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I can't focus on my work when all I can hear is my two year daughter crying from her room

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I can't focus on my work when all I can hear is my two year daughter crying from her room. River is putting her to bed but I guess she's not falling asleep for some reason.

Sighing, I run both of my hands down my face and then pick my pen backup. My plan of working goes to shit when my office door opens and my wife walks in with Reyna in her arms.

"Papà." She sobs, making grabby hands towards me as she squirms in River's hold.

I instantly get up from my chair and walk over to where they are. As soon as I reach them, I take my daughter out of my wife's arm and she immediately wraps her tiny arms around my neck.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? You don't want Mamà to tuck you in?" I say softly, kissing the side of her cheek as she lays her head down on my shoulder.

"No I want Papà!" She whines and wets my shirt with her tears.

"I've got her," I say to my girl, wrapping my free arm around her waist, "I'll be up in a bit."

She places her hands on my torso and I feel my muscles tense under her touch. "Okay," She says softly, "I love you."

I grin and kiss her forehead. "I love you."

After pecking my cheek, she leaves the office. Reyna starts crying even louder so I place my hand on the back of her head and bounce her.

"Shh, bambina. Go to sleep." I murmur, rubbing her back to calm her down.

She sniffles and moves her face to the crook of my neck. Her light breathing fans against my neck and her tiny hands fists the fabric of my shirt.

"Papà." She mumbles, her voice groggy.

"Yes, princess?" I whisper softly.

"Love you." She murmurs.

A smile cracks on my face and my chest fills with warmth. "I love you too, angel." I mutter and gently brush away the tears from her eyes.

I think the best part about being a parent is knowing that my child feels safe in my arms. I will do anything to protect my little girl and she knows it. I promised her I would.

"Bueno?" I whisper, trailing my fingers through her hair.

"Yes." She mumbles and lets out small yawn. So fuckin' cute.

"You gonna sleep in your room now?" I cradle her in my arms and brush hair away from her face.

"No." She whines and then her lips settle into a small pout.

"Pain in the ass." I reply in the same tone, grinning when her dimples pop out of her cheeks. I kiss each of them, making her giggle.  "Come on. Lets go to bed now, yeah?"

"No Papà." She frowns and shakes her head in defiance as I walk out of my office.

"Why not, hm?" I walk up the stairs and make my down the halls, towards her room.

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