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 When Zhao Aizhen heard Tang Bao's curse that she was sick, she was so angry that she raised her hand and pushed her, and said fiercely , "You are sick." Comfortable, when she pushed herself, she just closed her eyes and sneezed, and she didn't react, and she pushed her whole body and fell back involuntarily.

"Ah" She closed her eyes subconsciously, feeling that she was in a lot of trouble today. She hoped that she wouldn't fall and break her blood, and hope that she would still have the strength to clean up her.

The most annoying thing is that there is a pad in her space, and she can take it out and put it under her body with a thought, but in this public, she dare not take it out, for fear that she will be regarded as a monster.

"Be careful" Yu Cheng happened to come to the hospital to inquire about He Zhihan's situation. When he saw this scene, he quickly stepped forward and held Tang Bao's waist to make her stand firm. He also knew that men and women were too close now, which would make people gossip. He quickly let go, raised the file bag in his hand and patted her on the shoulder, and smiled, "So it's you, you can't be promising. Every time I see you, why are you so embarrassed?"

Zhao Aizhen looked It was Yu Cheng who supported Tang Bao, and became more and more jealous. He felt that Tang Bao was deliberately pretending to be pitiful in front of him, in order to arouse Yu Cheng's idea, and listening to him, it was not the first time for Tang Bao to do this.

Although she was already married, she met Yu Cheng several times and felt that he treated her differently.

She also knew that she was good-looking, and she always felt that he liked her too.

The main reason is that Zhao Aizhen is now married to Liu Xiaojun, a man with mental problems. She can't help but feel that her life is such a pity, she feels sorry for herself, and she desperately wants other men to like her, so she can get a little comfort, and Yu Cheng's appearance is just right. . I'm glad I didn't have to fall down on Tang Bao. I could only laugh bitterly when I teased

him against the rough wall, "Doesn't that mean that you are my noble person?"

You have no good.

Of course, if he said this, it would offend people too much. Tang Bao could only murmur in his heart, lest this unsettled person, when he heard this, would stand by and watch when he was in trouble.

But Zhao Aizhen looked at Tang Bao and smiled at him, and instantly felt that her things had been taken away, but she looked even more aggrieved than Tang Bao, "Tang Bao, you are so shameless, you are still eating in a bowl when you are married. Yes , look at what's in the pot, you"

Tang Bao saw that she was getting more and more outrageous, he waved his hand and slapped her hard, staring at her sharply, "Zhao Aizhen, if you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will beat you, don't I thought you were married to the Liu family now, so I'm afraid of you."

In this day and age, even if she calls for equality between men and women, but if she spreads her words out, others think they are messing with men and women, it would be too wrong.

Zhao Aizhen felt that her face was hot and covered her face. She was unwilling to be beaten by Tang Baobai. She looked at Yu Cheng with tears in her eyes, and wanted him to speak for herself. "She hit me indiscriminately, me."

Yu Cheng seemed to I didn't see the contradiction between the two women, but instead smiled, "You women like to fight each other, I really don't know what to say, I have to leave beforehand, you have something to say. Say it well."

After saying that, he turned around and strode away.

Zhao Aizhen looked at him and left like this. She was indescribably disappointed. Before, she was worried about his presence, and she didn't want to look like a shrew in front of him. Now that he is gone, she doesn't care about her image, she is angry. Looking at Tang Bao, he waved his hand and hit her white and tender face, scolding "you shameless vixen, I will catch you"

Tang Bao touched his hand from his pocket, and there was an extra piece in his hand. He slashed the slap-sized knife against her hand with cold eyes.

The knife cut through the back of her hand, and blood flowed instantly.

"You, you" Zhao Aizhen is a bully and afraid of hardship. At this moment, seeing Tang Bao's beautiful almond eyes with coldness, she subconsciously took two steps back, and then she quickly took out a handkerchief from her pocket and pressed her bleeding wound, her face full of viciousness. She stared at her, "Tang Bao, you are crazy and you dare to carry a knife. Do you know who lives in the hospital? Are you not afraid that I will shout and take you in as an enemy agent?" 

"Congratulations, you guessed right, I You're a lunatic." Tang Bao looked at her with disgust, and threatened in a low voice, "Zhao Aizhen, if you dare to shout, I'll tell you what's wrong with you, let's see if the Liu family dares to ask for someone who can even ask their own father's life as a daughter-in-law."

When Zhao Aizhen heard her words, she trembled with fear, her face full of panic, and said incoherently, "You, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"You know best in your own mind whether I am talking nonsense.

" With a guilty conscience, Tang Bao knew that Zhao Hai's death must have something to do with her, and he felt more and more that this person was not as good as a beast, and stared at her badly, "I warn you, the next time you see me, you You'd better stay away from me, or don't blame me for being rude."

Zhao Aizhen denied with a pale face, "Don't try to scare me, you are talking nonsense."

Tang Bao stared behind her, and said gloomily, "Am I talking nonsense? , you know it best in your own heart, but I know your father cares about you very much, otherwise he will stare at you by your bedside every night, or why do you feel sleepless at night? It's all because of your father ,he want you to accompany him."

"You, what nonsense are you talking about?" Zhao Aizhen's face was even more ugly, her whole body was shaking, she turned around and ran away. "It's none of my business."

Tang Bao put the knife in his pocket. Space, then out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the pair of leather shoes exposed by the door, as well as the document bag in his hand, wondering why Yu Cheng was hiding there to eavesdrop.

However, she felt that if Yu Cheng was entangled by Zhao Aizhen, it would not be a good thing. For Yu Cheng's sake, she would expose Zhao Aizhen's true face and let him not be attracted by Zhao Aizhen's beauty and make a mess. things to come.

Tang Bao, who had done good deeds, touched her head as if she was enduring dizziness and went back to her own ward.

Seriously, if Zhao Aizhen hadn't run up to her and chattered when she wasn't feeling well, she wouldn't have scared her.

After all, she grew up in a family of traditional Chinese medicine. She knew a lot under the influence of her eyes and ears. Traditional Chinese medicine said that "the liver controls the tendons, and its beauty is in the claws." Tang Bao saw that her nails were fragile and opaque, lacking blood color, and sunken, all of which were liver deficiency. , symptoms of muscle discomfort.

People with poor livers also suffer from poor sleep. Deficiency of qi and blood can lead to sleep disorders. In the long run, it may lead to neurasthenia. It is estimated that Zhao Aizhen did something that should not be done in the first place, but she still thinks about it from time to time. I often don't sleep well, and my liver has some problems over time.

Zhao Aizhen really couldn't sleep well.

Especially when I heard Tang Bao's words, I overheard Tang Hongjun and my grandmother talking about Tang Bao a few days ago. It seemed that Tang Bao had inherited the mantle of Mrs. Su and knew something unusual. Then Mrs. Tang said vividly. Some of the miraculous deeds of Mrs. Su that were circulated in the mouths of the older generation.

Now that her heart has been revealed by Tang Bao, there is no need to mention the fear and worry in her heart. She can only comfort herself. The original fire burned all the evidence.

Yu Cheng didn't leave, just stood in a secret place, thinking that if Zhao Aizhen beat Tang Bao too hard, he might as well help.

If it hits twice, then he doesn't feel the need to go out.

After all, he still wanted to use Zhao Aizhen to do something for him in the future, but he didn't expect to hear such exciting news, biting his cheeks and laughing extraordinarily evil, he could use her to destroy the relationship between the Jin family sisters, and let her Destroying Yu Qiaodan and He Zhihan

Of course, he would never come forward for this kind of bad thing, he can let his subordinates threaten her, okay, he thinks Tang Bao is really his lucky star, and when he meets her, he must have good thing.

Just like last time, when Yu Qiaodan and Zheng Wei got into trouble, Tang Bao was the fuse

Now, the power of her good news is comparable to that of dynamite.

It made him start to look forward to what surprises she could give him the next time he saw Tang Bao.

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