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Lately Ace and I have been a little too busy for my liking

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Lately Ace and I have been a little too busy for my liking. Only because we haven't had time for ourselves in so long. The only time we get for ourselves is at night but even then we're too tired to do anything. I miss him even though I see him everyday.  

As soon as I've got myself ready for the day, I head downstairs but pause by Ace's office when I hear him rummaging around his stuff in there. He woke up two hours before me and I thought he would've been at work by now.

Crack the door open slightly, I peak inside to see him open and slamming his drawers in search for something by the looks of it. He even opens his filing cabinets and checks behind the books on his shelves but nothing.

"Fuck." He grits out, running both of his hands through his curls stressfully.

"Ace?" I call his name, stepping into the office. "What's wrong?"

He lifts his gaze to meet mine and sighs deeply. "I'm just looking for a file I was suppose to give to my assistant this morning." He mutters with a clenched jaw.

"Relax," I say, walking over to him and cupping his cheeks. "We'll find it."

He drops his forehead down to mine and flashes me a tired smile. "Thank you." He says softly.

"Of course," I smile and pull away. "Now, what does it look like?"

"It's a brown envelope with a sticky note saying 'must go out today.'" He replies.

"Where'd you last see it?" I ask, wondering over to his filing cabinet and checking the contents inside.

"It was on my desk." He replies, looking through his drawers again. "And now it's not fucking' ther—" His voice raises an octave.

"Ace." I say calmly, rummaging through his files.

"Sorry." He says, his voice lowering back to normal.

After I've thoroughly checked his filing cabinet, I look on top of it and nothing. Maybe that stupid file fell behind it so that's where I check next. First I need to move this heavy ass thing out of the damn way.

"Can you move this please?"

Wordlessly, he comes over to where I am and effortlessly pushes the filing cabinet to the side. Show off.

"Riv," He sighs, holding onto my waist when I bend over to get a better look behind the cabinet. "Be careful."

Just as he says that, I manage to find the file hidden in the corner. "I found it!" I grin, grabbing the file and turning around to show him.

"You're amazing, you know that?" He smiles widely, flashing his dimples. "Thank you."

The next thing I know, his lips are on mine. God, I've missed his lips. His taste. The way he runs his hands through my hair as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. Especially when he slips his tongue inside of my mouth, claiming me entirely as his. Each stroke of his tongue tugs at strings deep inside of my stomach.

𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀'𝐒Where stories live. Discover now