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Since River has been working none stop I told her to have the day to herself

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Since River has been working none stop I told her to have the day to herself. It took her a lot of convincing but she eventually caved and now she's out of the house, leaving me with with our three year old twins.

They're waking up from their nap right now and are already crying so I drop everything that I'm doing and walk over to their room.

Turning on their light, I catch the sight of Matteo falling out of his bed. I was quick to catch him before his clumsy ass fell on to the floor face first.

"Clumsy baby." I sigh and shake my head at him.

His face takes a form of shock and confusion as he gazes up at me with his doe eyes.

"Papà." Reyna whines, making grabby hands towards me.

Grinning, I walk over to her and bend down slightly so she can wrap her arm around my neck. Once she does, I lift her into my arms and peck her cheek.

I almost trip over the amount of goddamn toys they have scattered across the floor.

"Who made this mess?" I ask, raising an eyebrow and gesturing towards the toys on the floor.

They both point at each other. Expected.

"Both of you are gonna clean it up then." I say with a smirk.

"No." They whine, shaking their heads and glaring at the toys.

"Mhm," I hum and put them on the floor, "go on." I point to the toys as they wrap their tiny arms around my legs, pouting.

They eventually cave and start picking up the toys and putting them in the toy box.

We've been trying to teach them how to clean up after themselves and so far it's working.

While they do that, I pick get their clothes out and change them once they're finished. They brush their teeth and I sit Reyna on the bathroom counter so I can do her hair. She said she wanted to keep it down so I just comb through it and put a bow that she picked out in.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask them as we walk towards the kitchen for breakfast.

"Park." Matteo says with a grin.

"Ice cream." Reyna says at the same time.

"How about we get ice cream after the park?"

"! !" They yell in sync as they run into the kitchen. I shake my head with a smile and follow them in.


"I miss you." My wife says through the phone. I decided to call her while the twins play in the park.

I drape my arm across the bench and lift my hips off the seat to adjust myself. "I miss you too darling. How's  your day going?"

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