Life and Death

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After Tang Bao finished speaking, he glanced at them, and said solemnly, "Although I can't do anything about Miss Zhao's illness, I can still cure her fainting.

" She didn't know when a silver needle was added and stabbed the person under her nose.

"Ouch" Zhao Qiqi couldn't help crying out, she couldn't hold on anymore, she said weakly, "Tang Bao, sister-in-law, please help me, I know I'm wrong, but I really want to live. "

It was very pitiful and cried to her, "Don't say that you can't do anything about my illness, you didn't give me the pulse, why did you insist that you can't do anything?"

Tang Bao also squatted down and looked at her with bitterness and hatred. "Listen to the sound, I can know your current condition without taking the pulse at all; if you see that your face is sallow and the corners of your eyes are dark, it means that your kidneys are not good; if your forehead is blue, your liver is diseased; With abnormal redness, it means that the spleen is not functioning properly; if the lips are white, it means that your lung function is not good. When you speak, I see that your tongue is blistered, the corners of your mouth are ulcerated, and your heart is open to the tongue. , this means that you have a heart attack."

After speaking, she let out a long sigh, "Hey, I thought about it carefully for a long time, but I didn't think of a way to cure you. I'm not an immortal, so how dare I promise to treat you?"

Commander Ye heard this . , looked at Gu Xiu'an next to his eyes, although the wrinkles on his face made him look old, but his eyes were still as sharp as a blade, and he asked in a deep voice, "Is what she said right?"

Gu Xiu'an also felt that Tang Bao was this person. It's really evil, you can still see it without taking the pulse, he nodded and said, "She is right, but Western medicine is not good, so we came to her, the Chinese medicine, and you have seen it, she doesn't even need to take the pulse to see her. In the current situation, there must be a way, even if Qiqi can live for a few more years, it would be good."

Commander Ye frowned. At first he heard that the mother and daughter of the Zhao family were kneeling and begging for help, and he thought that Tang Bao was too much. Being arrogant, he deliberately embarrassed them because of the past; but now hearing Tang Bao say this, he also feels that the Zhao family's mother and daughter kneeling like this are indeed for the purpose of coercion.

According to what Tang Bao said, looking at Zhao Qiqi with a sallow complexion again, he was indeed dying soon, as if he only had one breath left, which made him feel that Tang Bao was justifiable for not taking over such a patient.

Therefore, he said solemnly, "Meixiang, get up and talk."

When Zhao Meixiang heard Commander Ye's words, she knew what the old stubborn was thinking. She helped her daughter up and came to him, tears in her eyes. Falling down, he said very painfully, "Uncle, I also know that life and death have fate, but my grandmother loved Qiqi the most after my brother and the others were gone. If I know what Qiqi has, I'm worried that her old man will suffer. I can't stop."

She used this trick very well, which perfectly aroused Commander Ye's nostalgic heart, as well as the life-saving grace at the beginning.

He sighed, "But life and death have fate. Since she said she was incompetent, it would be useless for you to be aggressive."

"No, Grandpa Ye, she has a way." Zhao Qiqi really didn't want to die, so she quickly said, "She said earlier that she can see me, but I have to sign a life-and-death contract with her."

Ye Tingting also supported the weak Zhao Qiqi and whispered, "Grandpa, what Dr. Tang said before.

" Seeing it wrong, this woman is really capable. Although the mother and daughter of the Zhao family knelt down before, they made progress by retreating.

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