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smut 🛋

smut 🛋 ___________________________________

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"Baby don't do that." I sigh, prying Matteo's hands away from Reyna's hair then rubbing her head gently.

"Hug?" My three year olds asks me, pointing at his sister who is colouring on the kitchen table.

"." I peck his cheek and sit him down next to Reyna.

A wide smile spreads across my lips as I watch him kiss her cheek and hug her tightly. My daughter looks slightly confused about his sudden action but hugs him back regardless.

"Mamà." She says, making grabby hands towards me as Matteo continues to colour in his picture.

I pick her up, kiss her temple and walk back over to the stove. Today was my day off with the twins so it's my turn to make dinner for us. My cooking has improved thanks to my dearest husband. I stir the pot and balance her on my hip as she looks down at what I'm doing with curiosity.

Tomorrow Alea and I are going out which means Ace will be looking after the twins. I know how busy he's been over the past few years with his company's expansion and the Cosa Nostra. Being the worlds fastest growing billionaire consumes his entire day yet he makes time for us. He's worked his ass off to get where he is and I'm proud of him.

As for my modelling company, I have started opening up different branches around the world but since I'm the CEO the main one is here in New York. Last week I went on a business trip for the grand opening of my branch in LA. These past few years have really changed for us. Balancing between managing the mafia and our companies has us all over the place but we've grown use to it.

"Matt you want some too?" I ask, pouring Reyna some food on her plate before sitting her down at the table to eat it.

"Yes please." He says with a smile I'm oh so familiar with. Just like his Papà.

I pour his food and pick him up from the counter, sitting him down at the table so he can eat his food.

"Gracias." He says, picking up his fork and eating his food, making a slight mess as he does so.

I kiss his temple and put a napkin on his lap so his food doesn't go on his clothes. Messy boy.

"Juice por favor." Reyna says.

I get two juice boxes from the fridge and put it besides them before cleaning up the kitchen a bit. I put the leftovers in the fridge for Ace to have since he's coming home later.

Days when we don't have the twins they are normally at nursery so Ace and I make time for each other.

After the twins eat their food, they go of to play as I clean up the kitchen. A couple of minutes later, the front door opens and my husband walks in with an exhausted look on his face. He was wearing a black vest with a white dress shirt underneath it along with black slacks and shoes.

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