Street Fight

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Reyna wanted to go out for a late night walk and basically begged me to come with her after I told her she's not going alone

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Reyna wanted to go out for a late night walk and basically begged me to come with her after I told her she's not going alone. Especially at this time. It's dangerous and I know she can protect herself but there's a lot of fucking creeps out there.

"Come on." Reyna groans, tugging on my hoodie sleeve and dragging me out the door.

"I literally hate you." I grumble, closing the door behind us and leading her towards the gates.

"You love me or else you wouldn't of come." She grins.

"Fuck you, you fucking fuck." I glare at her and enter the passcode to our gates before opening them and letting my sister out first.

"God, you're moody when you don't get your little beauty sleep." She scoffs and walks out of the gates.

I shut the gates behind me and then catch up to her as I roll my eyes. "Where are we going then?"

"I dunno. Lets just walk wherever." She says, shrugging her shoulders.

We walk down the long dirt path that leads to our house since it's in a secluded area for security reasons. Once we get to the main road, I make sure Reyna is on the side that's furthest away from the road. We walk in comfortable silence before Reyna spots a duck by the lake we're walking by.

"Can we keep it?" She frowns and crouches down to its level.

I roll my eyes and drag her away from the damn duck. "No. Mamà will freak."

"I'll hide it." She protests.

"Walk." I push her ahead and shake my head at her.

"You're so much fun Matty." She says sarcastically, sticking her middle finger up at me.

"Piss off," I scoff and look around the unfamiliar streets we're in, "Wait for me." I call out to her.

She stops and lets out an exaggerated sigh as she makes a gesture with her hands, silently telling me to hurry the fuck up.

I jog up to her and eye the place we're in skeptically. Judging by the people around here, we're in downtown and I'm already getting a bad feeling about this place.

"Rey, let's go back." I say, gripping the back of her hoodie and dragging her away from here.

"You really need to stop doing th—"

"Hey, look who it is," We stop when some dick gets in our way, "If I remember correctly, Matteo and Reyna, right?" The creep smirks just as more people start to come from alleyways and bars that are here.


"Want a fucking medal? Move." I spit, sending him a glare as I instinctively tighten my hold on Reyna.

"Do you know who I am kid?" The guy scoffs.

"Are we suppose to?" Reyna says from beside me as she looks down at her nails, completely unbothered by the group of people around us.

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