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River is now nine months pregnant and her baby bump has gotten so big it might pop

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River is now nine months pregnant and her baby bump has gotten so big it might pop.

I listen to her ramble about what colour to paint the nursery. We're still yet to know the genders of the babies because we wanted to wait and she said that painting it yellow is basic. She said she wanted to paint it lilac and light blue and I agreed because the combination go well together. But then she proceeded to stress about the twins' clothes.

She's also painted mini butterflies onto the ceiling because she has an obsession with them. Hence why I got that butterfly she drew on my hand years ago tatted on me. I did it for an anniversary gift and I don't know if it was because she's pregnant or she was genuinely happy but she started crying.

"Baby stop stressing yourself out, okay? Everything will be fine, my love." I sigh and wrap my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder as she rummages through the twin's wardrobe. My wife insisted on having a big ass wardrobe full of all sorts of clothes for the babies.

She leans her head back against my shoulder and places her hands on top of mine, sighing in exhaustion. "I don't want anything to go wrong."

"And nothing will." I lift my head up and kiss her temple. "Why don't you sit by the pool and relax, hm?"

She sighs and nods her head, leaning up to place a soft kiss on my cheek. I unwrap my arms from around her so she turns around and leaves the room.

Deciding on taking a shower, I walk over to our room and go straight to the bathroom.

I turn the faucet on and take my clothes off before getting in. Closing my eyes, I let the water run down my body. I grab the shampoo from the side and wash my hair before washing my body.

Once I'm done, I turn the faucet off and step out, wrapping a towel around my waist. I open the bathroom door and walk over to the closet to grab a fresh pair of clothes.

The doors to our balcony were open, letting the sun pour into our room and also giving me a perfect view of my girl, who is sunbathing by the pool.

I put on my boxers and sweatpants and was about to put on my t-shirt until I heard a loud cry from outside.

I rush over to the balcony and look down at River to see her hunched over her chair, clutching her stomach in pain.

"River?!" I yell frantically.

"Call the midwife! This isn't just a contraction!" She yells back and then lets out another painful groan. 

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Grabbing my t-shirt and phone from the side, I run out of our room, dialling the number to our midwife.

"Ace, is everything okay?" Lily, our midwife, asks as soon as she picks up.

"River. Her contractions have started again." I say, slipping on my t-shirt.

"How far apart?" She questions calmly.

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