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smut 😫

"What time are you coming back?" I ask Ace as he pours his coffee into a travel mug

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"What time are you coming back?" I ask Ace as he pours his coffee into a travel mug.

I'm sitting on the counter, watching him get ready for work. Luckily today is my day off.

"Around 7. I shouldn't be too long." He replies, setting his mug to the side and putting his jacket on.

"Better not be," I smile, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him closer to me, "You're spending a lot of time at the office lately."

"I'm sorry," He mutters, placing his hands on my hips, "I'll take tomorrow off for you."

"Deal." I say, then peck his lips.

"One more." He says, leaning forward and when I kiss him again a wide grin stretches across his lips.

"You're going to be late." I let go of him and get off the counter.

He sighs and picks up his coffee before walking towards the front door to put his shoes on.

"You dropping the kids off at Theo's?" He asks, slipping his shoes on.

"Yeah, I'll drop them off after work." I reply, glancing down at my watch to see that it's nearly 8 in the morning, which means I have to wake the twins up for daycare.

"Okay," He says, opening the front door, "I'll be back soon. I love you." He leans down and pecks my cheek.

I smile up at him. "I love you."

He then leaves so I close the front door behind him and walk back into the kitchen to make the kids breakfasts.

Just as I open the fridge, I hear yelling and tiny footsteps coming from the stairs. Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I peek my head around the corner to see my five year old daughter running down the stairs at full speed with the most worried expression on her face.

"Papà! Papà!" She yells frantically and before I can even reply to her, she's bolting out the front door barefoot.

It's fucking freezing outside. She's going to get sick.

"Reyna!" I drop everything that I'm doing and go out after her.

When I finally make it outside, I see that Ace's car is still parked in the driveway with the engine on. The drivers side door is now open and Reyna is standing outside of it hugging her father.

This girl.

I sigh and watch Ace pick her up before stepping out of the car. He runs a hand down her bed hair and rocks her. "Baby, your shoes." He frowns, rubbing her feet as he walks over to where I am.

"You didn't say bye." She yawns and rubs the sleep from her eyes with the back of her hand.

"I did. You were asleep, silly."

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