First Street Race

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The twins got their drivers license the other day and the first thing they wanted to do was street race

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The twins got their drivers license the other day and the first thing they wanted to do was street race. Ace owns a track so we're taking them there despite my protests of it being to dangerous. Especially for their first time.

"You're going down Matt." Reyna smirks.

"Kiss my ass cabrona." He replies, sticking his middle finger up at her.

"If I win you have to clean my room for a whole month." She says, crossing her arms over her chest.

"If I win then you have to my laundry for a month." He says, smirking when Reyna grimaces.

"Deal." They shake on it.

The loud sound of a roaring engine makes us jolt. We see Ace driving down to us in one of his black mustangs. He speeds up and swerves his car just before it can hits us, the engine smoke blowing into our faces as we cough.

"Is the man trying to kill us?" Reyna grumbles, fanning away the smoke. 

He gets out of the car. "Starting line is here. No cheating or I'll whoop your asses." Ace says sternly, leaning his rear against the car.

"Holy shit," Matteo gapes at his car like he's never seen it before, "Is this the gt500 v8?" He asks, walking around and admiring it. Ace responds with a nod so Matteo asks, "Can I drive it?"

He sighs and takes the keys out of his pocket. "Scratch it and you're dead." He points a finger at him in warning before handing him the keys.

"Fuck yeah." Matteo grins and eagerly takes the keys off him.

The twins get into their cars and drive up to the starting lines. Ace and I sit down on the stadium benches at the side and watch them speed off as soon as the timer goes off.

"My money is on Reyna." I say, leaning my head against his shoulder.

He raises his eyebrows and glances over at me. "You're betting on our kids now?"

"Yeah," I shrug, "how much Del Rosso?"

"$1,000 on Matteo." He replies.

"Deal." I extend my hand out to him.

He smirks and shakes my head slowly. "You have a bad history with making deals with me mi amor." He whispers, kissing the back of my hand whilst maintaining eye contact.

"I've learnt my lesson." I whisper back, smiling up at him.

His lips quirk upwards as he hums, lacing our fingers together before turning his attention back to where the race is. I watch Matteo's car make a sharp turn around the corner, now being ahead of Reyna.

The race goes on for a couple more minutes and I grin, watching Reyna zoom down the finish line.

"Suck it Ace." I stick my middle finger up at him and smirk as he shakes his head.

"For fuck sake." He mutters, getting up from his seat and walking down the steps to where Reyna and Matteo are.

"Suck it Matteo." I hear Reyna say as she sticks her middle finger up at Matteo with a smirk.

I follow Ace down the steps and high five Reyna. "Good job baby." I say as she grins.

"I am not cleaning your room for a whole fucking month." Matteo grumbles.

"You shook on it." She grits out, glaring at him.

"Okay fine." He sighs, rolling his eyes.

"Write me that check." I say to Ace. In response he smiles slightly and sticks his middle finger up at me.

"You guys bet on us?" The twins say in sync, gaping at us.

"Yeah." I nod my head and grin.

"You bet on me, right Mamà?" Matteo asks, throwing his arm over my shoulder. He's already taller than me. That's not fair. They're growing up too fast.


"Mamà!" He gapes at me in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I grin and peck his cheek.

"How much did you win then?" He sighs.

"$1,000." I reply.

His eyes widen. "$1,000?! Are you shitting me? I could've won."

"But you didn't because you suck." Reyna inputs.

"Don't worry kid. I had my money on you." Ace throws his arm over Matteo's shoulder and ruffles his hair.

"Thanks dad. Does this mean you'll help me clean Reyna's room for a month?" He asks hopeful with a small smile.

"Sure." Ace says nonchalantly.

Matteo pipes up. "Really?" He grins widely.


His grin falls as he glares at him.

Ace smiles and walks around his car to inspects it for any damage. His smile drops when he stops behind the car and traces his finger over a scratch on it. I hear Matteo curse under his breath.

"Matthew Alessandro Del Rosso!" He bellows.

"Oh shit." Matteo winces from his tone.

" Matteo winces from his tone

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thank you for the suggestion! <3

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thank you for the suggestion! <3

sorry it's short, I didn't know what else to write 😭

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