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I was heading up to bed but stopped in my tracks when I hear whimpering coming from my little sisters room

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I was heading up to bed but stopped in my tracks when I hear whimpering coming from my little sisters room.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I lightly knock on her door. "Rey?"

I get no response so I open her bedroom door and turn on the lights to see her curled up in a hall on her bed.

Worry creeps inside of me as I walk up to her and gently shake her. "Reyna?"

She jolts awake and gasps for air, frantically scanning the room as tears fall down her cheeks. Her glassy blue eyes meet mine and I frown slightly at the state she's in.

"What happened?" I ask, sitting down on the edge of her bed.

Unexpectedly, she wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly as she sniffles. "Nightmare." She whispers.

I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on top of her head. "It's alright." I whisper, holding her tightly. "I'm here now."

She nods against my shoulder and lets out a shaky breath. Her body was still trembling slightly, which tells me she's still slightly scared.

"Get some sleep, okay?" I say, letting go of her and standing upright.

"Don't leave." She frowns and grips onto my hand.

Sighing, I look at her for a moment and when I see the tears streaming down her face it's kinda hard to say no to my little sister.

"You're such a cry baby." I say, rolling my eyes and sitting back down onto her bed.

"Stop it." She mumbles, getting into her covers and laying down.

"Sleep." I sigh and pull the covers over her, watching her eyes slowly start to close.


I haven't left my sisters side all day because she doesn't want me to. I don't mind though. I guess she's still shaken up about that nightmare she had and it makes me wonder what it was about. Plus whenever I'm not by her side she always looks like a lost puppy so I'm trying my best to comfort her.

"Up." She demands.

Rolling my eyes, I turn around and bend down to
her level. She climbs onto my back and wraps her arms around my shoulders as I lift her up. Piggyback rides always cheer her up.

"Do I have to carry you all day?" I groan.

"Yes," She says and points towards the stairs, "To your closet please."

I place my arms under the back of her knees to stabilise her and start walking towards my room. Walking into my room, I go towards my closet and look over at her. She looks down at me and grins. I can already tell what she wants.

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