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River was shot in the chest twice while we were on a mission

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River was shot in the chest twice while we were on a mission. The survival rate of getting shot in the chest is low. And she was shot twice, making it extremely low.

I've already locked the bastards up in cells back at the warehouse. I'll make sure they suffer in there for laying their filthy hands on my wife.

I'm scared that she'll never wake up. Never come back to me. And I don't what I'd do with my life is she's gone. The thought alone makes my chest tighten uncomfortably. I can't do anything without her here with me. I know she's just in a coma and there's a chance she'll wake up but I've seen too many people in my life disappear to think otherwise.

I've been a mess ever since she went into to surgery. I can't think straight. I'm stuck in an endless cycle of thinking about her not waking up.


"Dad?" I wipe my eyes at the sound of my sons voice and lift my head up from my hands to see him and Reyna standing at the end of the hallway with worried expressions on their faces. "What happened? Where's Mamà?"

My eyes sting from the tears I've been holding back for the past twelve hours. The only thing my brain can focus on is the rapid beating of my heart. It's like it's shattering with each second I'm away from my girl. His voice is muffled and the ringing in my ear intensifies. My breathing picks up, making it difficult to inhale the oxygen I desperately need. I take a deep breath to prevent an oncoming panic attack but that shit fails miserably.

I quickly stand up from my seat and rush towards the exit, ignoring his calls. It was a simple question yet I couldn't answer it without breaking down and I can't do that in front of them. They need me.

My breathing doesn't even slow down when I get outside so I rush over to my car. I open the door with trembling hands and sit down before slamming the door shut.

I ball my hands up into a fist and rest them on my lap in an attempt to get the stop shaking so fucking much.

I debate on taking a drive but I know I can't leave my kids here alone. Not when they need me.

Closing my eyes, I lean my head back against the seat and think of anything that calm down my rapid breathing. The only person that can is in a coma so I result in just picturing her pretty face. That seems to do the trick. It always does.

I miss her so fucking much. I need her to come back to me.

It's just a coma. I have to keep reminding myself. I know my girl. She's strong. She'll wake up. I just hope it's soon.

Couple minutes later, I finally get my breathing under control so I get out of my car and walk back inside the hospital. As soon as I walk in, I see Reyna crying into her brothers chest as he tries his best to comfort her although he's falling apart too. His tear filled eyes meet mine and my heart breaks even more.

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