be someone? I want to deal with Deputy Director Liu."

The photos and letters in this are really unexpected.

The captain touched the beard on his chin, and then said helplessly, "Anyway, now you go to the Liu family. If this matter is fake, you must be more vigilant, indicating that someone is deliberately targeting the Liu family; if it is true , then no matter who broke the shoes, it can't be tolerated." The sky was clear outside, but the atmosphere in the office was serious and a little suffocating.

After Jin Xiufang looked at the photos and the letter, she was so angry that she would rather die than give up, "This is someone who doesn't like us, and it's clearly framed for us. We are willing to accept the organization's investigation at any time, and I believe the organization will definitely give us a clean slate.

" He said it loudly, but he knew in his heart that there must be something wrong with his husband, and he wished he could have a fight. He was caught with flowers all over his face, but he endured it. Now the two of them are grasshoppers on the same rope. She still understands the principle of one loss and too much loss.

When Liu Zhihua saw the photo, he knew that his wife would definitely not let it go. He was flustered and short of breath, but his face was serious. When he heard her words, he frowned and sighed, "My lover is right, my family only lost one Safe, but now there are two, I think someone wants to throw dirty water on us and charge us with capitalist exploitation."

"That is, our wages are transparent." Jin Xiufang has seen the scene after all. , Even if his heart is empty, his face is still calm.

The captain pointed to the two safes on the ground and asked, "Is the safe here yours?"

Liu Zhihua wanted to say, these two safes are ours, but what we want is the money inside, not these two empty box.

But he still picked himself up first, and shook his head blankly, "I don't usually look at safes, but now I see two safes that look the same, I really can't recognize them."

Jin Xiufang looked at it, but pointed at the big one. The safe said, "This safe belongs to my house, and there are still some scratches here."

Immediately he squatted down, touched the empty safe with a distressed face, red eyes, and choked with great distress, "We usually save money and save some money, and my eldest son-in-law is usually busy in the army and doesn't have time to come back. , all the things that my daughter brought us last time are gone, you must get them back for us."

But no one dared to agree to this.

Now their headache is who is so powerful that they can put two large and dead safes silently in their office.

When the captain heard the two of them, he told his eldest son-in-law in the army. After all, the younger son-in-law had nothing to say.

He frowned and said, "We will definitely find out about this matter. You go back first and contact you when there is news."

Jin Xiufang didn't dare to say a word now, for fear of being unable to hold back her anger, she just nodded with red eyes nodded.

"I'll trouble you, let's go first." Liu Zhihua decided to let Ye Miaoxian leave with his daughter when he returned to the factory, otherwise the matter between him and her would be exposed soon, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

Although he wanted a healthy and smart son, he was more important than the beauty of the rest of his life.

The captain got up, looked at them without showing any trace, and said lightly, "Okay, you two, walk slowly. In order to find out this case as soon as possible, we will check the person in the photo."

Liu Zhihua's heart beat faster, but he nodded sincerely." Yes, that's right."

After exiting the door, Jin Xiufang stared at him as if hiding a knife, gritted her teeth and said, "Liu Zhihua, go home with me now."

"Xiufang, you have to believe me, "Liu Zhihua was beating a drum in his heart, but he still looked at her with a smiling face. "Now we are definitely being watched by them. Let's go to work well, and we'll talk about it when we get home at night.

" Don't lose it, go to the bike, turn on the key, get on the bike and leave.

Tang Bao came to Tang's house again, wondering how much the old couple of the Tang family knew about this matter, and also thought that he had better go to the woman's house outside Liu Zhihua to listen to the corner at night to see if there would be any unexpected gains.

Under the big sun, she thought about things all the way, came to Tang's house and opened the door, but saw the old man Tang sitting under the sun, sweating profusely, rubbing straw ropes with straw.

Tang Bao wiped the sweat from his forehead, put on a cowardly and shy look on his face, and said hello in a low voice, "Master, it's such a hot day, why don't you sit under the shade of a tree and be careful of heat stroke."

She thought to herself. It's really strange. Could it be that sunbathing is popular now? When old man Tang heard the door opening, he trembled unconsciously. When he saw it was her, he continued to work. After listening to her, he just responded indifferently. one sound.

I can't tell her that I'm having a nightmare. Do you want to use the yang qi of the sun to force back the evil qi in your body?

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