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 Tang Bao's eyes didn't dare to stare at Tang Hongjun for a moment, for fear that he would fight back.

She was able to hit him all at once because he didn't take himself seriously at first, but he had already tried his best.

Even now, she was afraid that he would suddenly resist. After all, she didn't dare to really kill her. If he resisted, she would really have to slip first.

But Tang Hongjun was really afraid of death, and he was even more afraid that Tang Bao was young and arrogant.

Therefore, even if it hurts to death or live, I don't dare to resist, I can only plead vaguely, thinking that the little girl is soft-hearted, and she should give up after a few blows.

Tang Bao didn't scold people very much. She felt that it was a waste of her saliva and she would look stupid. She liked to do it more than to start her mouth, and let the sand sculpture know what it meant to be both civil and military.

She also wanted to hit him for fear, so that when he thinks about coming to trouble him next time, he has to weigh it carefully.

The power of the rolling pin was so great that Tang Hongjun shivered in pain, feeling that he had reached the limit and could no longer bear it, when he wanted to resist.

However, Tang Bao stopped the movements in his hands, his whole body froze, and suddenly became gloomy, his eyes narrowed, his tone lowered, and with a chilling low pressure, he said coldly, "Tang Hongjun, guess what I am now. Who is it? I'll do a trick for you, okay?"

Blocks of blue bricks suddenly appeared in the air, and they fell neatly beside his head. At this time, the knife in Tang Bao's hand was gone, and a pistol was against him. On his forehead, a cold feeling, like a poisonous snake, made him feel that he might be hallucinating in pain.

The unexplainable is scary.

He closed his eyes subconsciously, opened it when it was time, and saw blocks of blue bricks appearing out of nowhere, falling beside his head, neat and high, and a crisp thud made his whole body tremble. It's cold, I can't even move.

For fear that if he moved, the blue brick would greet him on his forehead.

At this moment, he felt that the girl who smiled grimly in front of him could never be Tang Bao, but a ghost.

He remembered that his grandmother had cried in front of him that she had seen a ghost in the Su family in the countryside, and was tricked by Mrs. Su. Is old and confused.

At this moment, he believed that Tang Bao in front of him must have been taken on by Mrs. Su. He was so frightened that he trembled all over, and felt that his teeth couldn't help shaking up and down, clucking, his face turned pale immediately, and tremblingly said, "You, who are you, who are you?"

The color was a lot darker, and Tang Bao took two steps back because he disliked it. Tang Bao was not deliberately scaring people, but was forced to Liangshan by him.

She felt that according to Tang Hongjun's careful character, she would definitely not swallow this dumb loss, and she estimated that it would soon make trouble, and then she would make trouble secretly, and let the joint defense team find trouble for her, or frame it.

She just wanted to scare him, who knows that he is really not afraid of her own life, but afraid of her own grandmother Su, who is so frightened that he is incontinent, and she continues to sneer in a sinister voice, "Who am I? It doesn't matter, the important thing is that you scared my granddaughter, she scared me so much, do you know"

and then looked at him a little annoyed "but I can't let you accompany me now because of your face, but Don't make me unhappy, otherwise I really can't help but mutilate you, do you know"

"I know, I know I won't do it again, I don't dare" Tang Mingyuan is really scared, he is now Having suffered this dumb loss in her hands, she originally planned to let Chen Weimin and the others clean up Tang Bao for themselves, and they could get people in with any excuse.

But now he really didn't dare, he just wanted to stay away from Tang Bao and never see her again.

"It's so good." She looked at him kindly, "I wanted to have a good time with you, but I can't stay outside for too long during the day. I'll talk to you when I have time, but it's a pity that you are too far away from where I live. It's far away, otherwise I'll be behind you during the day and beside your bed at night, that would be fun."

She was obviously young and immature, but the smile on her face made people feel the kindness of the elderly. It was really terrifying when she said words that made hair stand on end. She waved her hand, and Tang Mingyuan shrank in fright, only to find that the stacks of bricks around her head had disappeared out of thin air.

And the gun in her hand had long since disappeared, everything was like an illusion

Tang Bao was startled when he saw him raised his eyebrows, stretched out her hand and grabbed his arm skillfully, with an inaudible click, His arm was completely dislocated, giving him a terrifying sneer, with cold and ruthless killing intent in his eyes, but suddenly the whole person seemed to shake involuntarily.

When she looked at Tang Hongjun again, she couldn't believe it, "I, why am I here, what's wrong with you?"

She let the blue bricks appear out of thin air, and then disappear out of thin air. She didn't dare to be caught in a crowded place. Get up and kill yourself.

But it is very good to scare Tang Hongjun. It can make him feel angry when he sees him in the future, and even if he says that he is a ghost, no one will believe it. Who told him and him not to deal with it? It was the first time she used the prescription for dislocation.

I only saw someone dislocate a hand before, so I came to my parents to get it back.

She didn't dare to use this trick at first, because she was afraid that he might have the strength, but instead took the opportunity to restrain herself.

Seeing him go weak with fright now, she couldn't help but try it. It seemed that the effect was very good

. Tang Hongjun likes all kinds of calculations and is cruel.

She felt that most people who like to calculate are because they have too many minds, and they will definitely be suspicious. The next time they want to do something to her, she has to see if he still has the courage.

If there was another time, she felt that she would just quietly tighten the space to kill someone, and then bury him in the back mountain, assuming that no one would be able to find out any clues.

Originally, people of this age would not think of space or the like, but ghosts and the like.

Tang Bao looked around with a look of fear, as if she had seen something, and shivered, "Ah, ah, grandma, why are you here?"

Then he turned around and ran out, as if a ghost was chasing her. Tang Hongjun was really frightened by her and was about to collapse. When she saw her disappear in front of him, he dared to cry out "woo woo woo".

The old one came out. Isn't this bullying?

Moreover, he now feels that in this dark room, there are many people watching him and wanting to bully him, which is really terrible.

He felt pain all over his body, and he couldn't help shouting for help, "Help someone, help."

Most people today are very simple and kind. Although this small alley is a bit remote, there are few people walking around. During lunch, two middle-aged men passed by and heard his cries for help. They rushed in and saw him lying on the ground, but there was nothing wrong with him. He asked in confusion, "Comrade, are you ill?

" I want to slap the stick on people's body, how can I not hurt myself, it's just wearing clothes, they can't see it,

but he can't move because of the pain all over his body, and he still wants to rely on them to take him to the hospital, only with red eyes He said, "I met a bad guy, he dislocated my right hand, and I was hit with dozens of sticks. I'm asking the two comrades to take me to the hospital. They are calling Liu's house for me. My father-in-law is the deputy factory of the porcelain jar factory. long."

As soon as they heard it, they agreed, and they didn't care that they had not eaten lunch, so they went to borrow a scooter by themselves, carefully carried him, who was constantly mourning, put him on the scooter, and went to the hospital.

When Tang Bao went out, his face was ugly, and he was sweating coldly all over his body. His whole body softened and he almost fell to the ground. He hurriedly stood against the wall to breathe.

In order to frighten Tang Mingyuan, she used her mind to control 40 or 50 blue bricks, one by one falling on his head. It took her too much effort. Later, after she put the blue bricks into the space, she was about to be unable to support herself. Living.

Fortunately, Tang Hongjun was so frightened at that time that he didn't find anything wrong with her.

Tang Bao leaned against the wall and waited for the uncomfortable feeling to pass, then he supported the wall and slowly returned on the same path.

Fortunately, when she walked to the entrance of the small alley, she heard her mother's anxious cry, and quickly responded, "Mom, I'm here."

Su Su ran over regardless of her image, and saw that her daughter was still standing in front of her. I was relieved, and looked at her with tears and laughter, "You bastard child, why have you been out for so long, your dad and I are almost killed by you."

Seeing that her face was wrong, she quickly reached out to support her, and gave it to her. Taking the pulse, he opened his eyes and looked at her worriedly, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's all right now, Mom, I want to take a break and drink some water." Tang Bao didn't dare to tell her the truth at this time, for fear that she would endure it. Keep hitting people.

I had already beaten Tang Mingyuan to half to death. If my mother couldn't control it, she would kill someone if she was not careful, and it would not end well.

After all, she's been in the civilized world for a long time, and she doesn't want to kill anyone if she has to.

Su Su took her daughter's wrist around her shoulders and walked towards Zhao's house half-resisting her, "Then let's go to Zhao's house to wait for your father. Your father, your second aunt and Xiaofeng are all looking for you.

" He asked in a low voice, "Did I meet a bad guy or did I use the Baiyu Ruyi buckle and then I lost my strength, or is there something wrong with the Baiyu Ruyi buckle?"

After all, she has heard a lot of her mother's bedside stories and told her anecdotes. Although she is also very happy that her daughter has such a magical space, the existence of eggs is a factor of instability. She is afraid that if In the absence of Eggy, will this safe Ruyi buckle be destroyed? Compared with her daughter's safety, she would rather not have the magical white jade Ruyi buckle, as long as her daughter is well.

Tang Bao leaned on her shoulder and walked slowly forward, smelling the faint smell of Chinese medicine on her body, felt that his headache was better, and said in a low voice, "It's nothing major, I'll go back and tell you in detail, if they When you ask, just say I'm lost."

Su Su really couldn't bear her daughter's unhappiness, and comforted her warmly, "Okay, don't be afraid, there's mother here." When they went back, they found that no one cared about them at all. , The Zhao family was already crying a lot.

Although no one in the yard dared to watch the fun in Guan Ming's upright manner, there were people upstairs and downstairs opposite, as well as various households in this building, and there were people at the door and windows listening to gossip attentively.

The Liu family was still willing to give some face to their future daughter-in-law. Before eleven o'clock, a few well-dressed people accompanied Liu Xiaojun with a smirk over here to prepare for the marriage.

The two sides chatted for a while, and everyone sat down.

Although Liu Xiaojun's IQ was not high, he listened to the man next to him very much. Anyway, he couldn't help but look at Aizhen while sitting there, showing a happy smile.

Everyone knows that Liu Xiaojun has a problem with his intelligence. Naturally, he will not ask any strange questions, or ask him to be nice to Aizhen. He just puts all kinds of food and drink in front of him, for fear that he will make trouble. , cry, it would be too embarrassing.

When the food was served, when everyone sat down and started to eat lunch, two men came in frivolously outside the door. They might have drank too much wine, their faces were flushed, and they smelled of alcohol. They smashed the door with the bottle of wine. A crisp "pop" sound came out.

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