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River and I just finished a business meeting

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River and I just finished a business meeting. I'm talking with some of my associates when I see her chatting to a man I've never seen before. They're both smiling and laughing and I just want to rip his fucking head off.

Anger flooded my veins. The voices around me become muffled as the only thing I can focus on is them. I hate it. I hate him. What is he saying that's making her smile so goddamn much?

Fucking prick.

My jaw ticks in irritation. I want him to get the fuck away from my wife already. They've talked enough.

The men around me finally leave and I watch River walk over to me after saying goodbye to fuck-face over there.

"You ready to go?" She asks.

I run a hand along my jaw and narrow my eyes at her. Choosing to ignore her, I step around her and walk out of the meeting room without another word. I'm not even jealous.

I make my way towards the elevator and click the lobby floor button. Once the doors reopen, I walk outside where my car is parked. Getting in, I throw my jacket in the back seat and start up the engine, waiting for River to hurry the fuck up.

Moments later, she's finally here. And as soon as she gets into the car, I speed out of the gates. My knuckles turn white from how hard I'm gripping the steering wheel and she seems to notice because she sighs, turning her gaze towards me although I don't pay her any attention.

"What's up with you?" She asks and the fact that she's this oblivious makes me step on the gas even more. I'm not even petty.

"Ace, seriously." She sits up in her seat and her eyes widen at how fast I'm going. "Slow down. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"The fuck you mean, what the fuck is wrong with me?" I snap, directing a cold glare towards her, "What's wrong with you, River? Huh?"

"What do you mean?" She throws her hands up, "Slow down!"

"I'll slow down when you tell me who the fuck you were talking to back there." I spit, clenching my jaw.

"It's one of our business associates Ace!" She narrows her eyes at me and runs both of her hands through her hair.

"Bullshit!" I roughly hit the steering wheel with my palm, "You don't just laugh like that with anyone!"

"Oh my God," She groans, covering her face with her hands, "You're crazy! I was just being nice!"

I slam on the brakes when we reach a secluded part of the road that's surrounded by trees. I get out of the car and slam the door shut before storming over to the passengers side. Rage was the only thing I could feel as I yanked open her door and took her out before pinning her against the car.

"Just being nice?" I say the words like they're poison on my tongue and scoff under my breath.

She swallows and nods her head slowly. I dip my head down and wrap a hand around her throat, brushing my lips over hers. "I don't give a fuck," I seethe, "Do you have any idea how pissed I get when I see other men near you? I just want to rip their goddam heads off, River. Sei mio. Solo mio."

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