45. Eccentric

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The three found a noodle shop that didn't want noodles and ordered three bowls of shredded pork noodles with pickled vegetables.

Don't need a face ticket, the price is naturally a bit more expensive. After Tang Bao saw the price, he paid 60 cents in advance.

The fragrant noodles were quickly brought up, and the three of them ate their heads down. Brother Yang Yi was relieved to see that Tang Bao also ate a large bowl of noodles, and there was no soup left.

Tang Bao could still eat, thinking that Tang Mingyuan and the others were fine.

"You guys go back first." Tang Bao walked out of the noodle shop with them, and when he came to the street, he saw a team of inspectors from the joint defense team walking by. He stopped and looked at them sincerely and whispered, "I'm going to Tang's house. "Wait, let my second uncle take me back, this time my parents have an accident, so I have to ask my grandparents and my uncle and second uncle to help me."

This is not wrong, Yang Yi and the others also think that Tang Mingyuan's parents must be worried. The son who was taken away by the pickets said goodbye to her.

They also noticed that the atmosphere in the town was extremely tense, and wanted to take the opportunity to go out and see if they could get any useful news.

After Tang Bao separated from them, he lowered his face and walked hurriedly towards Tang's house.

After arriving at Tang's house, she pushed open the hidden door and went in to see old man Tang sitting on a chair with a bowl to eat. There were half a bowl of steamed eggs and a small bowl of chicken on the table. Greeting, "Abao, you are here, let's eat here."

"What to eat?" Madam Tang came out with a displeased expression, and put all the dishes into the bowls of herself and the old man, and said angrily, "There is no rice. Come on, what to eat, this dish is your grandson's filial piety to let you take care of yourself."

Tang Bao knew that they didn't care about his granddaughter, they despised him for being a fool before, even if he got better later, they didn't care about him The granddaughter of this "losing money".

She doesn't care about their cold treatment of her, but her parents have been tortured by them, but they eat meat so casually, not only is it chilling, but also can't suppress her anger "Father, milk, why are you? If you want to hurt my parents, even if my father picked it up, he never neglected you, but you framed him as an enemy special, what about your conscience."

"What did you say?" Madam Tang's face changed, and she looked at her in surprise, "You, you Dad hasn't come home yet?"

Tang old man put down the bowl heavily, and his wrinkled face looked very solemn. "Tang Bao, tell me clearly, what do you mean."

Tang Bao took what Tang Mingyuan told himself exactly. Said it abruptly, and finally looked at them with red and swollen almond eyes with sarcasm, "Let my dad come to town, and clamor for meat, and force my dad to go to the black market, don't you think it's too coincidental to eat rice and rice. Wouldn't the chicken lose my heart?" Madam

Tang saw her man gasping and staring at her, and Tang Bao's white-eyed wolf's eyes were like those of a wolf, both guilty and afraid, so she lowered her head and clapped her hands. The thigh began to cry, "What's my life, this unfilial son and grandson"

"Shut up for me" The old man Tang picked up the empty bowl on the table and threw it at her, angrily shouting "You still have the face to cry, give it to me" Make it clear, whose idea is this." The mother-in-law told herself yesterday that her youngest son was caught in the black market, and after he was educated, he went back first.

But now after listening to Tang Bao's words, he understands that this matter is going to be a big deal. It doesn't matter if Mrs. Tang is good, then why did she lie to him yesterday?

He really doesn't want to believe that his wife will harm her own life. 's little son.

"Whoops," Madam Tang was smashed by the empty bowl on her shoulder. She was in pain and fear. Knowing that she couldn't hide it, she explained with a sad face, "It's none of my business, it's the Red Army's idea."

The old man Tang is impatient, and the old lady Tang has been beaten a few years ago. Now, when she sees him getting angry, she subconsciously feels guilty.

And now that this matter has been exposed by Tang Bao, the bastard, he can't hide it even if he wants to.

"What did you say?" Tang old man widened his eyes and stared at Madam Tang fiercely, "What does this have to do with the Red Army, don't talk nonsense just to shirk responsibility."

"Old man, I didn't lie to you." Madam Tang was caught by him. Frightened, he told everything like he poured beans into a bamboo tube, "The Red Army said that his brother-in-law never forgets Tang Bao, but Mingyuan didn't want to, so he found a way to lock them in, as long as Tang Bao was willing to marry the Red Army's brother-in-law, he would be taken away. Let it go."

Tang Bao heard it and understood that Tang Hongjun and the Liu family were responsible for this.

At this moment, she strangled their hearts.

And looking at their faces, she understood even more that he cared more about Tang Hongjun, the promising grandson, than his father, the door-to-door son-in-law.

The old man Tang really felt embarrassed. Although Tang Mingyuan was his youngest son, he didn't spend much time with him, and he was the son-in-law of the Su family. However, Tang Hongjun, the eldest grandson, grew up in front of him, and his mouth was usually sweet. He is also clever, and the Tang family will rely on him in the future. If the reputation of framing his third uncle spreads out, it will really hinder his future.

It was quiet for a while, and the air seemed to freeze.

"Cough cough cough"

After a while, the old man Tang couldn't help his cough, and when he calmed down, his rough, wrinkled hands wiped his face, stood up and sighed, "This matter must be If there is a misunderstanding, I will go to the factory to ask about the situation first, and you will wait at home."

"Okay, sir, then my parents will depend on you." Tang Bao was heartbroken after hearing this. It's not worth it, but he didn't show any emotion, he answered with a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eye, and lied without changing his face, "I'm going to say hello to the captain, he also came here specially for my parents' business, and it's still supplying and selling. The agency is asking about the situation for me."

She has no support now, and can only hold the banner of the captain, lest they be too reckless.

The old man Tang frowned even more, and said solemnly, "Tang Bao, family shame can't be made public. Your parents have to rely on your big brother and the others. Don't tell others what you shouldn't say, lest they make jokes. Do you understand?

" Even if Tang Bao was very angry, he replied in a cowardly and well-behaved voice, " Understood, I remember."

In their eyes, she is a useless little girl , so as not to make them vigilant about herself, she can only show weakness now, so as not to be targeted by them, in that case, it is not easy for her to do it secretly.

Tang Bao also parted ways with the old man Tang at the door. Of course, she did not go to the captain, but hurried to the black market.

She also wanted to see her parents. Naturally, she couldn't run out of cigarettes. When she asked for help, she would pack a pack or two, so she could talk a little better.

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