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I've been working out a lot more lately

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I've been working out a lot more lately. Ever since the twins were born I never really had the chance to in a while but now that they're four months I thought now is the perfect opportunity to do so. Most of my time has been consumed by them or work and I haven't had time for myself. Going to the gym is my escape from the chaos. It always has been.

River's in here with the twins while I spar one of my men. I'm a little rusty because I haven't spared anyone in a while but I managed to beat his ass.

By the time I have finished my workout, my whole fucking body aches but it's worth it. After everyone has left, I make my way over to River and upon seeing me a beautiful smile takes over her face. Wordlessly, I slump down next to her and tip my head back against the couch.

"You should fight me." River says.

I tilt my head towards her and raise my brows. "I'm not fighting you." I say, grabbing my towel from the back of the couch and wiping my face.


I only shake my head at her and reach over to run a hand through my my son's hair as he plays with the necklace around her neck.

"I'm gonna shower and I'll take them off you." I say, pecking her cheek. She's been with them all day and it's about time she rests.

"Thank you." She mutters, smiling up at me.

I peck her cheek once more before getting up and leaving the basement. I head straight for our room and immediately get into the shower.


Even after my shower my muscles still ache but I brush it off. River's using her free time to read and since it's time for the twins to take their nap I quickly make their bottles of milk before feeding them on the couch.

It doesn't take long for them to fall asleep and as soon as they do I head up to their nursery. Kissing their foreheads, I switch on the baby monitor and quietly leave.

I walk into the bedroom and River lifts her gaze towards mine. "I was waiting for you." She says, putting her book down.

I raise my eyebrow and saunter over to her. "You were? Why?"

"To give you a massage," She says. "I can tell you're in pain."

"You know me too well," I say softly, sitting down beside her. "But I don't need a massage."

"Stop being stubborn and lay down with your shirt off." She orders.

"Yes ma'am."

Slipping my shirt off, I lay down on my stomach and she immediately straddles my ass. Something cold hits my back and I'm assuming it's oil. I can already feel the tension leaving my muscles when she gently digs her thumbs into my shoulder blades and soothes away the ache.

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