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Tang Bao boiled some porridge and steamed an egg, and when he was done, he heard Gu Shaojin's cheerful voice from outside, "Sister, my eldest brother is back, go and cook for Sister Jun."

He felt that he should let Tang Bao go there. To eat, I was afraid that Tang Bao would refuse, so he simply said that she would help with the cooking.

Although Tang Bao felt that the eldest brother of the Gu family might not be happy to see her, but now that she has something to ask for, she can naturally be thick-skinned and say, "Okay, go and feed the chickens for me in the back, and then look at the chicken coop. Are there any eggs in it?"

"Hey, I'll go right now." Gu Shaojin had no doubt that his favorite sister Tang Bao was sending him out and would be happy to work for her.

Tang Bao took the opportunity to bring porridge and steamed eggs to Zheng Wei in the room, and repeatedly told him not to leave the room after he left, so he went to find Gu Shaojin to go to Gu's house together.

Of course, she locked the door with a padlock just in case.

In order to gain goodwill in front of Gu Xingjin, Tang Bao was very attentive to use the limited food to make a good taste.

First, he cut a bowl of bacon and put it on the rice to steam. Now even if they have money and tickets, the food in this village is limited. , Fortunately, now I can eat white rice and I am very satisfied, and today the Yang brothers are lucky, they have caught a dozen catties of fish, big and small.

Gu Shaojin smelled the fragrance of the fish soup and took a deep breath, "It's delicious, let's go to town to buy some meat and white bread for dumplings in the afternoon

." They were choosing leeks on the side, and when they heard what their younger brother said, they made fun of "You are really a snack foodie."

Gu Xingjin set fire behind the stove and said, "Okay, let's eat dumplings at night."

In fact, he saw that the children in this room were getting along well, I couldn't help but feel soft-hearted, wishing I could satisfy my brother with everything.

Gu Yujun gave Tang Bao a hand on the side. Seeing that she poured out the oil without any hesitation, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She was already looking forward to a good lunch.

Tang Bao wrapped the small fish they had repaired in flour mixed with egg liquid, and fried them to be crispy and crispy; a few bigger fish were braised, fried with hot and sour cabbage, and shredded potatoes. The enticing aroma wafted in the kitchen of the house, making everyone secretly rub their saliva.

"Okay, let's eat." Tang Bao opened another pot, the smell of rice mixed with the smell of bacon.

The seven people sat down around the small table and started eating. Although they squeezed a bit, it was rare to eat such a hearty meal. When they put down their chopsticks, they all felt that they could hardly eat today.

Just this meal made Gu Xingjin look at Tang Bao differently, but he didn't expect that this girl was not useless.

Yang Zheng and Gu Shaojin rushed to clean up the table and wash the dishes. Gu Ningjin had already discussed with his elder brother and put some military tobacco and alcohol tickets and fifty yuan in front of Tang Bao, and said with concern, "Sister, you are now for the uncle and aunt's affairs. I also have to do some things around, you can use these first."

Tang Bao glanced at Gu Xingjin subconsciously, he really didn't expect him to be so generous to him, could it be that he didn't like the illusion that he was himself before,

but she had it in her hand Money, but these military tickets are really in short supply, so I took the military tickets and said gratefully, "Then I'm welcome, I'll use these tickets first, and let them pay them back when my parents come out."

Gu Ningjin did not force it. , just told her, "Okay, now my brother is back, I have some money at home, sister, if you need anything, just say it."

Although Yang Yi envied Gu Ningjin and their eldest brother's appearance, he couldn't help Tang because of his lack of ability. Bao, I am very happy that Tang Bao can get the help of the Gu family. Knowing that she must miss Uncle Tang and the others in her heart, she said warmly, "Sister, let's go shopping in the town later, you can go too."

"Okay," Tang Bao felt that they were few. This younger brother is really painful, and what he said was what he wanted to hear, so he got up quickly, "I'll go back and prepare something."

Although the important things at home are all stored in their own space, but why should they be in the bag? Put on some clothes to pretend, and also remind Zheng Wei that he should be alert when he is not around.

In the afternoon, it was still drizzling in the sky, Tang Bao and Gu Yujun were holding an umbrella together, and Gu Shaojin and Yang Zheng were holding an umbrella with their shoulders on their backs.

Gu Xingjin and the three of them only wore hats and plastic sheets on their shoulders, talking while walking.

Soon he saw two cars not far away. Tang Bao felt very uneasy. Seeing Gu Xingjin who was walking in front of him, he was walking forward step by step. He felt that his nervousness was about to jump out.

Wang Jun and the others had just eaten, and they were bragging in the car. When they saw this large group of people come out, they wanted to cut them into pieces, but they greeted him with a smile on their faces, and handed him a cigarette, "Brother. "Where are you going?"

"Take them to buy something for the family," Gu Xingjin understood in his heart that the king of hell is better, and the little devil is difficult to deal with, he took the cigarette and sighed, "There is nothing at home, fortunately I will not leave home in the future. If you are far away, you can also take care of them." Wang

Jun understood what he meant by beating himself in his words, and his laugh was worse than crying.

, make sure the person you are looking for is not here, and let them pass.

A short fat man leaned over to Wang Jun and asked in a low voice, "Captain, if we just let them go."

When he brought them a meal, he even brought a message. Wang Jun also understood that this matter was no trivial matter. He took a strong puff of smoke and gave him a sideways look, "How could you and the dog follow along and watch, there are so many brothers in town now, so don't be careless." The short fat man wanted to slap himself, Why did he say so many words, but he could only answer, and greeted another companion to follow them with an umbrella.

Gu Xingjin quickly found out who was following, and glanced deeply at Tang Bao, who was frowning and frowning, thinking about the love and maintenance of his younger brothers for her, and when he came to town, he was still two steps behind. Indifferently, "Do you want us to go with you?"

Gu Ningjin and the others also agreed, "Sister, let's go with you."

"No, no." If they followed, it would be very inconvenient for them, not only could they not take things from the space, but they could not go to find the deputy mayor later, so they quickly said, "You go shopping first, I'm really fine, my grandfather. They agreed yesterday, when I go to see my parents today, we will reconcile at the Su family compound in the afternoon."

"That's fine," Gu Xingjin looked at the police and the joint defense team patrolling the street. He still reminded her, "Be careful, you can't walk around in some places."

He said this as if he understood his intentions. Tang Bao felt that his heart was pounding, and smiled reluctantly, "Okay. Yes, then I'll go first, and you can walk around slowly."

Even if it was dangerous, he couldn't back down today.

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