Make Up

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Mom and dad got into an argument last night

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Mom and dad got into an argument last night. I don't know what it was about but lets just say there was yelling, door slamming and a lot cursing.

Now they're not speaking to each other and there's a lot of fucking tension. I know all couples argue but I hate it when they aren't talking. It just feels off.

Dad left this morning and it's now dark out. Mom has been in her room all day so we've rarely seen her.

"It's been long enough. We have to do something." Reyna says, swirling her spaghetti on the fork.

Reyna made us dinner and now we're eating alone because of obvious reasons.

"What are we suppose to do? They'll talk in their own time. They always do." I say, shrugging my shoulders and taking a sip of my drink.

"I don't know about you but I think they're acting like fucking children right now. We have to get them to apologise." She says.

"It's none of our business Reyna. Let them talk in their own time or they won't talk at all." I reply, sighing softly.

"Like hell it isn't our business," She throws her hands up, "It is if they're not talking to each other in a house we share. They're both too stubborn to apologise. We have to do something Matt."

"Okay, what's your plan then?" I say, putting my fork down and crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'll talk to dad. You talk to mom. We'll lock them in a room if we have to." She grins wickedly.

"If this plan goes to shit, it's your fault." I warn her, pointing my fork at her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."


Alright so Reyna's plan is finally coming into action because dad just got home. He said that he'll be downstairs if we needed him so now would be the perfect opportunity for Reyna to go speak to him while I speak to mom.

Two stubborn people in one room, what could possibly go wrong?

"Okay, go." She pushes me towards the stairs. "Take her to the office and say you need help with something. Listen to this part very carefully," She says, gripping my collar, "You need run out of there as soon as she's in so I can lock the door, alright? Don't be a moron."

"I know," I sigh, rolling my eyes, "Now shut up and lets go."

She nods her head and rushes down stairs as I walk upstairs towards my parents room. I knock on the door and here a quiet 'come in' so I slowly open it and see mom sitting on the bed on her laptop.

"You okay, sweetheart?" She asks, patting the spot beside her so I jump onto the bed.

"I'm good," I smile up at her and think of my next words carefully, "Uh," I swallow the lump in my throat, "Are you gonna talk to dad anytime soon?"

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