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For once I actually wake up before my husband does

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For once I actually wake up before my husband does. Only because of the blaring sun beaming into my eyes through our bedroom windows. It's so hot.

Just like him. With his shirt off and messy brunette hair. The sheets of our bed hang loosely around his waist, revealing his sharp V line and defined abs.

Most of the time I find him wrapped around me but since it's summer, both of us get hot during the night and end up on opposite sides of the bed.

Turning to face him, I reach up to cup his cheeks and kiss him. He lets out a deep sigh and lazily moves his mouth against mine as he tangles a hand in my hair.

"Good morning." I whisper softly, brushing hair away from his forehead.

In response, he hums and stretches his arms out on either side of him. He looks so lazy right now in contrast to the daytime when he's always alert and sharp.

He still hasn't opened his eyes and I know it takes him a minute to fully wake up. While I wait, I trace the outline of his abs with my finger and notice the way they flex beneath my touch. My lips follow soon after until he tangles a hand through my hair.

"Come on top of me." He rasps.

Straddling him, I lean down to kiss his lips once again as I feel his arms wrap around my waist. "Like this?" I whisper against his mouth.

He doesn't say anything but lifts my t-shirt over my head and guides my ass down to the bulge in his sweatpants. My skin burns beneath his touch as he lowers his briefs and pushes my panties to the side.

Then, a gasp escapes my mouth as he lowers me slightly down on him.

"Just like that." He groans out.



"Yes, Riv?"

His focus stays fixated on his car that he's currently repairing. The engine keeps blowing smoke out and he has been trying to fix the issue for the past hour.

You would think he'd have someone do it for him but he's not like that. If he knows how to do something then he'll do it himself. Money won't change that. My man is independent.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask, sitting on the couch he has in the garage. "The weather is nice today for once."

"Sure. Just give me a sec." He replies, grabbing a wrench from the side.

𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀'𝐒Where stories live. Discover now