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It's just Matteo and I home alone today because River is taking Reyna to a dance rehearsal at her school

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It's just Matteo and I home alone today because River is taking Reyna to a dance rehearsal at her school. They're performing tomorrow at her kindergarten and it's gonna be Reyna's first time doing a show like that in front of a crowd full of people.

I'm making us lunch when my phone rings an incoming FaceTime call from my wife. Lowering the gas on the stove, I pick up the call and prop my phone up against the wall.

"Hey, love." I say softly, resting my forearms on the counter.

"Hi," She smiles and I feel my own lips curve upwards at the sight. "What are you up to?"

"Making lunch." I reply. "What about you?"

"Watching Reyna rehearse," She says. "She's doing amazing. Wanna see?"

"Of course." I say so she flips the camera and shows me where Reyna is dancing on the stage with the rest of the group of girls.

"She looks adorable." River coos softly.

"She does." I say with a smile.

"Where's Matteo?" She asks, flipping the camera back on to her face.

As if on cue, loud footsteps ring through the hall and then a familiar voice echoes into the kitchen. "Is that Mamà? I wanna talk to her." My five year old son asks, running over to where I am.

"Speak of the devil." I say and River chuckles lightly.

"Papà." Matteo whines, going on his tiptoes and trying to climb on to the counter so he can see the phone since he's too short.

"Be careful, kid." I sigh, lifting him into my arms so he can actually see the phone. He's always climbing on shit without a care in the world. I'm surprised he hasn't broken a damn bone.

"Hi Mamà." He grins, giving her a little wave.

"Hi baby," She says softly. "You being good?"

"Yes." He says nonchalantly, nodding his head.

"Such a liar," I say, raising my brows at him. "You were being a little shit earlier."

"No I wasn't." He replies, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah?" I tilt my head at him. "Shall we tell Mamà what you did this morning?"

"You said you wouldn't tell Papà." He mutters. He knows damn well River will be pissed when she finds out Matteo wrecked one of her pairs of heels.

"Okay I won't." I say, pecking his temple and sitting him down on the counter.

"What did he do?" River asks and Matteo and I exchange a look. A silent exchange that says this will be our secret. I doubt she would even notice because she has so many heels.

"Nothing." I reply, turning the gas back up so I can continue making lunch.

"Mamà when are you coming home?" Matteo decides to distract her with a question which luckily works.

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