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"Help me

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"Help me." Is the first thing I wake up to River saying and I squint my eyes open to see a blurry image of her standing in front of me holding something but I don't know what yet.

"What?" I ask groggily, still trying to wake myself up.

"Help me." She repeats herself as I rub the sleep from my eyes and lift my head up.

"Can I help you later? Just come back to bed." I grumble.

"I need to go," She tells me. "And I need your help."

"With what?" I sigh and reach into my nightstand drawer for my glasses.

"My outfit." She grins and when I put my glasses on I see that she's holding up two dresses. A black and a red one.

I sit up against the headboard and run a hand through my unkept hair. "You look good in anything you wear River. I don't know." I tell her honestly.

"Exactly but I can't wear two dresses Ace." She sighs exaggeratedly and I smile, watching her hold up each dress against herself in the mirror to see how they would look on her.

"Okay then why don't you just strip and get your ass into bed?" I raise a brow and lift up the covers. She bites her bottom lip and stares at me for a long moment like she's contemplating the offer. "Tempting, ain't it?" I smirk and she rolls her eyes in response.

"You're useless," She grumbles. "All you're trying to do is get me into bed."

"Yeah so let me show you how useful I can be if you get into bed." I say lowly and reach for her but she only throws a pillow at my face and groans.

"Ace." She whines and I chuckle, getting out of bed.

"Okay, okay," I smile. "Give me your dresses."She narrows her eyes at me in suspicion as she hesitantly hands me her dresses. "Now close your eyes."


I slap her ass and give it a light squeeze. "Close them."

She sighs and eventually closes her eyes so I pull the dresses behind my back. "Okay open them." I say and she does. "Pick a hand."

"Seriously?" She crosses her arms over her chest and raises a brow.


"Left hand then." She says and I bring my hand in front of me to reveal the red dress.

"Looks like you're wearing this."

"Coincidence how it's your favourite one." She smirks and I bite my bottom lip to hide my smile.

"Go get changed, love." I say softly, handing her the dress. "Then give me a little private show."

"Private shows don't come for free."

I grab my wallet from my nightstand and take out my black amex card. "You take card?"

"Indeed I do." She grins and plucks the card out of my fingers before disappearing into our closet.

𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀'𝐒Where stories live. Discover now