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Having four kids is a struggle

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Having four kids is a struggle. Between getting them dressed in the morning, making sure they have food in their stomachs, entertaining them so there won't be any tantrums and don't even get me started on nighttime routine. It's a war getting them to bed.

On top of all that, Audrey and I are running on three hours of sleep because of Liliana, who is three months old. From feeding her to changing her diaper and sometimes she won't even sleep so one of us is always up with her.

Like right now. It's 2 in the morning and we can hear Liliana's cries through the baby monitor. I feel Audrey nudge me in her sleep, which means it's my turn to get up.

With a light groan, I detangle myself from her and get out of bed. I mosey out of our room and head down the hall towards my daughter's nursery.

Her cries seem to get louder the closer I get to her door. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I open the door and switch on her night light.

There she is. Laying in her crib with tears streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably.

As soon as she sees me, she reaches for me and practically screams the place down. Goddamn. My ears might bleed.

I don't know why she's been so agitated recently and it breaks my heart to see those tears in her eyes. We think maybe it's because she has a flu.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I whisper softly to her and pick her up from her crib. I cradle her in my arms and gently bounce her to calm her down. "Hm? You hungry?"

She sniffles and hiccups from how hard she is crying. I stroke her cheek with my thumb and kiss away her tears.

Her cries don't die down so I pat her back and start walking around the room. Movement always soothes her. That's probably why she likes her swing so much.

"It's okay baby," I mutter, leaning my forehead against hers. "Mamà will feed you."

I carry her out of the nursery and make my way back towards Audrey and I's room. Opening the door, I see my wife asleep on our bed so I quietly walk up to the bed with a crying Liliana in my arms.

"Audrey," I gently shake her awake and sit down on the edge of the bed. I lean down and press my forehead against the side of her head. "Come feed her." I mutter, placing a light kiss on her cheek.

Audrey starts stirring in her sleep and slowly opens her eyes with a yawn. Hazel eyes drift down to our little girl and her gaze instantly soften.

"Good morning sunshine." I say softly, smiling down at her.

"Hmm." She smiles with her eyes closed and I can't help but lean down to kiss her forehead. After high school, university, our marriage and four kids she is still undeniably the most beautiful woman in the world. Always will be.

We had our ups and downs in our relationship just like everyone else but we came out of it stronger. From her postpartum depression to the long distance we did while I was travelling abroad for the NHL. It was hard but I love her even more today than I did yesterday.

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