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Today Ace and I are finally going down to Boston to visit our son along with his wife and kids because Ace finally took some time off work

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Today Ace and I are finally going down to Boston to visit our son along with his wife and kids because Ace finally took some time off work. He's only taking three days off and I've banned him from working while he's off because I know what he's like.

"Woman, let's go." My husband calls out from the car, tapping on the hood of it as he leans against the door.

"It's fucking freezing." I say, shutting the front door behind me and shivering from the cold.

"Told you to bring a jacket," He says with a shrug. "You don't listen to me, amore."

"Give me your jacket." I reply, walking over to him.

He immediately takes his jacket off and extends it out to me with a smirk. "Baby, get in. I'll put the heated seats on for you." He replies, opening the passenger door for me.

I put his jacket on and breathe a sigh of relief when I feel the warmth surround me. It smells just like him and I love it.

After thanking him, I get in the car and as soon as I sit down he shuts the door behind me. Once he's in and started the engine, he puts the heated seats on for me and then we're off.

"I wanna sleep." I mutter.

"Don't." He says, reaching over and cupping my chin.

"I won't." I grumble, taking his hand in mine and kissing his knuckles.

He takes his eyes off the road briefly and pecks my cheek.  "Hey," He says softly and I turn my attention towards him.


"I love you."

A wide grin takes over my face from his words and I suddenly feel all the tiredness leave my body. Crazy how only three words can do that.

"I love you." I reply softly.

After being together for twenty three years, these words never fail to make my heart flutter. He still gives me those same butterflies from all those years ago. He still makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine with his touch and every word he says. He never fails to make me blush at every little compliment he gives me. Everyday I fall in love with him more and more.

He hasn't changed. Our love for each other hasn't changed.

We've had our ups and downs like everyone else but our relationship hasn't been as strong as it is now. We've grown together.


Within a few hours we arrived to Boston and as soon as we get out of the car our son greets us by the front door.

"Hey," He says with a grin and opens his arms out to embrace me in a big hug. "I missed you guys."

"We missed you too," I say softly, cupping his cheeks. "How have you been?"

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