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Ace is pissing me off again so I'm gonna return the favour

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Ace is pissing me off again so I'm gonna return the favour.

"Where the fuck are you going? We're not done." He grits out.

"You wanna be an ass? Fine!" I shoot him a glare and walk into the kitchen.

He eyes me skeptically and furrows his eyebrows in confusion when I take out some spaghetti from the cupboard.

"What the hell are you doing River?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at me.

Keeping my gaze locked with his, I aggressively take the spaghetti out of the packet and hold it up to his face. His eyes dart down to it and his expression grows even more confused.

Smirking internally, I snap the spaghetti in half and watch his mouth drop in shock.

"The fuck is wrong with you, you psycho!" He gapes at me in disbelief and snatches the spaghetti off me.

Nothing angers an Italian man more than snapped spaghetti.

"You had it coming!"

"We're over! I'm divorcing your ass!"

And with that he turns around, throws the spaghetti away and leaves.

"I love you!"

"Fuck you!"

I chuckle and walk out of the living room.

He'll get over it.


"I'm sorry, okay?" I say softy and kiss the top of Ace's head, "I made you this. Now will you forgive me pretty boy?" 

He turns his head to the side and looks at the spaghetti in my hands skeptically. "Get away from it woman." He grumbles, taking the bowl of me.

"You're being dramatic."

"Kiss my ass."

I sigh and roll my eyes at him as he eats. Once he's done, he puts the bowl on the side.

I get up from the bed but he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me down on to his lap.

"I love you." He mutters into my neck and places soft kisses there.

I sigh and kiss his temple. "I love you."

The door to our room bursts open and our five year old twins come running in with huge smiles on their faces. "Can we go to the park?" They yell in sync.

I get off Ace's lap and walk over to them. "Of course. Go get dressed." I say softly and kiss the top of their heads.

They both run back out the room. Ace and I quickly get dressed and then walk into the twins room. They hold our hands when they're finished getting dressed and we walk downstairs.

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