Food Fight

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"Kenji might be coming with us to New Zealand on the jet since Chase and his husband are going a day before us

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"Kenji might be coming with us to New Zealand on the jet since Chase and his husband are going a day before us." Theo informs me. He came over for matters regarding the Cosa Nostra. Pretty sure his wife and daughter are home.

My three year old son, Matteo, is with me because the girls were out grocery shopping. He's sitting on my lap playing with his toys on my desk to keep himself occupied.

"How come they went early?" I ask him.

"Chase wanted to visit his parents." He replies, leaning back in his seat.

I hum in response and glance down at my son. He's struggling to open the packaging for his new Hot Wheels car I bought him earlier. He has a whole collection in his room. I'm not gonna bother helping him since he hasn't asked. Always good to let him try first anyways.

"You should bring the little man." Theo suggests and I redirect my attention back to him.

While I'm at New Zealand, River is gonna take the twins to London to visit her aunt and Miyah. It would be the twins' first time going.

"I don't know," I mutter, holding Matteo's hair back from his forehead. "He has never been away from his sister and mother for that long so I don't know how he'll react."


"Papà." Matteo suddenly whines, holding up his toy that he couldn't open.

With a sigh, I take it and start opening it for him as Theo speaks again.

"You should find out then."

"And risk him ruining the trip for you guys?" I shake my head and hand Matteo his toy, which earns me a toothy grin from him. "No thanks."

"He won't ruin it, man." He says, rolling his eyes

"Matt," I lift him into the air slightly by his legs, instantly gaining his attention. "You wanna come with Papà on his trip?"

"Mamà and Rey too?" He questions with a tilt of his head.

"No, they're going London."

"I wanna stay with Mamà." He frowns.

"Okay. You can stay with Mamà." I say softly, bringing him down and pecking his cheek.

"See?" I say to Theo, sitting my son back down. "He doesn't wanna come."

"Bummer," He sighs and leans down a little to Matteo's height. "Hey little man, you sure you don't wanna come? Uncle Theo's gonna be there."

"But my Mamà won't."

"We're gonna play ice hockey." He tries to persuade  him.

"Hockey?" He perks up and a wide grin takes over his face like he just won the damn lottery.

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