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"Can we move the pillows?" I ask River as I pull back the blankets

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"Can we move the pillows?" I ask River as I pull back the blankets.

"No." She scoffs, holding on to her baby bump and carefully laying herself down. Yeah, she's six months pregnant and incredibly moody. It's like walking on fucking egg shells around her. If I say one wrong word to her then my ass is sleeping on the couch.

"Please?" I practically beg.

"Go away." She grumbles, pulling the covers over herself and closing her eyes.

I lean over and kiss her cheek then slowly move down to her neck. "I miss you." I murmur against her skin.

She places a hand on my face and pushes me away then rolls over on to her side. "Move yourself."

I groan and shift back to my side of the bed. Worth a shot.

"Wait," She suddenly says and I perk up. "You didn't kiss me." She glares at me over her shoulder and I internally beat myself.

"I'm sorry." I say softly, leaning down to kiss her lips. "Goodnight, love."

"Night." She mutters, closing her eyes and soon drifting off to sleep.

Smiling, I press a soft kiss on her forehead and then one on her baby bump before going back to my side.

One day I'll burn this damn pillow wall down.


"Okay, okay," Theo says, pouring a handful of chocolate chips in his hands. "Go long."

Alea and him came over for breakfast. Well, he's helping me. Kinda. We haven't really made any progress in the past twenty minutes and River's gonna be down in a bit with Alea. They're putting baby clothes in the nursery.

"Actually get it in this time." I say, taking a couple of steps back with the bowl of pancake batter in my hands.

"Obviously." He says and aims the chocolate chip at the bowl. I watch him throw it and successfully hit it into the bowl with a grin on his face. "And he scores."

"Alright. My turn." I say, trading him for the chocolate chip bag.

"Ace Del Rosso." I jump at the sound of my wife's voice and slowly turn around to face her and Alea. Shit.

"Yes ma'am?" I say with caution.

"What do you think you're doing?" She raises her eyebrow and crosses her arms over her chest.

"He started it." I quickly say, pointing a finger at Theo who gapes at me.

"What?!" He practically yells, staring at me with wide eyes.

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