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Our two year old daughter has been real sassy lately

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Our two year old daughter has been real sassy lately. I don't know if it's a phase but she's being a little shit with all that attitude she's carrying.

Anyways, Ace and I decided to take the kids out to the park since it's so goddamn hot out. Matteo has been wanting to go because he likes the outdoors so we thought we'd take the day off work to take them.

Only problem is that Reyna's being a little difficult again.

"Reyna, you wanna get out?" I ask her, taking off my seatbelt and turning around to look at her.

In response, she rolls her eyes and turns her face towards the window. Completely ignoring me and my question.

"Are you seeing this?" I ask Ace, furrowing my eyebrows.

He turns around in his seat to face Reyna and I swear to God I wanna smack that smile off his face. He looks like he's on the verge of laughing.

"Don't laugh. You'll encourage her." I whisper yell, shoving his shoulder.

"I'm not." He replies, biting his lip to hold back his laughter. Dickhead.

"Miss girl," I redirect my attention towards Reyna. "I don't know where you got this attitude from but you better drop it."

"I want my dummy." She scowls at me.

"You only get that at night," I reply. "And if you look outside the sun is out."

"And you wonder where she gets all that attitude from." Ace mutters from beside me.

"Don't you start." I shoot him a glare and point a finger at him.

"Yes ma'am." He says, quickly unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out the car. Then, he goes round to Matteo's side and gets him out of the car too.

"Reyna, let's go." I tell her once again.

"Give me my dummy." She says with a glare on her face as she crosses her arms over her chest in defiance.

"You only get it at night." I reply, letting out a frustrated breath.

"I want my dummy." She repeats slowly, rolling her eyes.

"Fuck sakes." I mutter under my breath, getting out of the car and opening her door.

"No." She whines.

"Reyna Del Rosso you have from the count of five." I warn her.

Her cheeks turn slightly red from her anger and her eyes start to brim with tears. "No!" She shouts.

"Five." I start.

"Don't wanna."

"Four." I raise a brow at her.

"Papà!" She cries and within a second Ace is by her side. It's typical of her to cry out for him. He's her biggest protector and she knows that.

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