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Coming home to pure chaos is definitely something I am not use to

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Coming home to pure chaos is definitely something I am not use to. Not yet at least. Probably because it's only been four months since River had the twins.

As soon as I open the door to our house, I immediately hear the twins' cries so I quickly rush towards the living where the sounds are coming from.

Walking in, I see River with the twins in her arms trying to calm them down. My eyes soften at the sight of them as I step further into the room. She looks drained and although I insisted on staying at home with her to look after the twins she said she'll be fine. Looking at her now though, I realise that I should've stayed at home with them.

"I'm home." I say, walking up to her as she turns her head at the sound of my voice.

A look of relief washes across her face and her eyes almost plead with me to help her.

Stopping behind her, I place my hand on her hip and bring my other to the back of Reyna's head. Our three month old lifts her head up from River's shoulder and look up at me with teary eyes.

"Hey," I say softly, dipping my head down to her level, "Why is my princess crying?"

She reaches for me so I take her from River's arms and her cries down to small whimpers as she lays her head down on my shoulder.

Then, I move over to my son. "And you, little man? What can I do for you?"

His cries continue as I cup his cheek and gently wipe his tears away. Until eventually he calms down and buries his face into River's neck.

"Thank God." She sighs in relief and leans her head back against my chest.

I wrap and my free arm around her waist and press my lips into her hair. "You good?"

A moment passes before her answer finally comes. "I just feel like I'm doing such a shitty job at this." She whispers with her eyes closed and her body melted against mine.

"Being a mother is one of the hardest jobs in the world." I say, kissing her closed eyelids. "You're doing an amazing job, Riv. Don't you dare say otherwise."

"Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing." She says softly, opening her eyes and gazing up at me.

All of this is new to us and half the time I don't know what I'm doing but it seems like she always does. Despite what she says. I've never even taken care of a baby before. Let alone two. I'm still learning. For fuck sakes it took me a month to learn how to change their damn diaper.

"And you think I do?" I raise my eyebrows. "We're still learning, love. It's okay."

Wordlessly, she leans up and kisses me from an upside down angle. I slip my tongue inside of her mouth and press her ass against my groin, causing her to whimper into the kiss. I was about to deepen the kiss but before I could do anything further the twins start fussing again so we're force to break apart.

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