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Ace and I are going out tonight for the first time in forever

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Ace and I are going out tonight for the first time in forever. We're going out to a restaurant in town. My choice because Ace sucks at choosing places.

"Red or black?" I ask my husband, who is sitting on our bed staring up at me with a small grin on his face.


"On?" I raise an eyebrow.

He leans back on his hands and tilts his head. "Is it for me or for everyone else to see?" He smirks.

I throw a pillow at his face and roll my eyes as he chuckles softly. "You're such a pervert."

"Wear red underneath," He says, pulling me closer to him and sitting me down on his lap, "And then maybe," He pins me down to the bed and dips his head down to my ear, brushing his lips along the shell of it and sending a shiver down my spine, "I'll take it off you later." He whispers lowly.

"Maybe?" I whisper back, biting my bottom lip.

"Mm," He hums, brushing his lips over mine and staring down at me with hooded eyes, "If you're a good girl."

I clench my thighs together and lean up to kiss him but each time my lips brush against his, he teases me by pulling away ever so slightly.


He smirks and a wave of pleasure rolls to my stomach. "Darlin' go change." And with that he pulls away and gets off the bed.

I groan and sit up reluctantly. "What should I wear though?"

"Wear what you want. I can fight."


We just finished eating dinner and now we're walking through town with our hands intertwined. It's dark and empty kinda. The only source of light there is the street lamps and city lights along with the moon.

"It's really cold." I shivered.

He stops walking and I grow confused. "What did I tell you, idiota? Huh?" He scolds, taking his suit jacket off, "I told you to bring a jacket but you never listen, you dumbass."

I'm not even listen to a word he's saying. Just grinning at him like a fool because he's just perfect.

"You listening to me?" He raises his eyebrow, bringing me closer to him and slipping his jacket on me.


"Idiot." He grumbles.

"Let's sit down." I suggest, dragging him to a nearby bench that's next to the fountain.

"We're nearly at the car park, Riv." He groans, reluctantly following behind me.

"You try wearing these heels." I sigh in exhaustion, sitting down on the bench and resting my head on his shoulder when he sits next to me.

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